Welcome to Franklin-Academy Sunrise. My name is Ms. Katia and I will be your 6th grade Mathematics I teacher. During the first week of school we will be focusing on student expectations to be successful during this school year.

Course Description:

Sixth grade math reinforces basic mathematical concepts and introduces skills that are essential for all students. Concepts, procedures, and vocabulary that students will need in order to be successful in upper level algebra and geometry courses are introduced and practiced daily. Students begin with a general review. They are introduced to exponents, geometric formulas, algebraic concepts, ratios, percentages, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. Sixth grade math students work extensively on fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and estimation. Problem solving strategies are also an integral part of the curriculum.
Course Goal:

To prepare students for the Florida Standard Assessment (FSA) by covering the Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS).

For students to demonstrate comprehension and application of the above topics with proficiency.

To prepare students for future Mathematics courses.


Classwork – Students will be working individually and/or in groups daily.

Project – Students will be responsible to complete one project per quarter. The project will generate multiple grades

Exam – Exams will be announced in advance and given on Tuesdays. A review will be given on the Monday before.

Quiz – Quizzes will be announced in advance and may be given on any day of the week. Usually a brief review will be given the day of the quiz.

Every student will receive an agenda book. All assignments are to be recorded in the book and brought home daily. PLEASE CHECK THE AGENDA DAILY.

Grading Policy:












Respect yourself and others

Enter ready

Silent when others talk

Participate daily

Erase negative thinking

Care for classroom



As a school wide policy, I keep a log of behavioral and uniform infractions. Three infractions in the same category will result in an after school detention. At Franklin - Academy Sunrise we strictly adhere to the Broward County School Discipline Matrix.

Snack Time:

Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack, (NO CANDY). Snack time will be during the last ten minutes of second period. Please do not send a snack that requires clean-up of hands and/or desk. WATER IS THE ONLY DRINK PERMITTED. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Electronic Devices:

The use of cell Phones during school hours are prohibited. Students should not have any electronic devices on them. They should remain off, in their backpack, and out of sight at all times.


Composition Notebook

Spiral Notebook (More than 70 pages)

Yellow Duo-tang (Folder with pockets)

Folder with pocket for small groups RED PURPLE GREEN BLUE ORANGE

Loose leaf paper (at least four packs)


Pencil Pouch



Post It Notes

Graph Paper


White board and marker

I have received and read the 2017-2018 Mathematics I syllabus. Please sign and return.

______Parent Signature ______Date

______Student Signature ______Date