5. Project Concept Note Template

Invitation EoI for Selection of partner NGOsfortheimplementation of the Max Nutri-WASH program in one woreda of Amhara or SNNPR, Ethiopia

The concept note should not be more than 12 pages (Plus maximum three pages annex), written in English, using font 11Calibri (Body).

Contents of the Concept Note

1. General Context / 1.1. Key Information on the context
  • Political, economic, social, environmental relevant for the project and linked with the intended changes of the intervention.
1.2. Key Information on the Situation
  • Describe the present situation of the project locations in line with the objective and outcomes proposed for the project.
1.3. Relevance of the Proposed Project to the Max Nutri-WASHproject
  • How does this project meet the objective of the Max Nutri-WASH project?
  • How will this project build on previous experiences regarding WASH, Health, Nutrition, Sanitation Marketing and entrepreneurship activities of your organization?
  • How the organization will build linkage with village saving & loan association/self-help groups/ micro finance/other to develop social entrepreneurship for Public Health, WASH marketing, Nutrition and Livelihood improvement?
  • How does the project will build linkages with relevant GoE line departments and NGOs.

2. Project results, beneficiary, approaches and strategies / 2.1. Project Beneficiary
  • Who are the main beneficiary of the suggested project (mention the quantity also) and how will they be identified?
2.2. Results Framework
  • Describes each of the result indicators (see in Annex-2) according to the attached results framework (annex 1) indicating the present status, project target and how to reach the results.
2.3. Main stakeholders and Change agents and their role in the project
  • Who are the main stakeholders of the suggested project and their contribution to achieve the intended objective?
  • Who are the main change agents of the suggested project and their contribution to achieve the intended outcomes?
  • What is the expected impact being on the Max Nutri-WASH beneficiary
  • What is the expected impact being on gender, particularly on Nutrition and WASH and safe motherhood services?
2.4. Project Implementation approach
  • Describe the approaches will be set for the project to achieve the defined goal, objectives and results
  • Rationale and description of the selected approach with reference to best practices already created in the sector.
  • Policies, structures and know-how which ensure a systematic integration of Max Nutri-WASH approach
2.5. Project Implementation Strategies
  • Describe the strategies will be set for the project to achieve the defined goal, objectives and results

3. Project and fund Management / 3.1. Project Management
  • Describe how the project will be managed including the project management organogram.
3.2. Fund management
  • Describe how the funding will be managed.
  • Describe the procedure for upfront funding and delivering results.
  • Describe your organization capacity and procedure for project and fund management

4. Project Sustainability / 4.1. Approach and strategy
  • Describe the approaches and strategies for ensuring the sustainability of the proposed Max Nutri-WASH project;
  • Describe the approaches and strategies to declare the Open defecation free villages in -terms of Max Nutri-WASH project
  • Describe the approaches and strategies to support local sanitation entrepreneurs actively managing supply and demand of services
  • Describe the approaches and strategies to strengthen communities in being active to sustain WASH & Nutrition practices in the village.

5. Stakeholder assessment
What are their influence, interests and roles? /
  • Reflection on the stakeholder analysis (including communities, civil society, government line agencies, interest groups), their visions, mission, interests, their roles for this project and how they benefit from the project
  • Roles and responsibilities of the government line agencies, e.g. HEWs and Health Development Army, and community organisations (PTAs, School Hygiene and Sanitation Clubs), and local entrepreneurship in particular in leading the change process.

6. Resources
What is required? Who shall contribute what? /
  • Resources required in terms of personnel, technology, know how, in relation to the goal and outcomes of the intervention
  • Reflections on cost-efficiency (Cost per beneficiary), cost- effectiveness, cost-benefit

7. Risk Management
What are the key conclusions of the risk assessment? /
  • Synthesis of main risks, planned measures for mitigation

8. Monitoring and steering
How is the project monitored and steered? /
  • Description of the results-oriented monitoring system on outcome level, timing and responsibilities for results-oriented monitoring and steering
  • Describes about baseline survey methodology
  • Describes your internal monitoring procedure to ensure the quality of implementation

9. Budget /
  • Give the proposed budget for the project according to the attached budget template in Annex -3.