Nisonger Center Leadership Group

June 24, 2009

Staff Present: Gene Arnold; Maureen Meck; Paula Rabidoux; Vicki Graff; Pat Cloppert; Karen Ratliff-Schaub, Luc Lecavalier; Ed Sterling; Marilee Martens; Betsey Benson; Mike Aman; Margo Izzo

FY09-10 Annual Budget Review–Maureen Meck

  • Discussed hand-out provided with FY09 Budget Highlights and predictions for the FY10 Budget, from a meeting Maureen Meck and Dr. Arnold had with COM John Lahey
  • A Nisonger Clinic Task Force will be put together to work on clinic billing; insurance; patient co-pays; possible fee-for-service, those on the committee will be: Maureen Meck; Karen Ratliff-Schaub; Paula Rabidoux; Sherry Feinstein; Diana Boggs

FY10 Operating Budgets – Maureen Meck

  • Discussed hand-out regarding programs’ FY10 budgets
  • Space for the new Director and Assoc. Directors have not been discussed, will wait for Dr. Tasse’ arrival
  • We were informed that Dr. Gabbe had approached the Board of Regents to discuss funding to renovate a portion of the Ackerman Rd building to house The Nisonger Center. Being away from the medical center area could present a problem for some programs regarding clinic trials and students workers. One suggestion is to keep some offices in McCampbell Hall and the rest at the Ackerman Road location. This was in the preliminary discussion phase and will take many years to work out the logistics

Senior On-Boarding for Dr. Tasse’ – Jennifer Campbell, Leadership/Organizational Development Consultant, OSUMC

  • Presented the MedicalCenter’s on-boarding process for Dr. Tasse’ and discussed a hand-out of each person’s area of responsibility for transitioning Dr. Tasse’ to the COM/OHS. Most of these will be senior level personnel from the COM
  • Jennifer presented the “assimilation session” process and said Dr. Tasse’ agreed to be a part of this and would the Leadership Group be interested in participating. This process is where Nisonger Leadership would submit: questions; ideas; areas of concern; mission questions, etc. in an anonymous way and then they would meet together as a group to discuss. It was agreed that this would be a good idea to do. Possible to do at the August 26th Leadership Committee meeting.
  • Discussed having several “Meet and Greet” receptions for Dr. Tasse’ arrival. One with Nisonger staff in the afternoon and a more upscale evening reception with the CAC committee and State and County government level representatives. Send a list of people whom you feel should be invited to the evening reception to the Marketing Committee.

Legislative Update – Pat Cloppert

  • Barb Yavorick and Marie Crawford (former LEND parent trainee) will be on “Daytime Columbus” with Gail Hogan today
  • Hand-out of new Budget Highlights. State budget is still being worked on and discussed the possibility of reducing OPERS contributions for employees
  • Ken Ritchey former Director of Ohio MR/DD has been named President of the Board of Directors for the National Association of State Directors of Developmental disabilities Services

Announcements – all

  • The rest of the agenda items not discussed at this meeting will be held over to the July 8th meeting

Respectfully Submitted

Kim Oyer

Next meeting:

July 8th
