Undercover Quilters 2017Quilt Show Registration Form

Undercover Quilterspresent their 2017 Quilt Show

“Sew Many Memories”Registration Form

October 20–22, 2017 Brookhaven Municipal Building, Brookhaven PA 19015

Please fill out a registration form for each quilt entry. The non-refundable entrance fee must accompany the form.

Make checks payable to: Undercover Quilters. Forms must be received by October 9, 2017.

Fees (Please circle the appropriate fee)

$2.00 DisplayOnly $7.00 Judged (Undercover Quilters’ Member discount)$10.00 Judged (non-members)

Your name / Phone

Please circle the proper category. If for Display only, circle “Display Only Quilt.”
See reverse side for category descriptions.

Display-Only Quilt (2000)

Judged Quilt Categories:

  • Bed Quilt (Solo):Pieced (100) Applique/Mixed/Other (200)
  • Bed Quilt (Duet):Pieced (300) Applique/Mixed/Other (400)
  • Wall Hanging Large (Solo):Pieced (500) Applique/Mixed/Other (600)
  • Wall Hanging Large (Duet): Pieced (700)Applique/Mixed/Other (800)
  • Wall Hanging Small (Solo): Pieced (900)Applique/Mixed/Other (1000)
  • Wall Hanging Small (Duet):Pieced (1100) Applique/Mixed/Other (1200)
  • Group(any type, size, or technique) (1300)
  • Throws and Baby quilts (Solo or Duet, all techniques) (1400)
  • Wearable/Fashion items: Jackets, vests, accessories(1500)
  • Household Accessories (1600)
  • Block of the Month or Kit (1700)
  • Art Quilt (1800)
  • Modern Quilt (1900)

Quilt Information

Quilt Name (Optional)
Quilt Size (inches) / Width / Length / If quilt is for sale, indicate price (Undercover’s takes a 10% commission on sale price) / $
Quilt top made by (Include all names)
Quilted by (If other than quilt top maker)
Provide any comments about your quilt to share with the viewing public

Was this quilt froman Undercover Quilters Challenge Yes No (Please specify challenge):______

Include this quilt for the “Sew Many Memories”Show ThemeAward?(Not dependent on Judged or Display) Yes No

Entry Category Explanations

Solo: Quilt made completely by the same person.

Duets: Quilt made by two people (for example, one person made top; another did the quilting)

Group: Made by three or more people (example, a bee project with multiple blocks by different members and quilted by someone else)

Category (Choose 1):

  • Small Wall Hanging: Intended for display on a wall; no larger than a120-inch perimeter. Includes pieces formerly displayed as miniatures.
  • Large Wall Hangings: Quilts intended for display on a wall; must be at leastan 121-inch perimeter(combined measurement of all sides)
  • Bed Quilts: Quilts intended for use on a bed.
  • Throws and Baby Quilts: Made by solo quilter or duet, any techniques.
  • Wearable/Fashion Items: Vests, Jackets, Accessories. To be judged, clothing must be entirely constructed by entrant. Commercial pattern is acceptable, but fabric must be chosen by the entrant.

Technique (circle 1):

  • Pieced:Quilt top is mainly pieced, with a very small amount of other techniques and/or other embellishment.
  • Appliquéd/Mixed/Other:Quilt top is mainly appliquéd, or uses a noticeable amount of more than one technique (for example, 30% pieced–70% appliquéd) or uses one special technique (such as Whole Cloth, Crazy Quilt, Cathedral Windows, and so on.)No tied quilts will be accepted.
  • Block of the Month/Kit: Pattern and majority of fabric was provided by a commercial vendor (quilt store, catalog, Internet); these quilts will be judged on workmanship ONLY. If quilted by a commercial quilter, a Block of the Month or Kit quilt will still go in this category.
  • Group Quilts: More than three people have contributed to the fabric choice, construction, and/or quilting of this quilt. Includes such quilts as Round Robins and Block Exchanges. The commercial quilter should be credited.Please note that a Block of the Month/Kit that was done by more than two people will still go into the Block of the Month/Kit category.
  • Art Quilts: Any quilt (regardless of size) created as an original piece of art, reflecting innovative construction and/or design techniques, theme, or subject matter that invokes an emotional response in the viewer.
  • Modern Quilts:May feature high contrasting colors, minimalism, improvisational piecing, expansive negative space, and non-traditional layouts.

Rules of Entry

  1. Registration forms must be RECEIVED no later than October 9, 2017. A separate Registration Form must be submitted for each entry. This form may be photocopied if additional copies are needed.
  2. Entrance Fee MUST accompany Registration Form. Fees: Display Only Quilt $2.00; Judged Quilt if an Undercover member $7.00; Judged quilt if not an Undercover member $10.00. Make check payable to Undercover Quilters.
  3. Submit Registration Forms and fees to: Kathy Gaval, 361 Arbor Circle, Media, PA 19063. DO NOT SEND QUILTS TO THIS ADDRESS. Any questions, email Kathy at with the subject line Undercover Quilt Show
  4. Quilts must be delivered to the Brookhaven Municipal Building, 2 Cambridge Road, Brookhaven, PA 19015, on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 between 11:30 AM and 4:00 PM. If the time is not convenient please ask another quilter to deliver it for you. No entries will be accepted after 4:00 PM.
  5. Mailed quilts will not be accepted.
  6. Block of the Month quilts or quilts made from kits will be judged on workmanship alone.
  7. Tied quilts will not be accepted.
  8. Most of the quilts will be hung with rods, so all quilts MUST have a hanging sleeve of at least FOUR INCHES wide securely sewn on to the top back of the quilt. If a hanging sleeve is not provided, the quilt will not be hung.
  9. For fair judging purposes, ALL identifying marks must be covered. This can be accomplished by basting a piece of muslin over the identifying marks. Please do this BEFORE submitting your quilt. This rule will be strictly enforced.
  10. Hanging of Entries: Entries will be accepted on a space-available basis and in the order registered (date of receipt will be entered on all Registration forms). Later entries may be hung outside of the Main viewing area due to space considerations. If a person has entered more than two quilts in the same category, their additional quilt(s) in that category may possibly not be displayed due to space limitations. Additionally, all entries received from other than members of the Undercover Quilters Guild will be accepted for judging, but may not be hung, regardless of date of receipt, if it means than an Undercover quilt cannot be hung.
  11. Insurance to cover the cost of constructing the quilt will be purchased by the guild. In the event of a lost or damaged quilt, reimbursement will be based only on the cost of materials documented by receipts. Quilts appraised/valued beyond construction costs should be covered under the quilter’s personal homeowners insurance.
  12. If you wish to offer the quilt for sale at our show, a 10% commission will be taken by Undercover Quilters Guild if a sale is made.
  13. Quilt entries MUST be picked up after the show on Sunday, October 22, 2017between 4:30 and 5:15 PM. You MUST have your numbered receipt in order to pick up your quilt. If quilts are not picked up at this time, it will be the responsibility of the ENTRANT to make arrangements for the return of the quilt.


By signing this entry form, I give Undercover Quilters permission to photograph my entry for guild purposes. I understand that

Undercover Quilters will take every precaution to protect my entry in this show. I realize, however, that they cannot be responsible for loss due to acts beyond their control.

Signature ______Date ______