Class # 0

Author's Name

Author's Title

Author's Company Affiliation

Author's Address

City, State Country


Welcome to the 90th International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement.This document addresses paper preparation instructions and suggestions, and is the template that is to be used for writing and submitting your paper for this year’s school. This template is being offered to assist you in achieving the desired formatting and uniformity for the submission and inclusion of your paper in the Proceedings, as well as several suggestions that may be considered while authoring your paper and presenting your class at the school.

Please note that all papers are to be submitted electronically. You are not required to provide printed copies of your paper to your Deputy Program Chairperson, only an electronic copy. We hope that the “Electronic Only” submittal process will be convenientfor you. The published Proceedings will be provided to all registered ISHM participants.


All papers should be saved and submitted in Adobe PDF, or Microsoft Word doc ordocx formats.

Title, Class # and Author Information

The paper title should be in all CAPS and bolded. (This is also pre-formatted – just type in the title and it should correctly format itself. Spelling, on the other hand, is up to you!) It is very important that the title be exactly as identified by your Deputy Program Chairperson. Be sure to type in the class number, your name, title, company affiliation, and the address, city, state and country of your office location. These fields are protected, so there should be very little chance of formatting mistakes. You may simply tab between the fields as you insert your information.


This page and column settings have already been defined, so all you have to do is start typing your paper.

The spacing between paragraphs is pre-formatted as well. When you complete a line or paragraph and hit the “Enter” key, the formatted paper will automatically provide the correct spacing to the next paragraph or section title.

Just in case you want to know (or may need to set up yourself because of some unfortunate computer-related problem), here are the format settings.

The paper size should be set for Letter (8 ½” x 11”) portrait. The top page margin should be set to ¾”. The bottom page margin should be set to 1”. Both the left and right side margins should be set to ¾”.

The text portion of the paper should be set for one column. The text font should be set to Arial, size 10. The alignment should be set to “Justified” and the text spacing after each paragraph should be set to 6 points.

Form of the Paper

The title of the paper has been carefully selected by the Committee and should not be changed by the author. The scope of the paper should adequately cover the subject that the title and the synopsis suggest. Several suggestions while writing your papers are:

  1. Subheadings are encouraged because they break up blocks of text and lend interest to the page.
  2. Unless directly quoted, the facts should be presented in as simple language as the subject will allow.
  3. The paper should not contain too much quoted material. The paper should be original in that the conclusions are those of the author.
  4. The third-person style should be used.
  5. Be specific and definite. Phrases such as “sometime ago” or “recently” may not mean much to the reader in later years.
  6. Using the subheading “Conclusion” may be helpful in summarizing the primary points of the paper in a concise manner.

Treatment of the Subject

Not all subjects may be handled the same and it is up to the author to choose the method of development that will be most appropriate. Some subjects may require a serious and critical approach, while others may be written in a lighter context.

Several suggestions while writing your papers are:

  1. Analyze the theme thoroughly and ascertain the central purpose.
  2. Provide adequate substance to fulfill the central purpose.
  3. Organize the material.
  4. Achieve unity (the orderly concentration of ideas) – Unity itself is achieved by each paragraph having a single central theme. Any idea that is not related to the main thought of the paragraph should be omitted or placed into another paragraph.
  5. Achieve coherence (the orderly arrangement of ideas) – Coherence is attained in the paper by the use of the transitional device; that is, each paragraph should seem to grow out of the preceding one. This will result in an orderly arrangement of ideas.
  6. Rewrite and consolidate your ideas following the first draft.
  7. Review the paper for accuracy.

It is often helpful to have an associate read the paper critically. This may provide insight into what reader reaction may be experienced. References to personalities or current events, unless pertinent, are discouraged.


Diagrams may be included within the text of your paper. Since our goal is to manage all papers electronically, we ask that your diagrams be included within the paper when it is electronically submitted to your Deputy Program Chairperson. Diagrams should include the title or description directly beneath the diagram. Diagrams that are not included electronically within the paper will not be included with it in the published Proceedings.


There are no restrictions on the length of the paper. However, the paper should be written in a concise manner that will facilitate the satisfactory conveyance of the intended theme and ideas in as few pages as necessary. A good “rule of thumb” is to limit the paper length to five to seven pages.

File Naming

Upon completion of your paper, please name the Microsoft Word file containing your paper as ishm”class_number”-2015.docx. As example, if you have written a paper for Class # 6100, you would name the file:

ishm 6100-2015.docx

Be sure to keep a copy of the file in case something goes wrong with the file transmission to your Deputy Program Chairperson and you are requested to resend it.

Submitting Your Paper

Send the paper to your Deputy Program Chairperson by email. Be sure to send your paper as an attachment.

Be sure to include an electronic copy of your completed Biographical Data Sheet with your paper as a separate attachmentwhen submitting them to your Deputy Program Chairperson.

Class Presentation

It is best to select the main points of your prepared paper for the class presentation. Material of a mathematical, statistical or involved nature may be better reserved for printed publication, or presented to the class by enlarged graphics.

Several suggestions for effective speaking and presentations are:

  1. Talk to and with the audience, not at them.
  2. An oral presentation should be viewed as a conversation with friends. While the response of the audience may not be loud, the speaker should notice an interest from the listeners.
  3. The introduction is very important in the initial development of interest among the audience.
  4. Speak slowly and distinctly. Speak to those in the back of the room to ensure that you are heard.
  5. Vary your rate of delivery, pausing from time to time. Too much uniformity in your presentation may not retain the interest of your audience.
  6. Emphasize your most important point, which should come at the beginning and, again, at the end of your presentation.

Classroom periods are typically 50 minutes. Your presentation and handling of the subject should be planned accordingly. It is recommended that you allow approximately 10 minutes at the end of the presentation to answer questions and provide opportunities for discussion of specific ideas.

That’s It!

There you have it! You have written your paper and successfully submitted it for publication in the 2015 Proceedings. No “minimum of two copies”, no “cardboard inserts”, no “rubber cement”, no “minimum required paper brightness”, no “leave loose, paper clips only, NO STAPLES”, just Write, Save and Send.

We sincerely hope that these suggestions and requirements make your contribution and participation in the 89th International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement easier for you. We know that the efforts and contributions of the authors and class instructors are the cornerstone of maintaining ISHM’s reputation as the premier hydrocarbon measurement school within the industry.

Thank you in advance for your contribution and participation. We look forward to seeing you in Oklahoma City in May, 2015.