Farmersville Main Street Board

MinutesFebruary 18, 2014

City Council Chambers

The meeting was brought to order at 5:21 PM by Andy Washam. Present were Main Street Manager, Adah Leah Wolf, and board members Andy Washam, Matt Busby, Sarah Jackson-Butler, Bryan Williams, and Leaca Caspari. Visitors were City Manager Ben White, Diane Piwko, and Clay Potter.

Consider for approval January 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes:

Matt Busbymade a motion to approve the minutes as written; Sarah Jackson-Butlerseconded the motion. The motion passed.

Consider for approval January2014 Financial Statements:

Bryan Williams made a motion to approve the financial statement as printed; Matt Busbyseconded the motion. The motion passed.

Chalk the Walk Event

The event is planned for April 5 in conjunction with the Farmers & Fleas Market. Adah Leah is checking with FISD art teacher and students to see if they would like to participate. City staff will be encouraged to participate, especially police and fire departments. Draft flier distributed. Subcommittee meeting needed to firm up details before press information is sent out. A registration form with rules is needed as well as a map showing the sidewalk areas to be used.

Herb Ellis Event

A handout by Ben White was distributed, which summarizes the event planning to date. There are several upcoming jazz festivals which board members will plan to attend: Andy to attend Denton Jazz Festival, Ben and Carol to attend San Antonio festival, Leaca to attend Corpus Christi festival. As soon as we have a flyer to advertise our event, we can ask to distribute these at other festivals. Ben suggested 101 Candy Street as another potential location. Andy will call a subcommittee meeting to address the project plan.

Downtown Window Displays

Two Audie Murphy movie poster banners have been hung on Kevin Brock’s building. Remax owners have been asked if we can use their central glass area for a display. We will check prices for static clings and ask Lanes if we can use their windows for such a display. Denny Allen’s building at 111 McKinney is another candidate for a window display, as is the May building at 136 S. Main.

Coupon Pages

Sarah Jackson-Butler has made progress on the one page coupon sheet for downtown restaurants. Agreeing to participate are Tony’s Restaurant, Jalapenos, AnLyn Brothers Coffee Co, Ellee’s Eatery, and Big Taco. Still waiting to hear from Sugar Hill. Will also contact Exxon Station. After restaurant coupon page is complete she will work on themerchants’ coupon page. We would like to include the coupons in the Chalk the Walk packets.

Main Street Managers Report

The Main Street Manager presented a written monthly report for January and also reported the following:

National Register District Nomination progress: Guy Giersch has been contacted and is available to assist with the architectural descriptions of the buildings. The building descriptions are approximately 30% complete and the building histories are approximately 10% complete. Twenty photos are needed. Matt Busby will assist with the “verbal boundary description” as well as the Latitude/Longitude coordinates of the district. There are about 75 properties in the defined area, with 67 of them considered “contributing” properties.

Main Street Training: At the recent Main Street training session in Seguin, there was an emphasis on exercise and health in downtown. Adah Leah challenged the board to look at downtown with a new perspective to think about how we can promote health and exercise. Suggestions include: adding exercise equipment to City Park, highlighting a walking route with distances marked, and creating a rewards program for frequent walkers (maybe a Main Street mile T shirt?). Matt Busby will check on distances downtown so we can visualize a downtown mile.

Chaparral Trail bike event: was held by Cadence Cyclery on Feb. 16, with over 68 participants!

Progress on Doug Laube building: photos were shown of the upstairs progress.

Audie Murphy Day: was named by Farmersville Times Readers poll as “Best Annual Event”

Bridal Event: planned for March 22, a collaboration with Tammy Fording, Kris Washam, The French Bunny and more. Represented will be gowns, catering, make up, photographer, cake baker, and more. A flier on the Onion Shed as a wedding location to be provided by Adah Leah. Suggested a listing of churches as a good addition as well.

Buildings for sale: 111 McKinney (Denny Allen building) and 125 S. Main (Warren building).

Downtown merchants meeting: will be at Tony’s Restaurant this week.

Building renovations: Main Street architectural assistance continues for Doug Laube. Assistance has been requested from Doris Williams. Charlie Whitaker is considering working on the exterior of Cello Wrap building. Eddy Daniel has provided preliminary construction plans for the museum, which are being reviewed by the Main Street architect as well. Bryan and Donna Williams’ building (100 McKinney) renovations are nearly completed.

Discussion of placing items on future agendas:

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 18, at 5:15 PM. Agenda items to include discussion of new murals on downtown buildings, as well as follow up on Chalk the Walk and Herb Ellis Event.

Adjournment: With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Andy Washam at 6:22 PM.


Main Street Board Minutes February 18, 2014