Department of Elementary Education



Recent trends in teaching the language arts in the elementary school. Modern materials and techniques; review of research. Application to classroom facilitated.

3 s.h. 3 c.h.


This course is designed to prepare the student to:

1. Understand the relationship of the integral parts of the language arts.

2. Understand the development of language.

3. Integrate language arts with the total curriculum.

4. Develop an understanding of current research.

5. Demonstrate a familiarity with current resources and materials for use in

a language arts program for a multicultural society.

6. Construct and evaluate materials used in a language arts program.

7. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the language arts skills.


  1. Performance assessments that include oral presentations, written papers, reading current research, and evaluation of language arts programs.
  1. Course projects that include integration of the language arts into the curriculum, resources and materials for diverse learners, construction and evaluation of various language arts materials.
  1. Participation in classroom projects, presentations and discussions.
  1. Quizzes and tests


I. Relationship of the integral parts of language arts.


1.Purposes of listening

2.Type of listening

3. Listening experiences

B.Oral Language

1. Purposes of oral language

2. Dialects

3. Languages of other cultures


1.Language experience approach

2. Planning experience

D. Written Language

1.Practical writing

2. Personal writing



c.Haiku, Cinquain, Poetry

3.Planning experiences

E.Critical Viewing

1.Electronic media

2.Print-based media

II.Language is communication

A.Development of language

B.Piaget's contributions

C.Relationship of child growth and development to language

D. Factors affecting language development

E.Drama, literature, the arts, movement

III.Integrating language arts with the total curriculum

A. Language arts as "skills" used across the curriculum

B.Needs of children in a multicultural society

C. Planning experiences

D.Modes of instruction

IV.Assessment of strengths and strategic needs related to language arts outcomes

A.Evaluation of the skills

1. Checklists



4.Record Keeping

5.Teaching Strategies

6. Language Tests

B.Measuring and Reporting Outcomes

1. Continuous Progress

2.Portfolio Assessment

V.School and Community Partnerships

A.Parents, friends and teachers supporting language arts development

B.Extending Language Arts into the world and beyond the school

Instructional Resources

Atwell, N. (1998). In the middle: Writing, reading and learning with adolescents.

Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers Heinemann. LB1631 .A72 1989

------(1990). Coming to know: Writing to learn in the intermediate grades. Portsmouth,

NH: Heinemann. LB1576 .C578 1990

------(1991). Side by side: Essays on teaching to learn. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. LB1576 .A795 1991

Avery, C. (2002). …And with a light touch. Second Edition. Portsmouth, NH: Heinneman.

Barchers, S.I. (1990). Creating and managing the literate classroom. Englewood, CO: Teacher Ideas Press. LB1575 .B2 1990

Brown, H. & Cambourne, B. (1990). Read and retell: A strategy for the whole-language/Natural learning classroom. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. LB1573.33 .B76 1990

Brown, S.E. (1986). What's that I hear?: Activities to develop listening skills in children 3-8. Tucson: Communication Skill Builders. LB1139.L5 B76 1986

Burns, P.C. & Broman, B. (1983). The language arts in childhood education, 5th edition. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co.

Burns, P.C. & Bassett, R. (1982). Language arts activities for elementary schools. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co.

Burrows, A., et. al. (1964). They all want to write. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Co. 372.61 B946t, 1984

Calkins, L.M. & Harwayne, S. (1991). Writing portfolios: A bridge from teaching to assessment. Markham, Ontario: Pippin Publishing Limited.

Close, E. & Ramsey, K. (2000). A middle mosaic. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of


Cohle, D., M., Towle, W. (2001). Connecting reading and writing in theintermediategrades: a workshop approach. [Newark, Del.]: International Reading Association.

LB1576 .T685 2001

Coody, B. & Nelson, D. (1986). Teaching elementary language arts. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.

Coody, B. & Nelson, D. (1982). Successful activities for enriching the language arts. Prospect

Heights, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.

Cox, C. (1988). Teaching language arts. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 372.6044 C839t

DeHaven, E.P. (1988). Teaching and learning the language arts. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. LB 1576 D33 1988b

Doake, D.B. (1988). Reading begins at birth. Ontario: Scholastic.

Donoghue, M.R. (1990). The child and the English language, 5th edition. Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown Publishers.

Edelsky, C., et. al. (1991). Whole language: What's the difference? Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. LB1576 .E27 1991

Ellis, S.S. & Whalen, S.F. (1990). Cooperative learning: Getting started. Ontario: Scholastic.

LB 1032 E54 1990

Fair, J., et. al. (1988). Kids are consumers, too!: Real-world reading and language arts. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. LB1575.8 .F355 1988

Fear, D.E. & Schiffhorst, G.J. (1986). Short English handbook/3. Glenview, IL: Scott

Foresman and Co.

Flurkey, A. & Meyer, R. (eds.) (1994). Under the whole language umbrella. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. LB1576 .U52 1994

Freeman, E. & Person, D. (eds.) (1992). Using nonfiction trade books in the classroom: From ants to zeppelins. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.

Froese, V. (Ed.). (1996). Whole language: Practice and theory. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. LB1573 .W534 1996

Fry, E.B. (ED.). (1984). The reading teacher's book of lists. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. LB1050.2 .F79 2000

Gentry, J.R. (1987). Spel...is a four-letter word. Ontario: Scholastic. LB 1574 G4 1987

Goodman, K. (1986). What's whole in whole language?. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. LB 1573.33 G65 1986

Goodman, Y. (2003). Valuing language study. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of


Greenburg, J.C. (1982). The language arts handbook: A total communication approach. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press. 372.6 L2687

Hall, M.A. (1981). Teaching reading as a language experience. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. 372.4 H145t, 1981

Harp, B. & Brewer, J. (1996). Reading and writing: Teaching for the connections. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. LB1576 .H238 1996

Harwayne, S. (2001) Writing through childhood. Portsmouth, NH: Heinneman.

Hennings, D.G. (1986). Teaching the language arts, 3rd edition. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin


______& Grant, B.M. (1981). Written expression in the language arts. New York:

Teacher's College Press. 372.6 H393c, 1981

Jalongo, M.R., Isenberg, J.P. (2004). Exploring your role: a practitioner’s introduction to

early childhood education. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall.

LB1139.25 .J35 2004

Jalongo, M.R. (1992). Early childhood language arts. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. LB1140.5.L3 J35 2003

Johnson, P. (1990). A book of one's own: Developing literacy through making books. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. LB 1575.8 J63 1992

Johnson, T.D. & Louis, D.R. (1990). Bringing it all together: A program for literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. LB1576 .J592 1990

Keane, Nancy J., Wait,Corinne L. (2002). Teaching languagearts through literature: grades 6-8. Worthington, Ohio: Linworth Learning. LB1631 .K34 2002

Kingen, Sharon. (2000). Teaching language arts in middle schools: Connecting and

communicating. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum. LB1631 .K493 2000

Ledbetter, Mary Ellen. (1998). Writing portfolio activitieskit : ready-to-use management techniques and writing activities for grades 7-12. West Nyack, N.Y: Center for Applied Research in Education.. LB1631 .L336 1998

Lundsteen, S.W. (1989). Language arts: A problem-solving approach. New York: Harper &

Row, Publishers.

Mahoney, W.E. (1985). Workbook of current English, 3rd edition. Glenview, IL: Scott

Foresman and Co.

Mangieri, J.N., et. al. (1984). Teaching language arts: Classroom applications. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.

Manning, G. & Manning, M. (1989). Whole language: Beliefs and practices, K-8.

Washington, D.C.: NEA Professional Library, National Education Association. LB1576 .W4866 1989

Marten, C. (2003), Word crafting. Portsmouth, NH: Heinneman.

Mason, J.M. (Ed.). (1989). Reading and writing connections. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. LB1572.9 .R42 1989

Matthew, K. I., Lowe, J. L. (2002). Neal-Schuman guide to recommended children's books and media for use with every elementary subject. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers. Copy Ordered as of 05/18/2005

McCracken, R.A. (1986). Stories, songs and poetry to teach reading and writing: Literacy through language. Chicago: American Library Association. 372.6044 M137s

McElmeel, S. (1991). Adventures with social studies (through literature). Englewood, CO: Teacher Ideas Press. LB1584 .M385 1991

McGee, L.M. & Richgels, D.J. (2004). Literacy's beginnings: Supporting young readers and writers. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. LB1139.5.R43 M33 2004

McLaughlin, Maureen. (2003). Guided comprehension in the primarygrades. Newark, Del.:

International Reading Association. LB1525.7 .M35 2003

Mills, H., O'Keefe, T. & Stephens, D. (1992). Looking closely: Exploring the role of phonics in one whole language classroom. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. LB1573.3 .M55 1992

Moffett, J. (1983). Teaching the universe of discourse. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co. LB1576 .M573 1987

______& Wagner, B.J. (1983). Student-centered language arts and reading, K-13: A handbook for teachers, 3rd edition. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co. LB1576 .M57 1976

Murphy, S. & Dudley-Marling, C. (2003). Literacy through language arts. Urbana, IL:

National Council of Teachers of English.

Murphy, S. & Smith, M.A. (1991). Writing portfolios: A bridge from teaching to assessment. Markham, Ontario: Pippin Publishing Limited.

Murray, D.M. (1968). A writer teaches writing: A practical method of teaching composition. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co. 808.04207 M962w

Neuman, S.B. & Roskos, K.A. (1993). Language and literacy learning in the early years: An integrated approach. Fort Worth: HarcourtBraceJovanovichCollege Publishers. LB1140.5.L3 N5 1993

Newman, J.M. (1985). Whole language: Theory in use. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. LB 1576 W487 1985

Nieto, S. (1992). Affirming diversity: The sociopolitical context of multicultural education. New York: Longman. LC1099.3 .N54 2004

Norton, D.E. (2003). Language arts activities of children, 5th edition. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. LB1576 .N844 2003

Olson, M. & Homan, S. (eds.). (1993). Teacher to teacher: Strategies for the elementary classroom. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. LB1576 .T367 1993

Owocki, G. (2002). Kidwatching. Portsmouth, NH: Heinneman.

Petreshene, S. S. (1989). More mind joggers!: 102 ready-to-use activities that make kids think.

West Nyack, NY: Center for Applied Research in Education. LB1590.3 .P48 1989

Petty, W.T., et. al. (1981). Experiences in language: Tools and techniques for language arts

methods, 3rd edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Pilon, A.B. (1987). Teaching language arts creatively in the elementary grades. Malabar, FL: R.E. Krieger. LB1576 .P578 1987

Price, B. (1985). Elementary composition activities kit. West Nyack, NY: The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc.

Routman, R. (2000). Conversations. Portsmouth, NH: Heinneman.

_____(1988). Transition: From Literature to literacy. Portsmouth , NH: Heinemann.

______(1994). Invitations: Changing as teachers and learners K-12. Portsmouth, N. H:

Heinemann. LB1050.35 .R68 1994

Rubin, D. (1980). The intermediate grade teacher's language arts handbook. New York: Holt,

Rinehart and Winston.

______(1980). The primary grade teacher's language arts handbook. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

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______(1985). Teaching elementary language arts, 3rd edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. This is 1975 ed. 372.6 R824t

Silberman, A. (1991). Growing up writing: Teaching children to write, think and learn.

New York: Times Books. LB1576 .S43 1991

Simon, L. (2004). Strategic spelling. Portsmouth, NH: Heinneman.

Simmons, J. (ed.) (1994). Censorship: A Threat to Reading, Learning, Thinking. Newark, DE:

International Reading Association. LC72.2 .C46 1994

Sloan, G. D. (1991). The child as critic: Teaching literature in elementary and middle schools.

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Smith, C.B. (1984). Teaching reading and writing together: The classroom connection.

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Smith, R.J. (1985). Using poetry to teach reading and language arts: A handbook for

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Steineke, Nancy. (2002). Reading and writing together: collaborative literacy in action.

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Stephens, Elaine C., Brown,Jean E. (2005) A handbook of contentliteracy strategies: 125 practical reading and writing ideas. 2nd ed. Norwood, Mass.: Christopher Gordon. LB1576 .S7895 2004

Stewig, J. (1983). Informal drama in the language arts program. New York: Teacher's

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Stewig, J.W. (1990). Read to write: Using children's literature as a springboard for teaching

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Stoodt, B.D. (1988). Teaching language arts. New York: Harper & Row.

Suid, M. I. (1989). Recipes for writing: Motivation, skills, and activities. Menlo Park, CA:

Addison-Wesley. LB1631 .S84 1989

Tiedt, S.W. & Tiedt, I.M. (2001). Language arts activities for the classroom, 3rd ed. Boston:

Houghton-Mifflin Co. LB1576 .T564 2001

Thompson, G. (1991). Teaching through themes. Ontario: Scholastic Professional Books.

LB1027 .T56 1991

Tompkins, G.E. & Hoskisson, K. (1991). Language arts: Content and teaching strategies.

New York: Merrill. LB1576 .T655 1991

Toth, M.D., et.al. (1991). World of language. Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett & Ginn.

Trousdale, A., Woestehoff, S. and Schwartz, M. (eds.). (1994). Give a Listen: Stories of

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Vacca, R.T. & Rasinski, T.V. (1992). Case studies in whole language. Fort Worth: Harcourt

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Revised 10/2005