WPA Special Trustee Meeting Agenda

Minutes - 4/13/15

Start Time 8:02pm


Mory Thomas

Nick Caballero

Terri Neuner

Brianna Robles

Pat Bryne

Ben Duronio
Vilma Cabrera

Notice –Irene Borngraeber – 8:04 pm Nick Caballero 2nd

Notice - Erin Kumpg – 8:08pm – 2nd Nick Caballero

Beverly Brown – Mory Thomas - Recognize at 8:10pm – 2nd Terri Neuner

Recognize Jay McVey – Terri Neuner -8:14pm – 2nd Mory Thomas

Recognize Lisa Blando – Terri Neuner 9:12pm Mory Thomas 2nd


-Brianna Robles

Rutgers University – Landscape Architecture Major

-Pat Bryne

Bright St Community Garden

Ben Duronio - Q1 P&L

Breakdown of worksheet-

More clarification needed of Membership and Trustee Due

Supplies accurate

Donation to Community- JC Fridays

Supplies – Need clarity

Total Funds- $10,717.56

Discuss various banks

Aging Report –

-  $100,769 should not be on a past due report. Not accurate

-  Switched accountants – William Skody – Non Profit – Extension request submitted – Meet with him next week.

WPA Fundraising

CarePoint Health – Dinner with Rudys Adrande – Looking forward to working with WPA directly. Thank you Wendy for the introductions.

Correction- Page 7 Sponsorship Package - Should read Bronze should read $500

CorkScrew – Dinner Club arrangement – 1st Wednesday of Month. $500 donation to WPA every month. - 56 People tops seating.

Online form to be created – Commitment 2-5 people to attend

Create a sign to support the WPA – Hand outs

Motion to Vote on Fundraising Dinner Club at CorkScrew – 2nd Ben Duronio

6:30pm to 10pm

Face Book invites

Reservations- TBD

Membership Committee/ Fundraising

Ben to send the new membership names monthly to the Membership Committee to follow through to send appropriate new member kit. Brianna to assist.

Membership Team to meet TBD- Add Brianna. Invite Mory to next meeting.

Beverly spoke to Meredith Lipman

Need to learn the unbalanced grants offered per county by the state. Political? Legislative?

$180,000 Hudson County vs $500,000 Monmouth County

Freeholders give a match provides 50% match

WPA could get more $$ . MITP, Farmers Market.

Anyone who wants to work with Beverly on this research.

Jay McVey- Silverman connections – Storage if needed.

Programs Activities

May 8th Goldman Sachs – 8:30pm-3pm – Heavy garden lifting

They are happy as long as they are filled with work to do.

Brianna showed her plant list – To be approved

Presented site map- Full list to be sent.

Need to do inventory of tools - Need to buy better tools

$900 on tools usually. Wendy/ Ben/ Lisa to assist

Planting in the Park May 16th -

Always a big day

This year will be big!

Provide food – Lunch – Trays from Shoprite

Fruit / Granola Bars

Live Music


Days will be– Wed and Fri in July/ August

Lets look at surveys from last year to determine bet plan/ Days.

Movies to be selected and then approved by the county

Kid friend movies

Farmers Market

Went from 1 to 3. Discussed the progression of plan to now.

Very late in the season to find Farmers

Warren NJ Farmer – Very excited – Nolesko Farms

Concern for lack of Farmers.

Stack really wants it in Elsworth Park, not Washington Park.

At this time, we will do this on the day that is best for the farmer. We have not yet confirmed days for each location.

Staff for Farmers Market – undetermined at this time based on size of markets.

Elsworth Park – budget $17,946

JJ Bradock – More like a plaza – Gypsy Yogis – Range of yoga programming - budget to include Yoga Mats – Budget $19,360 – Need more marketing - $17K for banner.

Nick Mory met w/ Maria Oconnell – re: Sharing her banner for OConnells Run/ WP Live Save the date! Combined signage. Cleared with Stack. Same date as WP Live.

WP Live! Monday Evening Meetings to begin!

Saturday - September 26th

Location- Per survey People liked the old location better.

Discussion logistics – Where to hold events this year? Bear garden?

Green Acres Update

Phil Collins – Approved the funds to be allocated. No problem with matching $150K from Green Acres.

Suggestion to put bid out again for a bit longer – Wait until September to break ground. Stack will pay for lighting on NY Ave.

Meeting - Adjourn Nick Caballero - 2nd Terri Neuner 9:22pm