World Literature
Syllabus 2016-2017
Mrs. Lane-Cruz
Room 212
The goals of this course are to build and improve:
- Grammar
- Word usage
- Vocabulary
- Writing in different formats for different purposes
- Reading and interpreting a variety of texts alone and in class
- Gain and use knowledge of literary terms
- Literary criticism
- Gain an understanding of literary history from around the world
Students will gain an understanding of literature through the study of history and how it affects the writers who communicate their feelings to readers, as well as how readers will connect the texts to life today. Consequently, by studying literature as readers, we will think critically, interpret, and effectively communicate our feelings through speaking and writing.
The Quest for Immortality: Would you want to be immortal? Consider the good and the bad
Conduct in Life: How important are manners? When do manners play a key role; in private life, social life, public interactions and the work place?
The Journey Inward: How do we understand our existence? What are our personal limitations and possibilities?
The Hero: What is the true meaning of the term Hero? Can we all be heroes? How can we compare our modern day heroes to the heroes in literature?
The Natural World: How do we become more connected to the things of nature? Is it even possible today? What role does nature play in our lives/society today?
Alienation and Despair: Everyone at some point experiences the feeling of being on the outside. Sometimes these feelings can become intense. How can we cope with these feelings?
The Novel
Short Story
Non Fiction
The Phantom of the Opera
Les Miserables
Oedipus the King
Julius Caesar
Don Juan
A Doll’s House
Chinese Literature
Indian Literature
Egyptian Literature
Sumerian Literature
Hebrew Literature
Greek Literature
Roman Literature
NOTE: There will be additional readings added. Also, this syllabus is tentative and is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion
Class Expectations
1. Be Respectful. In order to have a classroom where everyone feels comfortable enough to share ideas and ask questions, we all need to practice respect.
2. Come prepared. Come prepared to class every day. This means always carrying pens and pencils, a notebook and appropriate text/novel for the day. Additionally, all work assigned needs to be completed to ensure a productive class for yourself, as well as for your peers as group work (Socratic seminar, peer editing etc.) is a major facet during class lessons. Make sure ALL assignments are printed out before class!! You will NOT be allowed to print out your assignments during class.
3. Turn in Work on Time. You can assure yourself full credit for completed work that is handed in on time. Late assignments will lose 10 points per day. Also, make sure your work is neat; work that is excessively sloppy or illegible will not be graded.
4. PLAGIARISM. Do your own work unless you are working on a group assignment. Copying from your friend or the Internet is plagiarizing and will result in a ZERO.
5. Absence from School or Class. You must make up any work that you missed while you were absent or out of class for another school function. Each student should obtain the telephone number of one or two classmates who can be called for homework and information that is missed as a result of absence. It is you responsibility to turn in any assignments collected and pick up the missed assignments from your “assignment bin” on the day that you return. Homework assignments not submitted due to absence are automatically marked as “missing” in my grade book until they are turned in. If work is going to be submitted late because of absence, the student should write “ABSENT” by their name on the assignment. Students who are absent for an extended period of time can discuss requirements and altered due dates.
6. Grading. The grading breakdown may vary slightly from class to class; however, the following model will provide you with a general outline to follow:
- Homework, class work, group work, and small assignments (20%)
- Test weighted assignments, such as exams, essays, projects, oral reports etc. (40%)
- Quiz-weighted assignments, such as formal quizzes, specific class assignments and homework assignments (you will be told if an assignment is quiz weighted) (30%)
- Class participation/behavior (10%)
- You must have a notebook. Students who take notes tend to do better! Sections in you binder/notebook should include: 1. notes/vocabulary 2.homework/classwork 3.Authors 4.grammar/writing.
- Do Now/Journal Writing. You will be expected to maintain a journal throughout the school year. For the first 5-10 minutes of class you will either respond to a prompt on the board or use the time for free writing. Journals will also receive a grade every marking period.
7. Lateness and Leaving the Classroom. Come to class directly from your previous class. If you need to stop at your locker or the bathroom; please do it quickly. While in class, limit you bathroom visits, and only go when it is not disruptive. Take a pass from the door, catch my eye, and go. Only one student should be out of the classroom at a time, so be considerate and return quickly.
8. Cell Phones, Ipods, Laptops, etc.*There is NO cell phone use permitted in classrooms, halls, bathrooms, except during your scheduled lunch. If you must make a call, you will have to get permission, and go to the office.
*Ipods, and all similar devices may be used before and after school, and at lunch.
*Laptops may not be used for class notes. Please write out your notes or any homework (unless it’s been previously stated that the assignment can be typed) in your notebook. If you are working on a group assignment you may use laptops ONLY at the teacher’s discretion. If you are caught playing games, doing homework for another class and the like, you will not be allowed to use a laptop.
9. How to Reach Me. If, for any reason, you need to contact me after the school day ends, the best way to contact me is via email at .
Keep in mind, one of the most important things you can learn during high school is to be a team player—find your style—are you a leader, follower, grunt worker, brainstormer, problem solver, idea generator? Whenever possible you will be allowed to work in the way best suited to your personal style—alone/ group etc. but at times you will have to adapt.
Food for thought: School is not about proving how smart you are; it's about learning how to think and communicate your ideas, as well as growing in confidence of who you are and what you can do. Seek to understand and you'll be amazed by what you see.
I have received, read, understand and will abide by the course requirements for World Literature, school year 2016-2017.
Student______Parent Name______
Email______Email ______