The Square, Marchington, ST14 8LF
A £20 ‘holding’ deposit will be charged at the time of booking, to be subtracted from the final hire fee. In addition, a refundable ‘good care’ deposit of £25 will also be charged for individual/occasional events. Please discuss this with the Bookings Secretary when making the initial enquiry.
Name / OrganisationAddress
Email / Phone No
Is this a regular booking?
Weekly/ Monthly / Single booking?
Brief description of the event, e.g., PARTY, MEETING etc.
Date of event / Start time*
End time*
Freetime required for set up (max 1 hour) / Date
Freetime required for clearing the hall (max 1 hour) / Date
Additional time required for setting up or clearing hall (50% of hourly rate) / Dates
*Please note that your invoice price will be based on these times.
Rooms to be booked (please put a X next to the room as appropriate)The whole hall**
Main hall
John Ellwood Lounge including bar
Committee room including kitchen
Do you wish to use any of the following? (please mark with an X):
Wine glasses / Crockery / Cutlery / Table Cloths
Cookers* / Cookery equipment*
*Please see Item 7 of Conditions of Hire
**exclusive use of the building with no simultaneous bookings
WILL THERE BE ANY SALE OF ALCOHOL AT THIS EVENT? (please mark with an X):Yes / No / As yet undecided
If NO, please sign the form and return with a deposit if necessary, to the Bookings Secretary.***
If YES, please complete PART 2 of this form.
If AS YET UNDECIDED, complete Page 1 and inform the Bookings Secretary AS SOON ASyour arrangements are in place; no later than one month before your event.
I have read the Conditions of Hire and booking rules for Marchington Village Hall and agree to comply with them.
Yes / NoSigned / Date
Please return this part of the form to the Bookings Secretary: Gill Williamson, via email:
0r to 21 Woodland Views, Marchington, Uttoxeter, ST14 8NF
***Payment details, see note at the end of this form.
Any questions, please call Gill on 01283 820407
This information to be completed in full.
Will there be a Personal Licence holder at this event? / Yes / NoName and address of the licence holder / Personal Alcohol Licence no.
A photocopy of the Personal Alcohol Licence must be provided by the event organiser tothe Bookings Secretary. If the Bookings Secretaryhas already seen a copy of the Licence from a previous booking, this may not be necessary.
If NO licence holder is to be present at the event, any responsible adult serving alcohol must arrange to meet with a member of the Alcohol Sales Supervision Group (ASSG) from the Village Hall Trustees for training, and to gain approval for the sale of alcohol. This will finally confirm the booking.
Name and address of the responsible adultPhone number / E mail
Members of the ASSG
Mrs G Williamson 01283 820407
Mrs G Flavell 01283 820938
Mrs L Morgan 01283 820528
A member of this group has met with the responsible adult and given approval for this booking and for the sale of alcohol
Signature of the ASSG......
I have read the Conditions of Hire and booking rules for Marchington Village Hall and agree to comply with them.
Yes / NoSigned / Date
Please sign the form and return to the Bookings Secretary with the deposit(s).*** Gill Williamson, email:
0r to 21 Woodland Views, Marchington, Uttoxeter, ST14 8NF
**Payment details,
Payment by BACS is preferred, to Marchington Village Hall
Acc number 24955509
Sort code09 01 51
Or by cheque made payable to Marchington Village hall and sent to Gill Williamson at the address above.
Any questions, please call Gill on 01283 820407
Revised Dec 2016
Marchington Village Hall is a registered charity No. 522696