Fine Arts Careers/Colleges Web Quest

Name(s)______Hour_____ Date______Score_____

Introduction: You are going to explore the different kinds of fine arts majors and the various fine arts careers out there. . By the end of this web quest, decide which type of fine arts career which interests you the most.. Use YOUR OWN WORDS to answer the questions.

1.  *Go to and learn about visual arts careers. (Don’t just rely on the summary).

a.  List 2 duties that you’d like to do:

b.  What kind of pay can you expect?

c.  What education do you need?

d.  Job outlook?

e.  Look under “work environment”--what is one difficult part of this career?

2) Now, go to * and

a) choose two employers that you’d be willing to work for:

b) What are two related careers of “visual artists” that you’d like to explore further?

3) Next, go to and watch the video about a visual artist in action. Use one word or phrase to describe his work:

4) Time to explore a music career. Choose one from the Google slide presentation or one of your choice. Go to and answer these questions (without using the summary):

a.  List 2 duties that you’d like to do:

b.  What kind of pay can you expect?

c.  What education do you need?

d.  Job outlook?

e.  Look under “work environment”--what is one difficult part of this career?

5) Go to to gain some advice about composing. List one piece of advice that makes sense to you:

6) Next, go to and write down two careers that are not usually considered “traditional” music careers:

7) Now you’ll explore dance careers. Choose one from the Google slide presentation or one of your choice. Go to and answer these questions (without using the summary):

f.  List 2 duties that you’d like to do:

g.  What kind of pay can you expect?

h.  What education do you need?

i.  Job outlook?

j.  Look under “work environment”--what is one difficult part of this career?

8) Go to and write down two careers that are not usually considered “traditional” dance careers:

9) Watch choreography in action:

What sport inspired some of the choreographer’s dance moves for Hamilton? Why did he use these types of moves?

10) Now that you’ve explored several fine arts careers, take a look at the list of best fine arts colleges/universities in the U.S.:

a.  Choose a major, then click on one of the schools Which school would you like to attend and why?

b) Look under the “overview.” How much will this college cost (tuition, room & board)?

c) What is the acceptance rate at this college/university?

*If time permits, you will be asked to present your career choice to the rest of the class. If you finish the webquest early, get creative with your presentation…..create a one-slide PPT or Google slide; come up with a monologue or rap lyric, etc.