2018 Undergraduate ResearchForum


In order to print your poster,you mustdo the following:

  1. Sign up for a time to print on the Signup Sheet outside SC 212. Times are available Thursday April 12, Friday April 13, Monday April 16, Tuesday April 17, and Wednesday April 18. You are welcome to schedule a time earlier than April 12 by emailing Nicole at .
  2. Fill out this form and email it to Nicole () or have it with you when printing.
  3. Bring payment with you when you come to print. See below.

Information About Your Poster

1. What is your name and email?

2. What will the printed dimensions of your poster be? (SeePrintingDetails below.)

3. Will the poster printing costs (see below) be paid for by a division or by an individual? If an individual, please be prepared to pay with cash. If a division (or grant program) - what account number may the printing costs be charged to? Unless you are an ENVS major, you must have an account number or payment in order to print!

______(fund) – ______(org) – 7161 (acct) – ______(prog)

Printing Details

Posters must be in either PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or PDF format. PowerPoint is preferred. You will have an opportunity to review your poster prior to printing.

Pricing is done by linear foot. The charge for poster printing is $8/ft. (So a 3’x4’ poster = $32.)

Please indicate if you want awhite margin of 1/4 inch. Posters must have one dimension (width or height) less than or equal to 36 inches.The workstation used for poster printing is a PC running Windows7 Pro and Office 2010. Posters are printed on instant dry glossy paper.

Poster printing takes place in room 212 in the Science Center. This room is typically locked.

Posters may be taken immediately after printing or stored in SC 212 for pickup (by you) on Thursday, April 19between 8am-12:50pm.

Ifyou need tips on making a poster, these documents may be of use: