Hymn – The Candles at Advent

1. The candles at Advent as Christmas draws near;

their strong and unfaltering flames we hold dear.

And each has a message God’s promise reminds,

in sending our Saviour, whose life to us binds.

2. The first of the candles brings Hope with its light,

through times of despair or whatever our plight.

When reaching to touch its most delicate ray,

the faithful and trusting through him find the way.


Light of darkness, Hope is to come,

for God will send his Son.

Hope everlasting when he shall come down,

the long awaited One.

Words: Cecilia Young

Music: Peter Johnston

From Spill the Beans –

Welcome to St Columba’s

Sunday 3rd December

The Bible



Call to Worship

Hymn273 - O come, O come, Emmanuel

Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Children’s Address

Advent Candle Lighting

Hymn –The Candles at Advent (Please see back page)

Bible Reading –Daniel 3:1,8-30(OT page 858) Offering Hymn277 - Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes Offering Prayer Sermon Hymn191 - When you walk through the waters I'll be with you Prayers of Intercession Hymn 279 – Make way, make way, for Christ the King Benediction

St Columba’s Parish Church of Scotland, Glenrothes (SC016386) and we are on Facebook

Minister – Alan Kimmitt (01592) 742233 or

Office – Jen Thomson, (01592) 752539 -

We welcome any visitors with us this morning. Please join us for tea or coffee in the hall after the service. A welcome leaflet with information on worship is available from the welcome team.

Gift Service – The Kirk Session have been supporting the Rotary Shoebox Appeal which is taking place today. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who donated.

Grapevine Café – Closes on Wednesday 6th December at 4pm and will re-open on Wednesday 10th January at 2pm

Sleep in the Park – Saturday 9th December, Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh.If anyone would like to sponsor the Church team, please visit the following website

Rothes Halls Studio – There will be a Choral Society Christmas Concert at the Rothes Halls on Saturday 9th December at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £10.00

Christmas Lunch – The Christmas Lunch at Pinkertons will be on Tuesday 12th December. 12.30pm for 1pm. The cost will be £14.00 and must be paid today. Please contact June or Beth.

Christmas Day Lunch – The Church is hosting a free Christmas Day Lunch for anyone who would like to join us. Lunch will be at 12.30pm, but all are welcome to attend the family service in the at 10.30am. For more information please see the Church website or contact the office on (01592) 752539 or email

Macedonian Ministries - Along with other ministers, Alan is part of a “Macedonian Ministries” group, which encourages and inspires ministers and congregations. As part of this programme, you are invited to a special Advent reflection led by Sue Westfall and Mark Ramsay, who are visiting from the USA. This will be held on Monday 11th December in St Margaret’s Church, from 7.30 to 9pm and the theme will be “Connecting with our community”.

Rothes Trinity Parish Grouping Shared Notices

Advent Studies - in the Small Hall at St. Ninian’s Church continue tomorrow, Monday 4th December through until Monday 18th December, commencing at 7.30pm. The theme is taken from Sheila Jacob’s book, “To Live Again” which was inspired by the film “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Clips will be shown on the study evenings followed by discussion. Tea and biscuits will be served.

Bruce Davies – “Songs for the Season” – the perfect warm-up to Christmas! Christian and Secular Christmas and seasonal songs in an entertaining mix that keeps Christ very firmly in CHRISTmas on Friday 8th December at 7,.30pm in St.Margaret’s Parish Church. Further information at

Churches Together Annual Carol Singing - is on Saturday 9thDecember from 12 noon to 1.00pm at the Rothes Halls steps in the Kingdom Centre. Everyone is welcome to come along to sing for a few minutes or for the whole hour. All funds raised will be donated to Glenrothes Foodbank.