InChapter3,yourcharacteris finallyinaposition toput together everythinglearnedand constructasolution to the fundamental problem.However,solutionsoften donot comewithoutapriceandothersmaytrytoensure thata solution is neverfound.Somethingorsomeone tries to standinthe way,butyourcharacter arises victorious.He/shereturns tothe ordinaryworldandprovidesthe leadership needed to create anewworldwhere theoldproblemeitherdisappearsor becomeslessofanissue.

Stage 9 - Struggle for Survival Firmscanrespondtothethreatof littleprofitunder perfect competitionandpotentiallyno profitunder thethreatof monopoly be differentiatingtheir products. Howcanyoucome outaheadina worldfilledwithrivals?

Stage 10- SolutionEmerges Productdifferentiationcomesat the expenseof efficiencyand doesnot representasolutiontothe fundamentalproblem. The problem canonlybe solvedwithinnovation. Howcaninnovationbecome a dynamic force for change?

Stage 12- The FinalTest Cooperationamonglarge businessescanalsobe usedto stopinnovation. Howcan cooperationbecomea force for bothgoodandevil?

Stage 11- ANewThreat Innovationcanbe athreattothe existingorder andhencethe governmentmightbeusedtostifle innovation.Inwhatwaydoesa challenge tothe existingorder createconflict?

Fillinthe boxeswithyourstory(ora short summary).Althoughyourdetailsandstorylinemaydiffer fromthe outline onthe previous page, the big pictureis still thesame.Make sure you’veincluded at leastoneeconomic conceptineach stage, the attributesyou’veearnedtohelpbuild yourcharacter, and transitionalsentences betweenstages tokeepone, consistent story.

Stage 9- Monopoly,BarrierstoEntry, Market Power

Stage 10- Differentiated Products, Monopolistic

Competition,Long-Run Inefficiency



Stage 12- Conclusion Stage 11- Oligopoly, Collusion, Cooperative



1 -Doesn’tMeet / 2 -Partially Meets / 3 -Nearly Meets / 4 - Meets / 5 -Exceeds
Ideas (economic concepts) / Does not demonstrate
understandingof important concepts / Concepts
underdeveloped, lack of supporting evidence / Writingis at times
unclear or uncertain;
some “fluff” / Ideas clearlyexplained
and fullysupported with evidence / Demonstrates rich
understandingof concepts; ideas supported well; writingis both informative and engaging
logically, paragraphs, intro/conclusion) / Littleor no evidence
that writer is thinking about thetext as a whole, e.g. thesis lackingor nonexistent; unclear howideas relate; missing appropriate transitions; etc. / Ideas related, but
explanations and evidenceunclear or nonexistence; paragraph order questionable; weak transitions, conclusion, and/or introduction / At timesunclear how
sentences, ideas, or evidencerelateto one another. Structural elements (introduction, thesis, closing) in need of improvement. Perhaps could have used onemorerevision / Writingis focused.
Sentences, ideas,and evidenceallfollow one anotherlogically / Evidencethat writer has
seriouslyconsideredall elements of structurefrom global (thesis, main
points) to local (sentences connected)
Presentation (spelling, grammar, run-on sentences,etc.) / Writer has paid little
attention to how text looks: frequent typos/errors, missing name/date/title etc.; writer demonstrates little orno senseof how to writefora business audience;
sentences full of“fluff” / Writingis at times
vague, imprecise, and/or unclear; many typos/errors; writer has been careless about adheringto conventions (title, pagenumbers,etc.) / Languageis clear,
though writer does not seem to understand the audienceforthis assignment; writer did not fixeasy-to-spot typos, neglected some conventions; onemore revision would’ve madeabigdifference / Sentences mostlyfree
of excess words; writer has command ofword choice and understands purpose and audience forthis text;text is mostlyerror-free / Sentences areengaging
and interesting; clear senseof purpose and audience; text freeof errors; writer clearlyhas firm grasp of business writingconventions


Use ofparagraphs(indentation)

Don’t Forget:

Grammar, correctuseof commas,capitalizing whennecessary,spellingerrors

Makesure ideasrelate andflowlogically

Beware of run-onsentences

Keepthesame storylinethroughoutyour paper

Use your storytoexemplifythe economics concepts–don’tjuststateglossarydefinitions!

Use the detailsinyour storytodemonstratethe economic conceptsrather thanstatingthe word
