1.Pray for our Diocesan Bishop, the Right Rev. Charlie Mastersand Judy, AMMiC Bishop, the Right Rev. Stephen Leung and Nona, Area Bishop (BC to Manitoba), the Right Rev. Trevor Walters, Episcopal Vicar & Founding Diocesan Bishop, the Right Rev. Donald Harvey, and Assisting Bishops, the Right Rev. Malcolm Harding and the Right Rev. Ronald Ferris, for God’s abiding presence wherever their assignment takes them.
2.Pray for suffering and persecuted Christians, especially those in repressive Muslim, communist and war-torn countries.
3.For the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd, (Cantonese) Richmond, BC – for the Rev. Paul Leung, assistant Priest and congregation as they celebrate their 5th Anniversary with a thanksgiving worship service at 3pm.
4.Pray for the final completion and logistics of publishing an English-Chinese bilingual Texts for Common Prayer from the ACNA Texts for Common Prayer, by the AMMiC Liturgical Texts Translation Committee, for both printing hard copies and making available online; actually the final copy should be completed on May 6, and send to print shop
5.For AMMiC Clergy – The Rev. Anson Ann, the Rev. Esther Ann Beaulieu, the Rev. Timothy Fong, the Rev. Robert Gomowad, the Rev. William John, the Rev. Marion Karasiuk, the Rev. Paul Leung, the Rev. Tom Lo, the Rev. John McIllmurray, the Rev. Wilson Nazim, the Rev. Emmanuel Sadarak, the Rev. Phillip Soh, the Rev. Melvin Tai, the Rev. Eric Thurston, the Rev. Shihoko Warren – Pray for spiritual and physical protection and much grace for our clergy, their spouses & families.
6.For Bethel South Asian Anglican Network Church, Brampton, ON – the people and the Rev. Wilson Nazim.
7.Pray for the “Fukushima to Vancouver Art Exhibit” at Regent College, May 7 to Jun 25, the Rev. Shihoko Warrren a team member in this project.
8.For Church of Christ the Redeemer, (Multicultural) Toronto, ON –the people and the Rev. Melvin Tai and evangelist Steven Xu. Pray that the Monday ESL program and the Wednesday English Bible Study can touch the spiritual lives of the students. Also pray for travel safety for Rev. Melvin on his trip to Singapore in May.
9.For the Church of All Nations (Japanese), Vancouver, BC – the people and the Rev. Shihoko Warren, as they kick off the 3rd season of the New Eden Garden Ministry today and hereafter meeting every other Saturday. Also pray for God’s provision of an English speaking clergy or leaders to lead English speaking congregation.
10.For the Rev. Esther Ann Beaulieu in Dauphin, Manitoba, her ministry among Metis and First Nations peoples.
11.For AMMiC Board of Directors and Council – Pray for wisdom and servant hearts as they seek God’s will for AMMiC, and to experience His joy.
12.Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (South Asian), Calgary, AB – for the people and the Rev. William John.
13.For the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (Cantonese), Calgary, AB –for the Rev. Tom Lo & the congregation as they mature in faith and share God’s good news with people around them.
14.For the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd, Vancouver, BC – Pray for the Rt. Rev. Stephen Leung (Rector), the Rev. Philip Soh (Associate Priest), the Rev. Anson Ann (Assistant Priest), the Rev. Eric Thurston (Part-time Assistant), the Very Rev. Dr. Archie Pell (Hon Assistant), Isabella Shen (Evangelist), Astor Lam (Evangelist), Nona Leung (Part-time Evangelist) for joy and strength in the Lord’s work.
15.AMMiC staff & volunteers – Ministry Co-ordinator, Nona Leung (part-time), Web Master, Alvin Ng (part-time), and the Children’s Ministry Director, Valerie Yiu, for strength for the tasks, faithfulness in service and joy in the Lord.
16.For the Anglican Network Church of the Holy Trinity (Filipino), Edmonton, AB – for the Rev. Robert Gomowad and the congregation.
17.For St. John`s (South Sudanese), Surrey, BC – Pray for the people and the Rev. Emmanuel Sadarak, Wardens, Joseph Taban and Scholastic Sadia, leaders Velma Kiden, Benjamin Wani, John Lodu and Caron Pell. Pray also for South Sudan.
18.For Emmanuel Anglican Church, Boston, MA – Pray that God will lead many men to attend a Cantonese Lecture series from May 18-19, 2015 held jointly by the Boston Chinese Evangelical Church and Emmanuel Anglican Church, with Dr. Ka Lun Leung, Bishop Stephen Leung and the Rev. Daniel Chan as speakers.
19.For St. Matthias and St. Luke Church, Vancouver, BC – for the people and the Rev. Timothy Fong. Pray for the relocation task force to get the work done in accordance to God’s will, and for the recruitment of a part-time pastor so the Church ministry can be extended.
20.Revival Meeting in the Newton, MA area tonight 7:30-9:30pm with Dr. Ka Lun Leung as speaker and Bishop Stephen Leung responding, event held jointly by the BCEC and Emmanuel Anglican Church.
21.The 2015 Missions Trip – August 30 to September 10, 2015, Thailand – that God calls out His team to minister to the youths of the displaced people along the Thai border.
22.For the planning committee of the 2015 AMMiC Conference on Two-generations Leadership to be held in mid October. Pray that the organization work will proceed smoothly.
23.For the publication of AMMiC Two Generations Conference papers, in the final stage of compilation and scheduled printing in April 2015. The conference proceedings of the Marc h 2011 and June 2012 conferences held at Regent College, Vancouver, BC, will be published. Pray that this will benefit North American Asian Churches in two generation leadership.
24.Day of Pentecost – pray that the Holy Spirit will fill and visit ACNA, ANiC and AMMiC congregations and bless our church planting and evangelism efforts.
25.Pray for blessing & protection on AMMiC Mini-Conference speakers and participants arriving Vancouver, for the logistics of billeting, transportation and all details in the preparation for the mini-conference.
26.For the AMMiC Mini-Conference starting today on equipping for ministry and mutually encouraging each other in ministry. May all be present with teachable ears and open hearts.
27.For the AMMiC Mini-Conference held today on equipping for ministry and mutually encouraging each other in ministry. May all be drawn closer to God and lean not on our own understanding.
28.For the AMMiC Mini-Conference held today on equipping for ministry and mutually encouraging each other in ministry. Let us give thanks to God and praise Him for the privilege to be in His service.
29.Give thanks for God’s blessing on all outreach ministries – GSV TGIF at GSVan, GSR outreach potluck dinner at the AMMiC Centre, Church of All Nations New Eden Garden in Langley.
30.For the 2015 Diocesan Synod – October 20-23 in Vancouver, GSVan being appointed as host parish for this Synod by Diocesan Bishop Charles. Pray for God's grace and wisdom upon Revds Philip Soh, Anson Ann, the Wardens, Alice Au & Joyce Ng and the sub-committees in all planning discussions, especially the four areas of Worship & Liturgy, Facility & Logistics, Administration and Food & Beverage alongside the ANiC Synod planning team led by the Canon for Diocesan Events, the Rev. Canon Paul Donison.
31.Give thanks for every congregation in AMMiC: Bethel Anglican Church, Church of All Nations, Church of Christ the Redeemer, Emmanuel Anglican Church, GS Calgary Chinese, GS Calgary South Asian, SG Richmond, GS Vancouver, Holy Trinity, St John’s & St Matthias and St Luke.