Student’s Name ______DOB: ______
Grade Placement: ______School: ______
Use your judgment to indicate whether you feel this child has accomplished the skills up to his/her present grade level. (CIRCLE Y N)
Kindergarten Skills
Y / N / Recites nursery rhymes / Y / N / Recognizes different methods of transportationY / N / Identifies colors / Y / N / Recites personal data
Y / N / Recognizes community helpers / Y / N / Uses rest room facilities appropriately
Y / N / Eats & drinks appropriately using utensils / Y / N / Serves himself/herself in the cafeteria
Y / N / Properly uses and cares for outerwear / Y / N / Washes face and hands
Y / N / Wipes and blows nose / Y / N / Combs and/or brushes hair
First Grade Skills
Y / N / Recognizes geometric symbols / Y / N / Reproduces geometric symbolsY / N / Identifies left and right / Y / N / Identifies prepositional concepts
Y / N / Identifies body parts / Y / N / Knows what to do in an emergency
Y / N / Brings materials, including homework to class / Y / N / Follows oral instructions
Y / N / Checks out library books and “reads” them / Y / N / Follows oral directions
Y / N / Follows written directions / Y / N / Knows school rules
Y / N / Uses adequate hygiene
Second Grade Skills
Y / N / Recites days, months, and seasons / Y / N / Locates days and dates on a calendarY / N / Understands season changes / Y / N / Identifies coins
Y / N / Identifies coin combination / Y / N / Adds coins to $1.00
Y / N / Tells time / Y / N / Is aware of community safety rules
Y / N / Reads street and traffic signs
Third Grade Skills
Y / N / Reads weather words / Y / N / Reads thermometerY / N / Dresses appropriately for temperature / Y / N / Reads community signs
Y / N / Identifies and explains function of a traffic light / Y / N / Spells color words
Y / N / Follows written directions / Y / N / Tells time
Y / N / Identifies and uses coins and bill to $10.00 / Y / N / Measures inch, foot, yard
Y / N / Measures with teaspoon, tablespoon, cup / Y / N / Recognizes abbreviations for male and female
Y / N / Recognizes abbreviations for year and month / Y / N / Cleans fingernails
Y / N / Observes school safety rules
Fourth Grade Skills
Y / N / Knows four basic food groups / Y / N / Writes complete personal dataY / N / Spells days, months, seasons / Y / N / States calendar equivalents
Y / N / Has adequate personal hygiene / Y / N / Chooses and wears appropriate clothing
Y / N / Follows form directions / Y / N / Uses a digital watch
Y / N / Uses a telephone directory / Y / N / Calculates change
Fifth Grade Skills
Y / N / Can find information independently / Y / N / Uses a dictionaryY / N / Spells number words to 20 / Y / N / Understands directionality (N, S, E, W)
Y / N / Follows written instructions / Y / N / Abides by specific work area rules
Y / N / Uses safety precautions / Y / N / Cooperates with others
Sixth Grade Skills
Y / N / Fills out applications / Y / N / Fills out order formsY / N / Understands bank services / Y / N / Understands bank vocabulary
Y / N / Locates specific information in a newspaper / Y / N / Locates specific information in a catalog
Y / N / Understands the abbreviation for race / Y / N / Uses deodorant
Y / N / Identifies money combinations to $100.00 / Y / N / Uses public transportation
Y / N / Knows abbreviation for date of birth / Y / N / Has adequate grooming practices
Teacher Signature: ______Date: ______