At./P.O.:-Bolangir, Dist.:-Bolangir
Pin:- 767001
{Total 27(TwentySeven) pages only.}
Name of work:
Construction of RCC cover sheds & open platform at
Bhaliamunda Market Yard.
Approximate Estimated Cost: Rs.42,96,121/-




Name of work : Construction of RCC Cover sheds & Open

Platformsat BhaliamundaMarket Yard under

R.M.C. Bolangir.

Tender value : Rs.42.96,121.00

Cost of Tender paper cost +5% VAT. : Rs.6,300.00(Non-refundable)

E.M.D @ 1% : Rs42,961.00

Class of contractor : ‘B’ & ‘A’

Period of completion : 4 (Four) calendar months

Date of Sale of tender paper : From09.12.2013 to 23.12.2013

Date & Time of receive of tender paper: 24.12.2013 up to 2.00PM

Date of Opening : 26.12.2013 at 3.00PM

Total no. of Corrections :

Total no. of Overwriting :

Total no. of Interpolations :


Sold for the above work ………………………………………………….

Vide MRB No ………………Receipt No. …………Date……………….

Issuing Officer

RMC, Bolangir.

Contractor Chairman,RMC, Bolangir.




The work under tender pertains to Construction of RCC cover sheds & open platform at Bhaliamunda Market Yard under R.M.C. Bolangir.


The worksite is located atBhaliamunda.


The nearest Hospital / Public health center are available at Loisingha.


The project aims to develop a Market Yard along with construction of infrastructure and other


The abstract of the scope of work is presented below:

1.Construction of R.C.C. covered shed 2nosat Bhaliamunda Market Yard under R.M.C. Bolangir.

2.Construction of open plat form 5nos at Bhaliamunda Market Yard under R.M.C. Bolangir

Contractor Chairman,RMC, Bolangir.




NO.65 / RMC dated: 03.12.2013

The Sub-Collector, Bolangir-cum-Chairman, RMC Bolangir invites percentage rate bids for the work in the table below from the contractors registered with Govt. of Odisha or equivalent class of Govt. of India / C.P.W.D. / Central undertaking / Railway / M.E.S in conformity with Detail Tender Call Notice to be eventually drawn in P.W.D. P1 form so as to be received up to 2:00 P.M. on Dt.24.12.2013in the Office of the RMC,Bolangir, At/P.O./Dist. :– Bolangir.Pin-767001.


No. / Name of the work. / Approximate value of
work in Rs. / E.M.D.
(In Rs.)appx. / Cost of
tender paper
+5% VAT
(In Rs.) / Class of
contractor / Period of
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1. / Const. ofRCC cover sheds & open platform at Bhaliamunda Market Yard under R.M.C.
Bolangir. / 42,96,121/- / 42,961/- / 6,300/-- / ‘B’ & A’ / 4(Four)
calendar months.
2. / Const. of RCC cover shed 2nos & open platform 5nosat Agalpur market Agalpur. / 4274916/- / 42749.00 / 6,300/-- / ‘B’ & ‘A’ / 4(Four) calendar months.
3. / Const. of covered shed 2nos at Tusraweekly Market under R.M.C. Bolangir. / 2857561/- / 28576.00 / 6,300/-- / ‘B’ & ‘A’ / 4(Four) calendar months.
4 / Construction of Farmers Information centre cum Farmers rest shed at Bhaliamunda market yard under R.M.C.Bolangir / 8,63,136/- / 8,631.00 / 4,200/- / ‘D’&’C’ / 4(Four) calendar months
5 / Construction of C.C. road, Office-cum-chowkidar shed & toilet block with water supply arrangment at Tusra market yard under R.M.C. Bolangir / 25,41,966/- / 25,420/- / 6,300/- / ‘B’& ‘A’ / 6(Six)
calendar months

1)Bidders should have completed successfully similar nature of work up to a minimum value of 40% of tender cost during the last four financial years including the current financial year 2013-14.He is required to attach necessary certificates in support of the aforesaid work experience & financial credential from the competent authority of concerned department along with the bid document failing which the bid will be summarily rejected.

2)Bids must be accompanied by security amount specified for the work in the table (Column-4) above in shape of Bank Draft drawn onany Nationalised Bank payable at Bolangir in favour of Secretary, R.M.C.Bolangir.

3) The sale of the Bid document shall start from dated09.12.2013 and close on dated23.12.2013during office hours of any working days.

4) Intending purchasers are not required to produce any documents viz.valid certificate of registration,PAN-Card and VAT clearance certificate in Form-VAT 612 at the time of purchase of tenderdocuments. How ever, such documents will be required for verification purpose at the latter stage. Butattested Xerox copies of above documents have to be furnished along with the tender documents failingwhich their tender will be considered as non-responsive & thus liable for rejection.

ContractorChairman,R.M.C.Bolangir 4

5) The tender paper will be received up to2.00 P.M on dated. 24.12.2013 through Registered post/Speed post only in the above address. The authority is not responsible for any postal delay orloss of tender documents. The envelop containing the bid document must be super scribed with “BIDDOCUMENT FOR THE WORK OF RMC BOLANGIR.”

6) Bid documents for the above Schedule of works can also be downloaded from official website ofBolangir district ( & OSAM Board website ( Thedownloaded bid document must be accompanied with a non-refundable paper cost in the form ofdemand draft drawn from any scheduled bank payable atBolangir, in favour of the Secretary,RMC, Bolangir. The demand draft shall be prepared on or before the last date of receipt of Biddocument and to be submitted in a separate envelop marked “COST OF TENDER DOCUMENTDOWNLOADED FROM INTERNET, along with the bid document.

7) The Bids will be opened on dated 26.12.2013 at 3.00 P.M. in the office of the R.M.C. Bolangir, in the presence of the bidders or their authorized agents who wish to attend. If the office happens to be closed on thelast date of selling, receipt and opening the same will be done on the next working day atthe same time and venue.

8) Engineering contractors who are desirous to avail the facility of exemption of EMD are required to submit an affidavit (Original) along with bid document to the effect that he/she had not yet availed thefacility during current financial year as per codal provisions and they are also required to produce theiroriginal registration license at the time of opening of the bid for necessary entry, failing which his/hertender(s) will not be entertained and thus liable for rejection.

9) The ST/SC contractors willing to avail the facilities as fixed by Govt. shall submit an affidavit (Original) for the same along with copy of the caste certificate duly attested by an Gazzetted Officer failing which they will not be entitled to avail such facilities. The tenderers shall produce the original caste certificate at the time of opening of tender for verifications, failing which their tender is liable for rejection.

10) The bidders are required to submit the bid in a separate sealed envelop for each work and the envelops should be addressed to the Chairman in the above address.

11) Special Clause: Additional performance security shall be deposited by the bidder when the bid amount is unbalanced i.e. less than the estimated cost. In such an event the bidder shalldeposit the additional performance security to the extent of the differential cost of the bidamount and the estimated cost in shape of Bank Draftin Schedule Bank in favour of the Secretary, RMC, Bolangiralong withthe bid document failing which the bid will be summarily rejected.

Contractor Chairman,RMC, Bolangir.


12) The bidders shall have to produce an affidavit in support of authenticity of documents / credentials. Other details can be seen in the bid documents available in above website.

The authority reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.


Sub-Collector, Bolangir-cum-

Chairman, RMC, Bolangir.

Memo No.66Date03.12.2013

Copy along with the soft copy of above Tender Call Notice and Bid document forwarded to the Dist.Informatics Officer, NIC, Bolangir for information and necessaryaction. He is requested to hoist this Tender Call Notice in website from dated 09.12.2013 to23.12.2013 to facilitate the intending bidders for downloading of Bid document.


Sub-Collector, Bolangir-cum-

Chairman, RMC, Bolangir.

Memo no.67Date03.12.2013

Copy along with the soft copy of above Tender call notice and Bid documents forwarded to the Executive Engineer, O.S.A.M.Board, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action. He is requested to hoist this tender call notice in official website from dated09.12.2013to 23.12.2013 to facilitate the intending bidders for downloaded of bid document.


Sub-Collector, Bolangir-cum-

Chairman, RMC, Bolangir.

Contractor Chairman,RMC, Bolangir.




Contractor Chairman,RMC, Bolangir.




1.1The Sub-Collector, Bolangir-cum-Chairman, RMC Bolangirinvites percentage rate bids for the work in the table below from the contractors registered with Govt. of Odisha or equivalent class of Govt. of India / C.P.W.D. /Central undertaking / Railway / M.E.S in conformity with Detail Tender Call Notice to be eventually drawn in P.W.D. P1 form so as to be received up to 2:00 P.M. on dtd 24.12.2013 in the Officeof the RMC Bolangir, At/P.O./Dist.: – Bolangir. Pin-767001..

1. Biddersshould have completed successfully similar nature of work up to a minimum value of 40% of tender cost during the last four financial years including the current financial year 2013-14. He is required o attach necessary certificates in support of the aforesaid work experience & financial credential from the competent authority of concerned department along with the bid document failing which the bid will be summarily rejected.

2) Bids must be accompanied by security amount specified for the work in the table (Column-4) above in shape of Bank Draft drawn on any Nationalised Bank payable at Bolangir in favour of Secretary, R.M.C.Bolangir.

3) The sale of the Bid document shall start from dated 09.12.2013 and close on dated 23.12.2013 during office hours of any working days. .

4) Intending purchasers are not required to produce any documents viz. valid certificate of registration, PAN-Card and VAT clearance certificate in Form-VAT 612 at the time of purchase of tenderdocuments. How ever, such documents will be required for verification purpose at the latter stage. Butattested Xerox copies of above documents have to be furnished along with the tender documents failingwhich their tender will be considered as non-responsive & thus liable for rejection.

5) The tender paper will be received up to 2.00 P.M on dated 24.12.2013 through Registered post/ Speed post only in the above address. The authority is not responsible for any postal delay orloss of tender documents. The envelop containing the bid document must be super scribed with “BIDDOCUMENT FOR THE WORK OF RMC BOLANGIR.”

6) Bid documents for the above Schedule of works can also be downloaded from official website of Bolangir district ( & OSAM Board website ( The downloaded bid document must be accompanied with a non-refundable paper cost in the form of demand draft drawn from any scheduled bank payable atBolangir, in favour of the Secretary, RMC, Bolangir. The demand draft shall be prepared on or before the last date of receipt of Bid document and to be submitted in a separate envelop marked “COST OF TENDER DOCUMENTDOWNLOADED FROM INTERNET, along with the bid document.

7) The Bids will be opened on the dated 26.12.2013at 3.P.M. in the office of the R.M.C. Bolangir, in the presence of the bidders or their authorized agents who wish to attend. If the office happens to be closed on thelast date of selling, receipt and opening the same will be done on the next working day atthe same time and venue.

8) Engineering contractors who are desirous to avail the facility of exemption of EMD are required to submit an affidavit (Original) along with bid document to the effect that he/she had not yet availed the facility during current financial year as per codal provisions and they are also required to produce their original registration license at the time of opening of the bid for necessary entry, failing which his/her tender(s) will not be entertained and thus liable for rejection.

9) The ST/SC contractors willing to avail the facilities as fixed by Govt. shall submit an affidavit (Original) for the same along with copy of caste certificate duly attested by an Gazzetted Officer failing which they will not be entitled to avail such facilities. The tenderers shall produce the original caste certificate at the time of opening of tender for verifications, failing which their tender is liable for rejection.

10) The bidder s are required to submit the bid in a separate sealed envelop for each work and the envelops should be addressed to the Chairman in the above address.

11) Special Clause: Additional performance security shall be deposited by the bidder when the bid amount is unbalanced i.e. less than the estimated cost. In such an event the bidder shall deposit the additional performance security to the extent of the differential cost of the bid amount and the estimated cost in shape of Bank Draft in Schedule Bank in favour of the Secretary, RMC, Bolangir along with the bid document failing which the bid will be summarily rejected.

12) The bidders shall have to produce an affidavit in support of authenticity of documents / credentials. Other details can be seen in the bid documents available in above website.

The authority reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.


Sub-Collector, Bolangir-cum- Chairman, RMC, Bolangir.

ContractorChairman R.M.C.Bolangir



As per works department letter No 17190 dtd.9.10.07 the percentage rate contract isinvited.The bidder shall quote rate on % (Percentage) basis only (% excess over / less than /equal) both in figure and words at appropriate place of Tender Schedule.

i) In case of percentage (%) rate tenders, only percentage quoted shall be considered.Percentage quoted by the contractor shall be accurately filled in figures and words, sothat there is no discrepancy.

ii) If any discrepancy is found in the percentage quoted in words and figures, then thepercentage quoted by the Contractor in words shall be taken as correct.

iii) If any discrepancy is found in the percentage quoted in percentage excess / less and totalrate quoted by the Contractor, then Percentage will be taken as correct.

iv) The percentage quoted in the tender without mentioning excess or less and not supportedwith the corresponding amount will be treated as excess.

v) The percentage quoted in the tender without mentioning excess or less supported with thecorresponding amount does not tally with either to percentage excess or less it will be treated aspercentage excess.

vi) The percentage quoted in the tender without mentioning excess or less supported with thecorresponding amount if tallied with the percentage then it will be treated as to which side theamount tallies.

vii) The tender shall be written legibly and free from erasures, over writings or corrections offigures, Corrections, over writing & interpolations where unavoidable should be made by makingout, initialing, dating and rewriting.

viii) In the contract P1 time is the essence. The contractor is required to maintain a certain rateof progress specify in the contract.

ix) The quantity mentioned can be increased or reduced to the extent of 10% for individual itemssubject to a maximum of 5% over the estimated cost. If it exceeds the limit stated above priorapproval of competent authority is mandatory before making any payment.

x) The period of completion is fixed and can not be altered except in case of exceptionalcircumstances with due approval of the next higher authority.

xi)Bills for percentage rate tenders shall be prepared at the estimated rates for individual itemsonly and the percentage excess or less shall be added or subtract


The work is to be completed within stipulated periodcommencingfrom the date of issue of order to proceed with the work.


The tenders are required to go through each clause of P.W.D. form No. P1 carefully inaddition to clauses mentioned herein before tendering. In any case, the bidder shall be deemedto have carefully examined the tender documents, visited the site of work and its surroundingsand satisfied himself as to the form and nature of the site approach roads, haul roads, localconditions assessed all the facilities including requirement and availability of labour andmaterials needed for complete execution of the work and made an inventory of such informationas to the risks, contingencies and other circumstances which would influence or affect histender, before tendering. He should also satisfy himself about the sufficiency of availability ofmaterials in quarry and borrow area. The department will not be responsible for anymisjudgment of the bidder on these accounts for any future claims.




3.1. The Bid will be valid for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of receipt of tender.

3.2. The tender, which is not in the prescribed proforma and is not strictly in accordance with theterms and conditions of the tender call notice is liable for rejection.

3.3. Alternate tenders, conditional tenders and tenders containing indefinite terms will not beentertained.

3.4. Loose letters found in the tender box intimating modification to the tenders alreadysubmitted will not be considered.

3.5. Rates quoted should be for finished items of works and for sufficiency as per the descriptionof the schedule of quantity and specification and shall include all taxes including rent, O.S.T. onworks contract, royalty, cess and general and incidental charges pertinent to the work othercharges of materials, octroi duty, ferry tolls, conveyance charges and other costs on account ofland and building including temporary building required by the bidder for collection of materials,storage, housing of staff or other purpose of work. The contractor will be responsible forpayment of all royalties and other charges for quarrying materials. All local taxes inclusive ofState Sales Tax and Income Tax, Cess, Octroi Charges, Ferry and Tollage charges are to bepaid by the contractor.The bidder shall bear cost of various incidental sundries and contingencies necessitated by thework of all within the following or similar category.

i) Labour camps and hutments necessary to a suitable scale including conservancy andsanitary arrangements, medical aids thereon to the satisfaction of the health authorities.

ii) Labourer as well as for the works. No claim for carriage of water whatsoever will beentertained.

iii) Fees and dues levied by the Municipal, Canal and water supply Authorities.

iv) Suitable equipment and wearing apparatus for the labourers engaged in risky operation.

v) Suitable fencing, barriers, signals, including parapet and electrical signal where necessary atworks and approaches in order to protect the public and employees from accidents.

vi) No compensation for any damage done by rain or by similarly action during execution of thework shall be paid.