40 ways to Learn Pre-Writing Strokes and Letters/Numbers Without Holding a Pencil
- Use magnetic letters/numbers to match, free play with, build name, sort, sequence in order.
- Use alphabet/number cards to sequence, match, sort
- Use alphabet/number puzzles
- Build pre-writing strokes and shapes with Wikki Stix, playdough, pretzels, blocks, pipe cleaners, popsickle sticks, cereal, etc. Can build on top on stroke/shape model or copy
- Use letter/number stamps – stamp in sequence, in boxes, free stamping, stamping on matching letter/number
- Stamping on pre-writing strokes or shapes, curved lines, numbers
- Glue materials such as beans, pasta, cotton balls, mini marshmallows, tissue paper wadded up, etc. on lines, curves and shapes, numbers
- Play alphabet bingo
- Air draw lines, curves, shapes, easy upper case, circles, crosses, diagonals, etc.
10. Simple computer games with letters/numbers
11. Sort/match pre-writing strokes and letters/numbers
12. Draw straight, curvy “roads” on large paper on floor, chalkboard
for children to drive a small car on (put big green star or dot
for starting point).
13. Put tactile pre-writing strokes or easy letters around room for
children to run fingers over, visually see and explore
14. Place stickers on pre-writing strokes or easy letters/numbers
with cues for starting points.
15. Draw line, shape or letter in clay – child pushes small pegs or
other objects into it.
16. in cornmeal
17. in sand
18. in pudding
19. in foam soap
20. in shaving cream
21. in finger paint
22. in lotion
23. in sugar or salt on black construction paper
24. in cornstarch/water mix
25. Drive car over (put starting point)
26. Walk on
27. Jump on
28. Follow shape with small paint roller or brush (paint free)
29. Place blocks or other materials on
30. Make stroke, shape, letter or numbers cards by squeezing
colored glue on model; sprinkling sand, glitter, etc. on model
31. Paint or stamp letters/numbers/shapes from pre-cut dyes with
white construction paper.
32.Sponge paint letters
33. Trace over chalk strokes, shapes, letters, numbers with very
small sponges on chalkboard or cement
34. Finger trace over textured lines
35. Finger trace over large strokes, shapes, letters, numbers on dry
erase board (cue for starting point).
36. Use pretzel or popsickle stick to trace
37. Fish for strokes, shapes, letters, numbers with magnet and
paperclips – show them card with model to match
38. Hide forms made into lines, circle, squares, triangles and simple
letters in sand, rice, beans, etc. for children to match and find.
39. Make an ABC book by finding the letter in a group and glueing in
40. Sign in circle time with a designated letter by tracing over it
with correct directionality with finger.