Oakley and Deane Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committeeheld on 20 October2016
Present:Mrs. Gavin (Chairman), Mrs. Bettridge, Mrs. Blackman, Mr. Bullions, Mr. Law
As neither the Chairman (Mr. Favell) or the Vice-Chairman (Mr. Hewitt) were present at the meeting, Mrs. Blackman took the chair at the start of the meeting.
- Apologies
Apologies were received from Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Hooker and Mrs. Taylor (Borough Councillor).
- Election of Chairman of the Planning Committee
Mr. Favell had tendered his resignation as a Parish Councillor after the September 2016 meeting. Mrs. Bettridge nominated Mrs. Gavin to take the role of Chairman, and Mrs. Gavin agreed to stand. Mr. Bullions seconded the nomination, and Mrs. Gavin was unanimously elected by all members of the Planning Committee. Mrs. Gavin then took the chair.
- Election of Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee
Mrs. Gavin proposed that Mr. Hewitt continue as Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee and Mr. Bullions seconded the proposal, and it was agreed unanimously.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 15th September 2016, having been circulated to all members prior to the meeting,
were approved by the committee and signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.
- Planning Applications
The following applications were discussed:
16/03238/HSE – 1 Station Road, Erection of a single storey side/rear extension to form family/playroom following demolition of existing conservatory. Whilst the members had no overall objections to the application, they commented that the window going into the gable is out of characterwith the Conservation area, and requested it be reduced in size to come in line with the ground floor window.
16/03243/LDPO– 24 Hill Road, Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey rear extension. The members had no objections and no comments.
16/034363/FUL – Land Opposite the Cottage, Rectory Road, Erection of a single new dwelling, detached outbuilding for garaging with studio above and detached outbuilding for home gymnasium/cinema room. Formation of new vehicular access and associated works.The members made the following objections: The proposed property is outside theSettlement Boundaryand in theConservation Area– contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan and the Local Plan, i.e.
Local Plan SS6– New Housing in the countryside: Development Proposals for new housing outside the Settlement Policy Boundaries will only be permitted where they are:
a)On ‘previously developed’ land; or
b)For a rural exception site for affordable housing; or
c)For the re-use of a redundant or disused permanent building; or
d)For a replacement dwelling that is not temporary in nature or an extension to an existing property; or
e)Small scale residential proposals of a scale or type that meet a locally agreed need;
f)For a new dwelling linked to an existing and viable agricultural, forestry, horse breeding and training, livery or equivalent rural business; or
g)Allocated for development in a Neighbourhood Plan which has been ‘made’ by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council.
Pre-application advicehas been received (August 2015 before adoption of Local and Neighbourhood Plans), see section 12 of the Planning, Design and Access statement. Section 12.3.1 states that ‘at present the Council fails to meet its five year housing land supply requirement’ which is not the case and 12.3.2 quotes from the NPPF which is again no longer the case as the Local Plan has now been adopted.
Proposed dwelling– the building is too large and too high for the Conservation Area in this part of the village and the building style not in keeping with other properties and is totally out of character, i.e. exposed oak framing/brick in a Tudor style; the other properties in the area are predominantly Georgian/early Victorian. The other two properties mentioned (East Oakley House and the Manor) are Grade 2 listed buildings and should not be used for comparison purposes within this application. The map on page 7 of the Neighbourhood Plan demonstrates that this property would stand out from other properties along this road of which the majority are Listed and Architecturally Important Buildings in Oakley which will surround this property. This property would not preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area.
Highways– pre-application advice states that the Highway Officer would have no, in principle, objection to a new access on Rectory Road. We would disagree with this particularly in regard to the many pedestrians in this part of Rectory Road. This area of Rectory Road is also a pinch point when two cars are passing and visibility is not good.
Biodiversity- some mature hedgerow will be taken out and replaced with post and rail fencing – not in keeping with the street scene of Rectory Road. The application form and Biodiversity Checklist both state that there are no hedges or trees on the proposed development site which is not correct. The boundary on Rectory Road consists of mature hedgerow and there is a copse of trees to the east of the site which contains some very large, old trees. The development is two metres above road level so this will totally change the appearance of the road and will affect the wildlife living in the hedgerows and the bank.
Sewerage– package treatment plant, no connection to existing system
Village Design Statement (April 2004)- page 15 of the brochure – Development Guidelines – The Landscape Setting:
·‘Further housing and non-residential development should generally be kept within the present Oakley village boundaries and on land that has been previously built upon’.
·‘Planting of indigenous species in any new hedgerows should be encouraged and existing native trees, shrubs and hedgerows should be conserved’.
The Parish Council understands that objections from neighbours have been sent to BDBC, and the Parish has returned the ‘ Permission to Speak’ form, should the application be referred to Committee.
16/03215/HSE – 3 Caithness Close. Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory. The members had no comments and no objections.
16/03357/HSE – 11 Croft Road. Erection of two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and single storey entrance porch following demolition of garage.Whilst the members did not have an overall objection to the application they wanted to comment that the footpath adjacent to the property must be maintained and not narrowed as a result of the works being carried out.
T/00407/16/TCA, Willow tree at the Rectory Road Pond. Crown raise to no higher than 3m. Remove rubbing/crossing branches as necessary. Prune to clear cables/wires to give no more than 3m radial clearance. Remove deadwood as necessary. The members had no comments and no objections.
- The Committee noted the following decisions:
16/02594/HSE / Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey front extension 53 St Johns Piece / Granted
16/02262/FUL /
Erection of 6 no. three bedroom houses and associated landscaping 4 Pardown / Withdrawn
16/02682/HSE / Erection of a single storey rear extension 17 Water Ridges / Granted
16/02554/HSE /
Erection of single storey side and rear extension. single storey front extension for a boot room, conversion of part of garage to living accommodation and raising of the garage roof 14 Medway Avenue / Granted
16/02838/HSE /
Installation of bay window to front elevation 23 Foxmoor Close / Granted
T/00298/16/TPO / Blue Atlas Cedar: Crown lift to no higher than 8m above ground level, removing limbs that are touching roof of property to give no more than 1.5m clearance. Remove deadwood and snapped limb 10 Aviemore Drive / Granted
T/00332/16/TCA /
T1 yew - crown reduce by no more than 1-1.2m to previously reduced points 1 Garrett Court / Granted
7. To consider any other planning issues:
16/01019/FUL East Oakley House:Mrs. Gavin informed members that this application will be referred to Committee on 2nd November and that a site visit is arranged for Friday 28th October. Mrs. Gavin and Mrs. Bettridge will attend the Committee meeting.
16/00635/HSE 37 Highland Drive: This application, to which the Parish objected, was refused but the applicant has appealed. The appeal is due to be held in November 2016. Work has been done in the garden of the property but it is not clear what is being done, and no enforcement can be initiated at this time. Mrs. Gavin and Mrs. Bettridge have visited the neighbours and seen the works in progress.
Beach Arms Lighting: Mr. Law has visited the property and has seen that the lights are very bright, but even if they were angled down, the actual volume of light emitted is higher than with the previous bulbs due to the increased luminosity of the LCD bulbs. The owners of the property are working to try and reduce the glare affecting the neighbours, which will increase when the leaves are all off the surrounding trees. Mr. Law will investigate whether the lights can be ‘shrouded’ in some way to re-direct the light away from the neighbours.
Deane Gate Inn: Mr. Law has contacted the builder who has assured him that once the current works being done in Ropley are completed, which should be in November, he will start work on the Deane Gate. Mr. Law has also contacted the Conservation Officer, but at this time there is nothing further that can be done, so the situation will be monitored.
Date of next meeting – 3rd November 2016 (if there are applications with a closing date that require a meeting).