Minutes 02/2007

A meeting of the above Council was held on 05 March 2007 in Ollaberry Primary School.

Present were: Mr J A Cromarty (Chair)

Mr P Brown

Mrs J A Copland

Mr A Doull

Mrs G Hughson

Mr A MacDonald

Clerk: Miss C A McWilliam

Apologies: Mr J A Jamieson

Mr D Robertson

Mr E Tribe

Councillor W Manson

PC Neil MacIver

Mrs C Brizell


The minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2007 were approved by Mr A Doull, seconded by Mrs G Hughson.


Redundant Aquaculture Equipment

Mr J A Cromarty informed members that Mr D Robertson had recently visited the site at Stow, Eshaness containing the redundant aquaculture equipment and it still proved to be unsecured. It was agreed that a further letter should be sent to the Environment Services regarding this matter.

Gluss Isle

It was decided that discussion on the area containing boom defences on Gluss Isle, should be carried forward to the next meeting, when Mr J A Jamieson is present.

Scottish Water – New Water Supply Treatment

Some of the Community Councillors had been approached by members of the public complaining about the strong smell of chlorine in the drinking water. Members also noticed a recent change in the water themselves, and it was agreed that a letter be sent to Scottish Water outlining the publics concerns.

Road Matter

To date, no response had been received back from Mr Ian Halcrow, regarding the pot holes at the road verge at Fairfield. Mrs G Hughson reported that as far as she was aware the worked had been completed. It was decided that no further action was needed.

Scottish Health Council

The clerk was instructed to write to Mrs Camille Brizell, the local Shetland Officer from the Scottish Health Council to invite her to the next Community Council meeting.

Appointment of Auditor

(Mr A MacDonald attended the meeting)

Further to the last meeting members read quotes from ZE1 Associates, Bon Accord Accountancy Ltd and Baker Tilly for the audit and preparation of the Community Council’s year end accounts. Members decided to accept the quote provided by ZE1 Associates.

Application for Grant Funding

At the previous meeting Mrs J A Copland requested that the clerk write to ask the organisation for further information on who was involved in the scheme within the area, as the Shetland Islands Council does not allow Community Councils to fund Shetland wide organisations. To date, no further information had been received back regarding this matter.

Toilets at Braewick Café, Eshaness

A letter from Mrs Nicolson regarding the toilets at Braewick Café, Eshaness was read to members. Mrs Nicolson clarified that the toilets at the café were public, but they could not risk leaving the toilet door open during bad weather because there is no self closer on the door. She informed members that they had been waiting for a self closer for the door since the café opened and hoped to resolve this matter soon. Once the self closer is on the door she will arrange for a sign to go on the wall of the café and possibly one on the sign post as well. She anticipates that the toilets will be open to the public 24 hours a day during the summer months and in the winter months they would close at 8pm. Mrs Nicolson also stated that the Council did not provide any funding towards the running costs of the toilets, so when the café is shut it is extra costs that the business has to find for providing the service, which is another reason why the toilets are closed at the moment. After discussion it was decided that Mrs Nicolson’s proposal was perfectly acceptable, and that the clerk should write a letter to ask if the Community Council can do anything to help them provide this service. Once the problem with the door is resolved the members agreed that a sign should be provided on the wall and on the sign post.

Hillswick Area

At the last meeting, members were made aware of complaints made about sheep heading into the Hillswick area. It was suggested that the matter should be raised with the Grazings Committee. Mr J A Cromarty asked the members if they had heard anything further regarding this matter. Members confirmed that they had not heard anything further.

Proposed Care Centre for Northmaven

At the previous meeting, Mr E Tribe enquired as to whether any feedback had been received on a care centre for the Northmaven area and after discussion it was decided to approach the Development Company for an update on their strategy. Mr A MacDonald reported that the Development Company needed to complete a health audit before any further progress could be made.

Sheltered Housing at North Roe

A letter from the Housing Services Department regarding the basis that the sheltered housing at North Roe was let out on, and the order of priority was read to members. Mr G Martin stated that the sheltered houses were let as priority to applicants who have been assessed as having a housing need and a need for the services of a Housing Support Worker. It is not the case that someone local would be allocated in preference to someone from out with the area, as this would be discriminatory. However, applicants from within the area or with a local connection may be entitled to additional points in support of their application. He also outlined that a number of void sheltered houses with no demand have been allocated to general needs lets using a sensitive letting policy. After discussion members agreed that the clerk should write a letter back to the Council stating that they are concerned that this is the basis that the sheltered houses are allocated on.

Dr Russon

Following on from previous discussion at the last meeting members were informed that Dr Russon had been reinstated by the Lerwick Health Board, and that they were waiting to see if Dr S Bowie reinstates him at the Hillswick Practice, The petition had been passed on to the Shetland Health Board. The Health Board were asked to pass on the petition to Dr S Bowie but they are not sure if it had been or not. After discussion it was decided that the clerk should write to Dr S Bowie to ask her what the current situation is regarding this matter.

Local Service Delivery Group Meeting

Mr A MacDonald reported back to the members regarding the Local Service Delivery Group meeting he had attended. He stated that he had passed on amendments for the Northmaven area. Mrs J A Copland suggested that a member of the Community Council would need to attend meetings. Mr A MacDonald said that he would be willing to attend any future meetings and would like to be notified of meetings directly.

Northmaven Bus Services

Mr J A Cromarty read a letter to members from Mr Ian Bruce, Service Manager of Transport regarding bus services in Northmaven. Mr Ian Bruce stated that there are no changes under consideration to timetables or frequencies of bus services within the area. Members instructed the clerk to write back outlining that the Community Council wants to explain what the current need for the services is and would like to be consulted before any changes go a head.

Work Licence Application: WLA 2007/013/VS

Members had no objections to vary an existing works licence 2006/089/TS by altering mooring containment area, altering equipment, and changing production from shellfish to finfish, North of Geo of Valladale, Urafirth, Hillswick by UK Scallops Ltd.

Applications for Grant Funding/Budgeting

Following discussion grant assistance was awarded to the following local groups/organisations:

Northmavine Happy Hour Club £600.00

Northmavine Cattle Compensation Society £500.00

Urafirth Primary School £420.00

Ollaberry Primary School £350.00

North Roe Primary School £250.00

Ollaberry Youth Club £300.00

Northmavine Up Helly Aa Committee £300.00

Eshaness Community Centre £218.03

Northmavine Parish Church £350.00

Northmavine Sheep Dog Trials £250.00

Sullom & Gunnister Hall £300.00

North Roe Methodist Church £500.00

Environmental grants were also awarded as follows:

Urafirth Primary School £419.00

Ollaberry Primary School £250.00

North Roe Primary School £200.00

Members agreed that £1,857 of the 2006/2007 budget is committed to unadopted roads and should be carried forwarded into next year’s budget.

Mr A MacDonald requested that the clerk e-mail him with a list of people with unclaimed road grants so that he could contact them.

Viking Energy – Offer of Presentation and Meeting on the Proposed Windfarm

Mr J A Cromarty read a letter from Viking Energy offering to attend a meeting and give a presentation on the proposed windfarm. Mr J A Cromarty suggested that Viking Energy be invited to the next Community Council meeting.

ASCC Meeting

A letter from the Association of Shetland Community Councils inviting members to attend the next ASCC meeting to be held on 7th April 2007 at 11am at the Clickimin Centre was read by members. It was decided that the clerk and Mr J A Cromarty should attend the meeting. The clerk will inform Mrs W Fraser that they will be attending.


Tangwick Haa Trustee

Mrs J A Copland informed members that Mr D Williamson resigned as the Trustee for the Tangwick Haa. Mr P Brown had agreed to represent the Community Council as the Trustee for the Tangwick Haa Museum.

Shetland Islands Council – Joint Liaison Group

Mr J A Cromarty agreed to be a representative on the joint liaison group, subject to the agreement of all the other North Mainland Community Councils.

Pavement Lighting at Runnadale, Ollaberry

Members were informed that the lack of pavement lighting at Runnadale, Ollaberry on the approach to the Church was a potential hazard. The clerk was instructed to write to the Shetland Islands Council regarding this matter.

Planning Application: 2007/67/PCD

Members viewed an application to erect a dwelling house, adjacent to Old School Buildings, Urafirth by Mr Colin Hughson. Members agreed that they fully supported the application.

Scottish Water – New Water Supply Treatment (Continued)

Following previous discussion on this matter, Mr A MacDonald notified members that Scottish Water had taken samples of water after complaints from local residents. He was informed that Scottish Water was currently in the process of flushing the water, and the problems should be resolved shortly. They will advertise.

ASCC – Community Council Training

Members of the Community Council and the clerk were invited to attend a training session to be held on 10 March 2007 at the Brae Hall from 10 am to 4 pm. None of the members or the clerk wished to accept the offer. The clerk will inform Mrs W Fraser.

Shetland Islands Council and Viking Energy – Proposed Visit to Scottish Windfarms

An e-mail from Mr A Hamilton inviting members to a study visit to see Scottish windfarms was read. Members that were interested were instructed to contact the clerk before 11 March 2007 so that she could inform Mr A Hamilton. The clerk was instructed to inform any members that were not at the meeting about this offer.

The Scottish Parliament – Post Office Questionnaire

Members completed a questionnaire from The Scottish Parliament on post office services within the Northmaven area.

Shetland Community Regeneration Partnership – Conference

Members were invited to attend an ‘Enterprising Communities’ conference on 31 March 2007 at the Burra Hall from 9.45 am to 4.00 pm. None of the members were interested in attending the conference, and the clerk was instructed to inform Mr D Gardiner.

Grant Assistance Enquiry

Mr J A Cromarty was approached by a member of the public enquiring as to whether the Community Council could help towards funding a cattle grid on the public road near his house. Members thought that it was not appropriate for the Community Council to offer grant assistance for this matter. Mr J A Cromarty will inform the person of the members’ decision.

Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for the 16 April 2007, and will be held at 7.30 pm in Ollaberry Primary School.

Items tabled at the meeting:

UHI Millennium Institute Vacancy Application Form, Information sheet and Fact Card

SEPA View Magazine Jan/Feb 2007 Issue 34

The Crown Estate’s Highlands and Islands Update

Northmavine Development Company – Initiative at the Edge - Minutes of the Meeting held on 22 November 2006

Shaw and Sons Limited Brochure

Magazine from the Scottish Parliament

