Administer Workforce:
How to Complete a Mailing Labels Request / / Business Process Guide FRM006

How to Complete a Mailing Labels Request

Process Scope and Definition: This document describes how to complete the mailing labels request form used in conjunction with the implementation of the PeopleSoft HR system.

Process Purpose: A new form has been implemented effective July 1, 2001, for Employees to request campus mailing labels. Upon review of all the requests currently made, we have found that a majority of the labels were for department distribution of various flyers, notifications, etc. Here users requested a label per department with the headcount of employees also indicated on the label. For example, Budget Office (7), Staff Personnel (10), etc. These labels would then be placed with the appropriate amount of copies attached. No employee names were on these types of labels. The other portion of the mailing labels did have specific employee names and were targeting specific populations of people on campus. We have incorporated both types of label processing into the new system.


Process Owner: HRIT and ITS

Legacy Relationship: Mailing labels are generated today using information from the Employee Data System (EDS). EDS will be replaced by PeopleSoft HR and thus a new process was created for label generation. To streamline the support for the numerous mailing labels requests, we have created an ACCESS database program to generate the mailing labels. The most commonly requested criteria was used in the development of this database. PeopleSoft will generate an employee and department extract nightly which will update the ACCESS mailing labels program. Computer operations will process user requests using the ACCESS program. Should the need arise to have a specialized criteria developed, HRIT will be responsible for the programming efforts.

Process Flow

  1. When an entity (Academic Senate, 49er Shop, etc.) wants labels with employees names with campus addresses, the label request will be made to Academic Personnel-Irene Wood or Staff Personnel (Tom Angell) depending on the type of request for review. Irene and Tom (or designated staff) will work with users to ensure requests can be met. If the request is denied, the request is sent back to the user with the reason(s) for rejection. If the request turns out to be a customized label which the ACCESS database can’t handle, HRIT( Sherry Litts and staff) will be notified to perform the programming. An estimated time of completion will be given to the requester. Once the request is reviewed /approved by Personnel it is forwarded to ITS operations for processing.
  1. Once the request is processed, ITS operations will notify the requester to pick up the labels in the ITS front office. If the label request is a file, the file will be emailed to the requester using the email address on the request form. ITS will complete the bottom portion of therequest form and return to the requester.

Completing the Request Form:

Information to be completed by Requestor


Department & Dept ID# : Enter your department name and PS department code. These are listed on the second page of the request form for reference.

Date Requested: Enter the date you are making the request; normally today’s date.

Requester:Enter your first and last name.

Date Required by:Enter the date you require the labels by. Note: please allow sufficient time for very complicated labels request or very voluminous labels processing (1-3 days for processing time is not unreasonable so please plan ahead)

Phone Extension:Enter the phone extension where you may be reached.

Quantity Required:Enter how many label sets you would like. For example 1 set, 3 sets, or a file of label information. For requestors who would like to use MS Word to generate their own labels we are providing the option of giving you a file with the mailing information.

Select all categories of employees to be included in the label run

This section also completed by the requester provides the categories and/or filters to use in the mailing labels generation process.


Faculty (R03), Teaching Associates & Graduate Assistants : Enter the category of desired faculty.

  • Pre-Retired Faculty:
  • Coaches: includesjobcodes (classifications) 2376,2379,2382,2384
  • Student Svcs Professionals, Academic-Related: 3070-3075
  • Part Time Lecturers (2358/2359) - timebase must be less than 1.0.
  • Ranked Faculty- includes jobcodes 2360,2361, 2388, 2387, 2388, 2399, 2481, 2482, and FERPS currently on payroll. Those with multiple positions may appear twice. For example, a Dept. Chair and 2360 faculty position. Use the filter suppress duplicates if you do not want duplicates.
  • Graduate Assistants- jobcode 2355
  • Faculty on Sabbatical/DIP Leave- includes those on Sabbatical or Difference In Pay Leave
  • Librarians- includes jobcodes 2914,2919,2920,2926,2927
  • FullTtime Lecturers (2358/2359) - timebase is 1.0
  • FERP- all FERPs- includes those who are not currently active on payroll
  • Department Chairs- includes all Dept. Chairs, regardless of timebase – those with multiple positions and those with just a Dept. Chair position
  • Teaching Associates- jobcode 2354

Staff Employees: Enter the category of desired staff or student employee types.

  • All Staff: includes bargaining units R01, R04, C99, CSEA- (R02,R05,R07,R09), R06, R08
  • All Administrators: includes M98, M80
  • Confidentials: includes C99
  • Unit 1 Physicians- includes R01 Physicians
  • Units 2,5,7,9- includes all CSEA employees
  • Unit 4 Academic Professionals- includes all R04 employees
  • Unit 6 SETC- includes skilled trades employees
  • Unit 8 Police- Police

Filters:The filters allow you to further refine your selection criteria.

  • Females Only- only the female members of the employee categories selected.
  • Males Only- only the male members of the employee categories selected.
  • Probationary- only those on probation status within the employee categories selected.
  • Suppress Duplicates- if someones name appears twice given the selection criteria don’t print out a second label.
  • Probationary- only employees with a probationary status.
  • Tenured/Permanent- only tenured or permanent status members of the employee categories selected.
  • Exclude EE’s on Leave Status- checking this box will exclude employees in the category selected who are on leave.
  • Veterans- all Veterans in the selected employee category.
  • Temporary Appointment- all the temporary appointment personnel in the selected category.

Label Type

  • Home Addresses- checking this box indicates you will receive employee’s name and home address. Due to privacy issues home address label request are for official campus business only.
  • Office Addresses- checking this box indicates you will be getting department labels with the employees names on it.
  • Department Distribution Labels- checking this box indicates that you want a department headcount label. It will produce labels with an employee headcount for a specific dept., college, division, or University Wide depending on your entry in the subsequent section of the form.
  • Send Labels as Summary Report and Email File- checking this box indicates that you want a file with the names for the mailing labels and a list of all the names in the file. Please provide your email address on the line below the Send Labels as Summary Report and Label File. This is where your completed file will be sent. Files should be destroyed after labels have been printed.

Departments to Include:

  • All Departments-will give you all of the campus
  • Selected Division(s)/College(s): - will give you specified Division/College labels
  • Selected Department(s)- will give you specified Department(s) labels
  • Reason for Request:Business justification for label request. These are reviewed by Personnel.
  • Comments/AdditionalDetails: Additional information not indicated in any other area of the form.

Information to be completed by Approver

Charge Label Costs to (use valid FIS chartfield combinations)

(To be filled out by approver prior to sending request to the appropriatePersonnel offices)

  • Reference/Requisition No: enter requisition number or reference number
  • Account, Fund, DeptID - enter appropriate FIS account, fund, & deptID (required)
  • Total Estimated Cost: enter the estimated total.
  • Program, Class, Projec, - enter appropriate FIS program, class, & project (optional)
  • Approver’s signature & Date- approver will sign and date

Information to be completed by Personnel

  • Personnel Signature: Personnel will sign request and forward to ITS for processing
  • Date: dateapproved by Personnel

For ITS Use Only

  • Processed By: name of individual processing the job
  • Date: date processed
  • Quantity: amount of labels produced
  • Setup Fee: amount charged for setup of job
  • Total amount charged: total cost for job

Page 1 of 4 / HRIS BPG Date:4/23/01
Last Revised: 07/09/01