-context: Republicans lost second pdt election in a row (even though many disappointed by Obama; give details); time for critical self-examination

-RNC: reminder of its role and of its limited power

-obvious observation: widening chasm between the different levels of the party. Question: what lessons to be learnt from this.

Pb: a survival guide for the Republican party: why it needs to reinvent its image to get out of its downward spiral

I. A tale of two parties

1 “a tale of two parties”: divisions, rift between federal and state level (reminder: no real national organization for the party)

a. utter failure at the federal level

2 not mentioned: fed GOP so out of touch because of safe constituencies; incumbency never threatened: no need to create broad appeal (contrary to what happens at the state level); also explains hold of extremists on the party

5 “lost the popular vote”: even in 2000, when Bush was elected; seems can win only through the flaws of the system

6-7 even traditionally safe Rep ground is turning Dem: alarming development: nothing safe anymore

9-10 another reminder of recent defeats: Reps need to confront the truth about the unpopularity of their party

11-12 contrast with prior decades; question obviously is: what happened? How did the GOP go from being the majority party to being an unpopular party?

17-18 same problem as outlined above: fed Reps only concerned with their core constituencies; works well for them personally, but terrible effect for the party at large

41 “on every issue”: too intransigent

42 too much focus on ideology

TR stark contrast with the federal ideologues: the state pragmatists

b. success at the state level

18 different story at state level: this is where true reform-minded Reps are to be found; again, tale of two parties; mention contrast Romney as governor/Romney as presidential candidate

19-21 success story at the state level, not far from the party’s heyday in the 1920s

22-23 state level: reasonable, pragmatic brand of republicanism. They reform – they do not obstruct like Congressional Republicans.

24-25 they appeal beyond traditional Rep voters: there lies the only salvation for the future of the party

26-29 core message of the document: the failing federal branch of the GOP needs to learn from its successful state branches

TR lesson to be learnt at the state level: modernize or perish

II. Modernize or perish

3-4 sense of urgency: real danger for future of party

a. an alarming future

6-7 even traditionally safe Rep ground is turning Dem: alarming development: nothing safe anymore

13-15 out of touch with young voters and minorities, who make the Dems strong and who are the future of the country: doesn’t bode well for the future of the GOP

39-41 Reps successful only with people who are already convinced; fail at making new converts: again bodes ill for the future of the party

28-29 need to soften the ideological position of the party to broaden its appeal

43 & 45 absolute need to attract new voters

46 the party needs to open

TR before can do that: need to deal with the Reagan heritage

b. the ambiguous heritage of Ronald Reagan

30-34 several problems identified: party hasn’t evolved/modernized; appealing in the 1980s because fresh then; has now grown stale and rigid; explains why losing younger voters, and will only get worse

35-38 message here: instead of remembering Reagan’s ideas, Reps should remember that Reagan sounded fresh and in tune with his times; trying to apply his ideas in 2013: nonsense

TR owe it to the country, because…

c. still the best party for America

13 problem of public perception: cautious at first: blame not really laid on the party itself

15-16 in other words: the party has great ideas, but they can’t put them across because people won’t listen. So question: how to make young people and minorities listen?

22-23 They are the ones moving the country forward – contrary to Dems

43-45 a reminder that the real evil is the Democratic party


GOP: best party for America; can’t let it go to waste.

Need to rebrand, remarket and reinvent themselves. Problem: not values, but message and focus.

Future of the country: the young and minorities. If let them get away: writing on the wall for the party.

Above all: federal Republicans need to wake up. They got a majority in the House but they are losing the majority of the country.

Remarkably clear-sighted – or so it seemed until Trump came along, although he too did lose the popular vote…