The Bible Sabbath Association
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Membership, Magazine, Books:
__ BSAM 25.00 Annual Membership—Help support the BSA! FREE postage on orders (USA only), A FREE book, and 10 free tracts. Vote for Board of Directors. Please indicate choices clearly:
[ ] Family ($30), [ ] Institutional ($50), [ ] Life ($500). Free Book [ ] B222 Or [ ] B205 Or [ ] B227 Or [ ] B233 FREE Tracts: Write T- number (s) here______10 copies.
__ B201 17.00 Directory of Sabbath-Observing Groups. 326 pages listing over 300 groups and over 1500 Congregations. Includes a chart with listing by country and state. Printed 2010.
__ B202 14.00 Too Long in the Sun, by Richard Rives 250 pp. Packed with details which relate to the apostasy of the “Last Days” Revealed are the astonishing facts about the ancient “Mysteries” and their Satanic influence upon present day thought.
__ B203 16.00 Time is the Ally of Deceit by Richard Rives. Many aspects of traditional Christianity cannot
be found in the bible. They can however be traced directly to the worship of pagan gods which
predate Christianity by centuries. How is it that precepts that have nothing to do with Christ and
everything to do with pagan sun worship have found their way into our churches? History
reveals that there is one very good answer. Book only. DVD info below.
__ B204 5.00 History of the Sabbath & Sunday, by John Kiesz, 61 pp. ****New Updated and Revised. __ B205 1.00 Rome’s Challenge: Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday? Practice and theory of Protestants
claiming the Bible alone is the teacher, but they ignore the command to keep the Sabbath Holy.
__ B206 20.00 History of the Sabbath, J.N. Andrews, 548 pp. One of the most important books ever written on
the Sabbath. Andrews traces the Biblical and secular history of the seventh day Sabbath,
and the origin of first-day observance. A valuable reference book, not always in print.
__ B207 10.00 History of the Waldenses, 206 pp., J.A. Wylie. Describes in detail the conflict and martyrdom’s
of “the valley dwellers” who maintained their Bible faith for hundreds of years.
__ B208 15.00 The Celtic Church in Britain, by Leslie Hardinge, 265 pp. Shows that Christians in the British Isles almost exclusively kept the seventh day Sabbath for six hundred years after the Messiah.
__ B209 20.00 Truth Triumphant, The Church in the Wilderness, by B.G. Wilkerson, 424 pp. History of Sabbath-keepers worldwide, including the Church of the East in China, India.
__ B210 9.00 Facts of Faith by Christian Edwardson, 315 pp. Educating the people in the fundamental doctrines of the Holy Scriptures through the History of Sabbath Keepers.
__ B211 15.00 From Sabbath to Sunday, by Dr. Samuel Bacchiocchi. Traces the origin of Sunday keeping to
the Church of Rome, as the result of an interplay of political, anti-Jewish, social, and pagan
influences. This 372-page book is a classic!
__ B212 15.00 Divine Rest for Human Restlessness. In our opinion the best book written by Dr. Bacchiocchi.
It is a theological study of the Good News of the Sabbath for today, to be enjoyed on the Sabbath.
__ B213 7.00 The Change of the Sabbath by George Butler. Designed to answer questions on how the Sabbath has changed.
__ B214 11.00 A Woman Rides the Beast: Roman Catholic Church & Last Days, Dave Hunt, 552 pp.
Describes Catholic activities of recent times and the last days.
__ B215 15.00 The Sabbath in the New Testament, by Bacchiocchi, 296 pp. Explores in depth the New
Testament evidence (including Paul) in favor of Sabbath-keeping, answers many questions,
and gives Italian Sabbath recipes.
__ B216 12.00 The Abiding Sabbath and the Lord's Day by A. T. Jones strongly refutes two essays from 1883 and 1885 that present an authoritative discussion of the question as to why Sunday should be kept as the "true Sabbath."
__ B217 12.00 The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man, A.J. Heschel, 118 pp. Is perhaps the premier work
on the philosophy of the Sabbath. Each sentence is weighty and worthy of prayerful meditation.
__ B218 17.00 The Lord’s Day, by Standish. Dive deep into Church history and Scripture to discover the truth.
__ B219 12.00 God’s Sabbath Truth by Aubrey Duncan. The reader is led, step by step, through the history of God’s Sabbath. Enlightening accounts of God’s Sabbath from the perspectives of the Bible, history and contemporary world affairs.You will come to understand the eternal nature of Sabbath
__ B220 4.00 52 Things to Do on the Sabbath. Practical activities to make the Sabbath a delight for all ages.
__ B221 8.00 35 Reasons Why I Keep the Bible Sabbath, by Robert Correia, a small book but relies on the Word of God to clearly document why the seventh-day Sabbath of the Bible is, was, and will remain the true Sabbath. With clarity and sound conclusions, the author outlines thirty-five biblical reasons why he keeps the Sabbath, and why all Christians should return to their biblical roots. This book is an excellent resource for personal study. It is also a wonderful book for sharing with others or using as a basis for Bible studies.
__ B222 2.00 Why I Am A Sabbath Keeping Christian by Dan Jarrard. As a “Sabbath-keeping” Christian, I hope this book will affirm that you travel a path that is worthy of understanding. This book will serve to unfold the reasons why many have chosen to travel a path that is different from yours and their choice is worthy of your understanding. Your path does not, in and of itself, make you a better Christian than “Sunday-keeping” Christians. But, at the same time, neither does it make you less of a Christian.
__ B223 5.00 Conscience Taken Captive, by Don Sanford. A Short History of 7th Day Baptists. An
introduction to the nearly 350 years of 7th Day Baptists; history and polity of the denomination.
__ B224 15.00 The Sabbath Under Crossfire, Bacchiocchi, Analysis of recent Sabbath/Sunday controversy.
__ B225 10.00 The Morality of the Sabbath In this easy-to-read, 96 pp book D M Canright lays out 12 Bible based facts that the 7th day Sabbath is the centerpiece for all the other commandments.
__ B226 8.00 Judaism Revelation of Moses, Or Religion of Men, Book + CD 249p; eye-opening must-read book. It answers the question: Is Judaism legitimately the religion of Moses as set forth in the Old Testament, or is it merely a religion devised by men?
__ B227 5.00 Ten Commandments Twice Removed. Has the church been guilty of discarding the Decalogue?
__ B228 5.00 And Follow Their Faith! Adventists endure persecution by Nazis, 60 pp.
__ B229 12.00 Early Writings of Herbert W. Armstrong by Richard C Nickels. A compilation of public domain articles written from 1928-1953. The articles are hard hitting, and frequently are diametrically opposed to orthodox Protestant beliefs. The purpose is to encourage the Church of God to renew its’ zeal during this time of lukewarmness.
__ B230 14.00 History of the Seventh Day Church of God, by Richard C. Nickels. Covers the controversial history of the Sabbath keepers from the 1850’s to the 1900’s. Not accepting the teachings of Ellen G White, churches sprang up from Michigan to Iowa to Missouri and continued to promote the 7th day Sabbath from a loose coalition that frequently endured splits and divisions.
__ B231 12.00 Primitive Christianity in Crisis, Alan Knight, 3rd Edition, 393 pp. A must read for anyone who
finds himself confused by the debate on law and grace.
__ B232 12.00 Spirit of Antichrist, by Alan Knight. A review of religious apostasy through all of human history.
__ B233 10.00 “Origin and Authority Compared, Sabbath vs. Sunday.” 339 pp Roy A Marrs. Traces the origin and authority of both celebrations, but shows the amazing contrast between God’s way of
initiating celebrations such as Sabbath and feast days, vs. man’s way of initiating celebrations.
__ B234 13.00 A Thousand Shall Fall, by Susy Hasel Mundy, 172 pp. Sabbath faith in Nazi Germany.
A 40-year old pacifist Sabbath keeper was drafted and assigned to Hitler’s elite troops. He discarded his gun fearing he would be tempted to kill. You won’t be able to put this book down!
__ B235 3.00 History of Sabbath in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, Blaine Neumann, 36 pp.
__ B236 8.00 From Sabbath to Sunday by Carlyle Haynes. A clear explanation of how most Christians shifted their day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday. ( This is not Dr. Bacchiochi’s book)
__ B237 13.00 The Ten Commandments: Emphasizing the spiritual nature and lessons of the Decalogue.
__ B238 9.00 The Law and the Sabbath, by Allen Walker, 160 pp. Law versus grace controversy.
__ B239 2.50 The Miracle of the 7th Day Ox. A prisoner of the KGB worked to perform a weekly miracle.
__ B240 14.00 The Jubilee Principal, by Dan White. He examines the economic "long wave"-a boom-and-bust cycle that happens roughly twice a century in free economies-he uncovers the wisdom of the fifty year Jubilee cycle in the Hebrews' economy. showing God's plan to spare Israel the tumult of financial crises.
__ D201 20.00 Israel of the Alps, a stirring 3-part, 85 minute DVD, documenting the History of the
Waldenses, who for over a thousand years, through intense sufferings, clung to the Word of
God, many losing their lives. Many early Waldenses were Sabbath-keepers. Filmed in the Alps.
__ D202 20.00 History of the Jesuits by James Arrabito, 2 hour DVD. Fascinating history of Jesuit organization.
When you study the Jesuits, you will see why they are termed, "enemies of the Sabbath."
__ D203 20.00 A Woman Rides the Beast, 58 minute DVD based on the book.
__ D204 85.00 5-part DVD Set. The Seventh Day: Revelations from the Lost Pages of History.
__ D204 18.00 Available in separate DVD’s
Part 1: Origins of the Sabbath;
Part 2: Jesus to 4th Century;
Part 3: Patrick of Ireland through Wycliffe;
Part 4: Reformation and the Revival of the Sabbath;
Part 5: Explosion of Sabbath-keeping in the Modern Era.
__ D205 100.00 Time is the Ally of Deceit Book and DVD Collection. The book and 5 part DVD study series with Richard Rives. The DVD Set includes 5+ hours of exciting and informative video which is based on and serves to complement the book! Many aspects of traditional Christianity cannot be found in the bible. They can however be traced directly to the worship of pagan gods which predate Christianity by centuries. How is it that precepts that have nothing to do with Christ and everything to do with pagan sun worship have found their way into our churches? History reveals that there is one very good answer.
Part 1: Flee to the Mountains. Part 2: Baal Comes to Rome.
Part 3: The Persian Sun god Mithra. Part 4: Constantine and the Nicaean Council.
Part 5: Remember the Sabbath Day. Extremely well done! Good Reviews.
__ D206 20.00 The New World Order in the Weekly Cycle by Ivan Culver. This documentary systematically dissolves the global deception and clarifies the confusion that is enshrouding "God's holy day" and what is "His" seventh day of the week. This DVD has become a very valuable tool worldwide and without a doubt its relevancy and value will only increase as the battle over the claims and sacredness of Sabbath vs. Sunday intensifies.
__ D207 15.00 In the Beginning Creation According to Genesis, by David Rives. The Holy Bible contains a historical record of the world from the time of creation. That record begins in the book of Genesis, which in the Greek language means “Origins.” In the original Hebrew it is known as “B’reshit” ─Beginning─ and in the very first sentence, the foundation of the whole Bible, we learn that “in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” So let’s start at the VERY beginning. We must not settle for a biblical interpretation conformed to current scientific thought. We should insist on using the Word of God as our foundation for science.
****Leaflets and Tracts (single copies free)****
__ T201 .20 “Roman Catholic and Protestant Confessions about Sunday,” 12 pp.
(Packet of 100, $17.00). Our most popular tract! Perfect gift for your Sunday-keeping friends!
__ T202 .15 “Bible Sabbath —Seventh Day or First Day?” 6 pp. (100, $12.00).
__ T203 .20 “Why the Seventh-day Sabbath?” 10 pp. (100 for $17.00).
__ T204 .10 “Whatever Happened to the Sabbath?” 2 pp. (100 for $9.00).
__ T205 .20 “Why Do You Observe Sunday?” 16 pp. (100 for $18.00).
__ T206 .20 “Why the Protestant Reformation Failed!” (8pp. 100, $15)
__ T207 .10 “What Would Jesus Do on the Weekend?” (6 pp. 100, $9.00).
__ T208 .15 100 Facts On The Sabbath Question. (8 pp., 100, $13.00)
****Sabbath Promotional Aids****
__ P201 1.00 Why God Said Remember. Small pocket book. Sunday teachings disputed.