University Archives and Records Center

Appalachian State University

Accession #: 2007.047

Title: Cluster Programs (Closed)

Location: C26.3.6.1-

Volume: 1.2 cu ft


Box 1

FF 1. Extension Schedule- Winter Quarter 1964-65: Correspondence; Extension Classes Schedule

FF 2. Extension Schedule- Spring Quarter 1964-65: Correspondence; Extension Classes Schedule

FF 3. Extension Class Material Summer Quarter 1965-66: Correspondence

FF 4. Extension Materials Fall 1966: Correspondence; Summary of Extension Classes; Graduate Final Grade List

FF 5. Madison County Workshop 1966: Correspondence; Notes; Meeting Agenda

FF 6. Statesville Workshop, Summer 1966: Correspondence; Meeting Agenda

FF 7. Reading Workshop- Gastonia, N.C. July 25- August 5, 1966: Correspondence, Meeting Agenda

FF 8. Gaston County Workshop, 1966: Correspondence, Meeting Agenda

FF 9. Asheville Workshop 1966: Application for Approval of Program

FF 10. Title I Class, Morganton 1965: Individual Class Reports, Correspondence

FF 11. Extension Class Materials, Spring Quarter 1965-66: Extension Classes Schedule; Correspondence; Meeting Agenda

FF 12. Title I Course- Asheville, Summer 1969: Proposed Supplemental 1969 Summer Teacher Development Program and Elementary Demonstration School for Severely Educationally Disadvantaged Children; Applications for Title I, ESEA In-Service Program—FY69; Contracts; Correspondence

FF 13. Winston-Salem Enrollment, Summer 1969: In-Service Education Credit, Forms 12

FF 14. Extension Schedule, Spring Quarter 1969: Correspondence; Record of Bill sent (4/22/69); Schedules

FF 15. Extension Schedule, Winter Quarter 1969: Extension Classes Schedules; Saturday Classes

FF 16. Extension Schedule, Fall Quarter 1968: Extension Classes Schedule

FF 17. Extension Schedule, Spring Quarter 1968: Extension Classes Schedule

FF 18. Extension Schedule, Winter Quarter 1967-68: Extension Classes Schedule

FF 19. For Adults Only Workshop, 1977: Notes; Workshop Agenda; Registration Forms; Program Schedule; Financial Record; Xerox Machine and Print Shop, Postage, and Supplies Utilized Tally Sheets for Non-Credit Programs; Correspondence; Report of a Planned Continuing Education Activity for Publication in the Continuing Education Bulletin for North Carolina Nurses; Education Event for Adults Form; Facility Faculty Sheet; Checklist for Workshops or Seminars; Lists of Participants; Evaluation Forms; Summary Only Draft; Mailing List; North Carolina State County Map; News Release; Flyer/Bulletins; Center for Continuing Education ASU CEU Program Approval; Differences in the Adult Learner Information Sheets; ‘What We Know About Learning and What It Means to the Adult Educator- with Emphasis on Learning in Groups’

FF 20. Ashe County 4H Program, 1975: Correspondence; Notes; Newspaper Clippings; Supplemental Payroll for Off- Campus Clusters (April 19, 1975) Budget Code 108; Schedules; Participants; Directions from Boone to Colvard Manor and Map/Drawing; Meals; Budget

Box 2

FF 1. Beech Mountain Summer Interest Programs 1975: Schedule/Agenda; Correspondence; Interest Survey for Beech Mountain Summer Residents; Notes; Photo-Pros: Prices, Services, Information; General Educational Offerings/Watauga County

FF 2. Blue Ridge Opportunity, 1975: Notes for Discussion on Purpose of BRO; Session III—BROC Seminar, The Coordinator; Operational Manual; BROC Board of Directors’ Meeting and Seminar; Drawing; Correspondence; Table 1: Households without Automobiles and Telephones; The Staff and the County Planning Committees Training Program

FF 3. Century 21 Shorthand, 1977: Correspondence; Workshop Agenda; Instructors; Notes; Receipts; Pre-Registration Forms; List of Participants; Evaluation Summary

FF 4. The Employee and Profits, 1977: ‘The Employee and Profits’ Flyer; Program Schedule; Registration Forms; Notes; Approval of Outside Employment College of Business ASU; Contract Agreements; Financial Record; Xerox Machine and Print Shop, Postage, and Supplies Utilized Tally Sheets for Non-Credit Programs; Checklist for Workshops or Seminars; Facility Fact Sheet; Newspaper Clippings; Lists of Participants; State of North Carolina Request for Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses Incurred in the Discharge of Official Duty-Including Per Diem; News Release; Educational Events for Adults Forms; Correspondence; Bases for Bonuses; Basic Considerations in Linking Motivation to Profits; Profit- Sharing; Balance Sheet; Evaluation Forms and Comments

FF 5. First Citizens Bank-Motivator, 1974: Correspondence; Draft ‘Motivation-Personal Advancement Program; Proposed Budget; Motivation Seminar Evaluations

FF 6. Glen Raven Mills Seminar, 1972-73: Management Development Program Outline/Objectives; ‘Communication: A Factor in Human Relations’; ‘Typical Review Exercise ; Participant Evaluations; Proposed Budget; Bibliography; Appendix; Sample Demonstration; Indicators of Motivation; Foundations for Good Relations; Work Situation Factors Influencing Motivation; A Short Course in Human Relations; Personality Inventory; ‘Habits that Handicap and Attitudes that Antagonize’ Questionnaire; Illustration; Skit; Personality Qualities that Promote Success; ‘The Manager’s Job’ Description; Motivator ‘Success is No Accident’; Correspondence; Continuing Education Unit Record; Notes; Magazine Articles/Excerpts; Review Sheets for Supervisors; ‘Barriers to Good Communications’; ‘Hearing Grievances’; ‘The Keys to Better Listening Habits’; Photocopy of Excerpt ‘Art Accepts the Challenge’

FF 7. Motivation Seminar, 1977: ‘Modern Injection Molding’ Program; Correspondence; Contract Agreement; Non-Credit Activities Financial Record; Xerox Machine and Print Shop, Mimeographing, Postage, and Supplies Utilized Tally Sheets for Non-Credit Programs; The Raleigh News and Observer Supervisory Development Program Schedule; Lists of Participants; Evaluation Forms/Comments; Illustrations; District Sales Manager/Assistant Circulation Director- Instructions/Situation; Notes

FF 8. Wisconsin Design Reading Program 1974: Brochures; Registration Forms; Notes; Correspondence; Room Requests; Summary of Evaluations/Comments; Program Schedule; Inner-Office Activity Report Division of Community and Regional Services; Rough Draft Proposal; Lists of Participants

FF 9. Hospitality Clinic, 1974: Evaluation Forms; Correspondence; Questionnaire; Hot Sheet; Photocopy of Voucher; Statements; Receipts; AV Service Work Request; Business Card; Notes; Objectives/Program/Registration Forms; Certificates of Completion; News Releases; Budget; Checklist; Tourism Development Brochure; Types of Employment Represented; Names of Facilities Represented; Hospitality Clinic ‘Linking Service and People’ (April 9, 1974)

FF 10. Bachelor of Technology (BT) 1978-79: Correspondence; Drafts; Division of Community Services Salary Schedule by Work Center Identified by Funding Source; Outline Report of Reactions to Proposed Changes in the Management of the Bachelor Technology Program; Notes; Budget Projections; Listing of Probable Cluster Hours; Financial Effect of Proposed Changes; Report of Individual Course Activity; Summary Sheet Individual Course Statistics; Special Programs Listed as Individual Courses; Comparison of Tuition Rates; Comparison of Revenue and Expense for Faculty Salary; Invoices; Course Registration Information Sheets; Proposals: ‘Cleveland Area Bachelor of Technology Cluster’; Division of Community Services Packet

FF 11. Operating Budgets ABCs for Managers, 1976-77: Correspondence; Mailing List; List of Participants; Notes; State of North Carolina County Map; Directory; Pre-Registration Forms; Brochures; Contract Agreement; Workshop Schedule; Checklist; News Releases; Newspaper Clippings ; Evaluation Forms; Participants’ Information; Statements/Receipts; ASU Central Services Requisition for Supplies or Services

FF 12. Operating Budgets: ABCs for Managers, Burlington 1977: Contract Agreements; Non-Credit Activities Financial Records; Xerox Machine and Print Shop, Mimeographing, Postage, and Supplies Utilized During Non-Credit Programs; ‘For Women Only (Mostly)’ Brochures; Notes; Mailing Lists; Checklists for Workshops or Seminars; Correspondence; Lists of Participants; Evaluation Forms/Summaries; Press Announcement; Training Calendar Information Form; Schedules; Concepts for Budgeting; Financial Statements; Terminology and Managerial Benefits; Case Study; Pre-Registration Forms; Equipment/Supply Checklist

Box 3

FF 1. Real Estate Management 1975: Correspondence; Income Scale Based on Number of Participants per Location; Certificates of Achievement; Lists of Participants; Evaluation Forms; Comments; Notes; Invoices; Directory; Business Cards; Programs and Schedule; Diagram of Room Arrangement; Meeting Room Needs; Registration Forms

FF 2. Real Estate Management 1975: Correspondence; Income Scale Based on Number of Participants per Location; Certificates of Achievement; Lists of Participants; Evaluation Forms; Comments; Notes; Invoices; Directory; Business Cards; Programs and Schedule; Diagram of Room Arrangement; Meeting Room Needs; Registration Forms

FF 3. Real Estate Management 1975: Correspondence; Income Scale Based on Number of Participants per Location; Certificates of Achievement; Lists of Participants; Evaluation Forms; Comments; Notes; Invoices; Directory; Business Cards; Programs and Schedule; Diagram of Room Arrangement; Meeting Room Needs; Registration Forms

FF 4. Real Estate Management 1975: Requisitions; Notes; Correspondence; Surveys

FF 5. NC Association of Accountants 1977: Conference Program Notes and Schedules; Correspondence; Regarding Room Reservation; Summer Professional Development Conference for North Carolina Society of Accountants Brochure; Lists of Participants; Evaluation Forms/Summaries; Registration Forms; Addressed Mailing Envelope; “Boone Bash” Flyer; Notes; Note Cards

FF 6. NC Association of Accountants 1977: Evaluation Forms

FF 7. NC Association of Accountants 1977: Correspondence; Registration Forms; Notes; Luncheon Tickets; Schedules; Summer Professional Development Conference for North Carolina Society of Accountants Brochures; “Boone Bash” Flyers; Program Personnel; Conference Topics, Objectives, Faculty, Program Information; Notes from Accountants Workshop Discussion Meeting; ‘Accountants’ Liability’ by Robert Joseph Barnes; ‘1979 Tax Changes’ FF 8. NC Association of Accountants 1977: Business Cards; Invoices; Tax Forms 706; Correspondence; Program Personnel; Note Cards; Persons Pre-Registered; Summer Professional Development Conference for North Carolina Society of Accountants Brochures; Notes; Reminder Notices for Professional Development Conference; Conference Programs/Schedules; Table of Concurrent Sessions