Frangi P.1, Ferrini F.2, Vercesi R.2, Amoroso G.1

1Fondazione Minoprio – Centro MiRT, Viale Raimondi, 54 - 22070 Vertemate con Minoprio (CO)

2Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale – Università di Milano, Via Celoria, 2 – 20133, Milano

keywords: biomass, chlorophyll, mulching bark


The influence of different management techniques on plant growth and on some phenological characteristics was monitored on two groundcover shrubs over a two-year period after planting. The research was carried out on Rosa hybrida and Lonicera pileata plants planted in an experimental plot located at the Fondazione Minoprio (Como) in the North of Italy. Treatments included: 1) mulching with pine bark; 2) mulching with black polyethylene (PE) film; 3) bare soil with the use of herbicide. Plants were then subjected to two different irrigation regimes: a) no irrigation; b) drip irrigation. The results showed that biomass accumulation, chlorophyll content and phenology, were affected by soil management while irrigation did not show significant effects. Besides, different behaviour were observed according to the species.

Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion

Tab. 1 - Effect of soil management and of irrigation on leaf chlorophyll content and on growth in Lonicera pileata (μg/cm2). I valori contrassegnati da lettere diverse differiscono per p ≤ 0.05.

Tesi / Clorofilla (μg/cm2) / biomassa (g) / Numero di rami / Diametro piante
2002 / 2003 / 2002 / 2003 / 2002 / 2003 / 2002 / 2003
Suolo nudo / 18.45 b / 20.66 b / 72.38 n.s. / 122.3 b / 6.97 n.s. / 7.42 b / 93.54 n.s / 100.29n.s.
Corteccia / 18.97 ab / 22.03 a / 74.74 / 184.55 a / 7.00 / 10.08 a / 96.38 / 117.13
Telo / 20.25 a / 21.27 ab / 70.08 / 148.7 ab / 7.83 / 8.17 b / 93.29 / 123.96
p-value / 0.051 / 0.010 / 0.810 / 0.006 / 0.332 / 0.015 / 0.873 / 0.071
Irriguo / 19.10 n.s / 21.94 a / 65.76 b / 146.88 n.s. / 7.17 n.s. / 9.00 n.s. / 90.72 n.s / 114.56n.s.
Asciutto / 19.35 / 20.69 b / 79.04 a / 156.83 / 7.33 / 8.11 / 98.08 / 113.03
p-value / 0.681 / 0.001 / 0.030 / 0.498 / 0.763 / 0.228 / 0.179 / 0.885

Tab. 2 - Effect of soil management on leaf chlorophyll content, biomass production and flower number (only 2003) in Rosa hybrida (μg/cm2). I valori contrassegnati da lettere diverse differiscono per p ≤ 0.05.

Tesi / Clorofilla (μg/cm2) / biomassa (g) / Fiori (n°)
2002 / 2003 / 2002 / 2003 / 1° fioritura / 2° fioritura
Suolo nudo / 18.95 n.s. / 17.03 n.s. / 41.38 b / 238.57 n.s. / 22.67 b / 13.00 n.s.
Corteccia / 19.68 / 16.78 / 50.55 b / 221.80 / 25.33 b / 13.63
Telo / 20.03 / 16.95 / 59.29 a / 185.32 / 37.10 a / 13.50
p-value / 0.149 / 0.873 / 0.009 / 0.147 / 0.000 / 0.893
Irriguo / 18.70 b / 16.47 b / 45.18 b / 188.73 b / 32.40 a / 13.98 n.s.
Asciutto / 20.41 a / 17.37 a / 55.63 a / 241.74 a / 24.33 b / 12.78
p-value / 0.001 / 0.028 / 0.025 / 0.022 / 0.000 / 0.298
Fig. 1 -………………………………………………….
Fig. 2 - ……………………………


Sperimentazione effettuata con finanziamento della Regione Lombardia – D. G. Agricoltura: “Progetto di Sperimentazione Regionale sul Florovivaismo” (d.g.r. n. 7/13077 del 23.05 2003).


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