Supplementary Table 2. 16S rRNA gene clones obtained from OMW-koroneiki using class specific primers for -Proteobacteria: closest phylogenetic relatives and their respective habitats.

Clones / Number
of clones / Accession numbers / Closest phylogenetic relative / Similarity
(%) / Habitat-
Ecological niche / References-
Accession numbers
KR-48 / 1 / GQ477745 / clone 3BR-11AA/
Gallionella ferruginea / 99.6%/
95.6% / freshwater habitat/
60-m-deep drinking-water well / EU937908/
Hallbeck et al.1993
KR-41 / 1 / GQ477746 / clone C-CY80/
Herminiimonas aquatilis / 99.7%/
97.9% / subsurface soil-contaminated aquifer, USA/
TCE-contaminated site/
drinking water, Uppsala / AY622237/
KR-15, -28, -90 & -206 / 4 / GQ477747-GQ477750 / Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus / 99.7-100% / soil around a hot spring, Izu peninsula / Hayashi 1999
KR-135 & KR-189 / 2 / GQ477751-GQ477752 / bacterium. ZS2/
Hylemonella gracilis / 98.5%/
97.8% / NR/
denitrifier, pond water / DQ414789/
Spring et al.2004
KR-7, -30, -46, -51 & -179 / 5 / GQ477753-GQ477757 / clone AV_4S-K09/
clone GR83/
Hylemonella gracilis / 99.4%/
98.4-98.7% / commercial aircraft cabin air/
human skin/
denitrifier, pond water / EU341168/
Spring et al.2004
KR-156, -173 & -199 / 3 / GQ477758-GQ477760 / clone J-3FACA1/
clone TSBAR003_L19/
Leptothrix discophora / 99.6%/
98.5-99.0% / plant/
rice paddy soil, Tokyo/
water of ditches, rivers ponds / DQ394847/
Mulder and Dienema 1992
KR-118 / 1 / GQ477761 / clone AYRV2-170/
Massilia plicata / 99.7%/
97.9% / rock varnish, Atacama Desert/
soil, China / DQ990968/
KR-140 / 1 / GQ477762 / bacterium NR186/
Massilia timonae / 99.3%/
97.8% / soil, Delhi/
blood / DQ520829/
KR-186 / 1 / GQ477763 / Methylobacillus flagellatus / 99.6-100% / obligate methylotroph / Govorukhinaet al.1987
KR-188 / 1 / GQ477764 / clone MP4_B/
Petrobacter succinatimandens / 99.7%/
99.6% / anaerobic sludge fed with palm oil mill/
denitrifier-Australian terrestrial oil reservoir / AB330832/
KR-223 / 1 / GQ477765 / Ramlibacter henchirensis / 96.9% / subdesert soil, Tunisia / AF439400
KR-16, -20, -23,-31,-37,-97, -111, -129,-130, -148,-211-219 / 12 / GQ477766-GQ477777 / Schlegelella aquatica / 99.3-100% / hot spring, Taiwan / DQ417336
KR-39 & KR-40 / 2 / GQ477778-GQ477779 / clone R3B-3/
Sterolibacterium denitrificans / 98.3%/
94.8% / Sludge-denitrifying bioreactor/
denitrifying bioreactor using sanitary landfill leachate,Uruguay / FJ167494/
Tarlera and Denner 2003
KR-6 & KR-124 / 2 / GQ477780-GQ477781 / KCLunmb_28_27/
Denitratisoma oestradiolicum/
Sterolibacterium denitrificans / 97.2-98.6/
95.0%-95.7% / hot spring sediment, Taiwan/
denitrifying-sludge, Germany/
denitrifying bioreactor using sanitary landfill leachate,Uruguay / FJ638595/
Fahrbach et al.2006/
Tarlera and Denner 2003
KR-5 / 1 / GQ477782 / clone Sf-A536/
clone Elev_16S_1491/
Variovorax paradoxus / 99.2%/
96.8% / phyllosphere/
rhizosphere at elevated [CO2]/
soil-live under microaerophilic conditions / EF094433/
Willems et al.1991
KR-221 / 1 / GQ477783 / clone Amb_16S_1241 16S/
Variovorax paradoxus / 98.4%/
96.3% / rhizosphere/
soil (microaerophilic conditions) / EF018778/
Willemset al.1991
KR-9 / 1 / GQ477784 / Haemophilus parainfluenzae / 99.6% / respiratory & gastrointestinal tract / Fink and Geme 2006
KR-11 / 1 / GQ477785 / Lysobacter daejeonensis / 98.1% / greenhouse soil, Korea / DQ191178
KR-22, -187 & -191 / 3 / GQ477786-GQ477788 / Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis / 99.9-100% / hot spring, Taiwan / AF427039
KR-32,-52,-74 & -132 / 4 / GQ477789-GQ477792 / bacterium KBS-36/
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia / 99.8-100%/
99.7-99.9% / soil/
natural and clinical materials / DQ847325/
Palleroni and Bradbury1993
KR-101, -121, -134 & -214 / 4 / GQ477793-GQ477796 / clone HgCo4/
Thermomonas haemolytica / 99.7-100%/
97.1-97.4% / 13 m depth in the Pacific Ocean/
kaolin slurry, Finland / EU236277/
KR-8, -24 & -85 / 3 / GQ477797-GQ477799 / Bacillus clausii / 99.6% / soil / Nielsen et al.1995
KR-168 / 1 / GQ477800 / clone FFCH666/
Cohnella thermotolerans / 97.9%/
97.7% / soil, Oklahoma/
clinical specimen / EU134621/
Teng et al.2003
KR-42, -45, -79 & -145 / 4 / GQ477801-GQ477804 / Geobacillus pallidus / 99.1-100% / soil and treated wastes / Banatet al.2004
KR-198 &KR-207 / 2 / GQ477805-GQ477806 / clone WB12/
Desulfitobacterium metallireducens / 95.1%/
85.1% / wood-organic matter degrader/
contaminated sediment, New Mexico / EF581146/
KR-113 / 1 / GQ477807 / TGGE gel band OA1/
Sporolactobacillus kofuensis / 99.8%/
98.6% / two-phase olive mill waste, Spain/
soil, Kofu, Japan / Morillo et al.2008/
Yanagida et al.1997

Bold-type case indicates similarity in 16S rRNA gene below 97% with validly-described species of Bacteria. NR, not reported.