Research Question: What causes mental retardation and what supports are available? (Address this question and introduce info regarding mental retardation in introduction. Include the following: Intellectual disability was once commonly called mental retardation. Those with intellectual disability have an IQ of less than 70-75, whereas the average IQ is 100 (Intellectual Disability).

Citation for Works Cited
"Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments." WebMD. WebMD. Web. 07 Apr. 2016. <>.
In-text Citation
(Intellectual Disability) / Intellectual disability (ID), once called mental retardation, is characterized by below-average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. ^^^SAVE for Introduction
People with intellectual disabilities can and do learn new skills, but they learn them more slowly. There are varying degrees of intellectual disability, from mild to profound. / Intellectual functioning, communication, and day-to-day life skills are limited
avg IQ is 100 – those with intellectual disability have IQ less than 70-75 <INTRO
signs appear in infancy
Some who are severe may also have seizures, anxiety, autism, vision problems, hearing problems, etc.
Intellectual disability has many different characteristics. Research shows that many signs of the disability appear in infancy (Intellectual Disability). This means that parents need to report anything unusual in their child’s behavior to their pediatrician. This is important because the necessary supports for the child and the family should be arranged as soon as possible. According to this research, the intellectual functioning, communication, and day-to-day skills of those effected are limited. Unfortunately, many of those suffering from this disability are misunderstood. Imagine the life of an adult who does not understand beyond the intellect of a child and needs help performing tasks that most take for granted. The aforementioned article also indicates that some cases of this disability are more severe than others and may include seizures, anxiety, autism, vision and/or hearing problems, and otherwise. Unfortunately, the lives of those with intellectual disability are subject to more struggles than can be imagined. Compassion and understanding for all involved is not always available from the outside world, yet even the support from a few must make an incredible difference. Atypical appearances, behaviors, communication styles and physical challenges are a sampling of the characteristics of those with an intellectual disability.
There are a variety of supports available to the intellectually disabled. According to Dr. Craig M. Ellis, homes have been established for mentally retarded children so they can live safe and happy lives (161). There are likely many situations where families are not equipped to provide what their disabled children need. Placing their child in a supportive group home with other children is a kind alternative and provides structure, normalcy, and medical supervision… Continue paragraph with additional evidence and commentary regarding the supports available.
Craig, Ellis M., PhD, et al. The Story of Intellectual Disability: An Evolution of Meaning, Understanding, and Public Perception. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company, 2013. PDF.
In-Text Citation (by author name and page # if available)
(Craig 159) or (Craig 161) / "...metabolic disorder called phenylketonuria, orPKU. Left untreated, the blood stream of children with PKU accrues high levels ofunsynthesized phenylalanine, an amino acid found in a host of foods—includingbreast milk, meat, chicken, fish, nuts, and dairy products—resulting in, among othersymptoms, cognitive disability as a function of neural damage." (159)
"In the early 1960s, pediatrician and microbiologist Robert Guthrie, with funding from the National Association for Retarded Children, a parent advocacy organiza-tion, developed a blood test that could detect the presence of PKU. Known as theGuthrie Spot, newborns worldwide are screened for the presence of PKU. If detectedearly, children with PKU can be placed on phenylalanine-restricted diets and experi-ence typical developmental outcomes" (159) / homes established for children with disorder so they could live a safe and happy life. (161)

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