Rogers First
Ministries Handbook
4911 West Pleasant Grove Road, Rogers, Arkansas 72758
Youth Ministries Handbook
Topic / Page1. Welcome to Rogers First / 3
2. Youth Ministry Days and Times / 3
3. Youth Ministry Special Events / 3
4. Youth Ministry Curriculum / 3
5. Youth Staff and Volunteer Policies / 4
6. Discipline Policy / 6
7. Sexual Conduct / 7
8. Health and Wellness Policies / 8
9. Safety Policies / 9
10. Youth Ministry Forms / 12
Thank you for choosing Rogers First for your teen. We are committed to helping both your teen and your family grow closer to the Lord. Our approach stems from Deuteronomy 6, which reminds us that as the church we are responsible to train up both the family of the student as well as the student. We want to equip you and your student to do the work of God.
This Handbook was written with you in mind. Please read it and become familiar with all of the sections. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our Pastors or Ministry Staff at 479-636-1050 or email us at .
Ø Worship Service - 9:30 am on Sunday
Ø Youth Sunday School - 11:00 am-12:00 pm on Sunday (7th – 12th Grades)
Ø Teen Bible Quizzing Practice – 4:00-5:45 pm on Sunday from August-May
Ø Teen Bible Study – 6:00 pm on Sunday (Following corporate worship)
Ø Wednesday Evening Youth Service - 6:30-7:30 pm (Café & Game Room open at 6:00 pm)
These are the core events for our youth ministry. Please check the attached calendar for dates as they are subject to change year to year.
o Fall Retreat - Opportunity to grow as a community and have an encounter with God
o Various Events – Events are held throughout the year such as video scavenger hunts, movie nights, game nights, and other themed nights
o Service Opportunities – Throughout the year, we will be serving throughout our community in places such as the Samaritan Shop and other local organizations.
o After Hours - Community building youth event held after Sunday evening services held at the homes of members of the youth group or local hangouts
o Winter Retreat - North Arkansas District retreat with other youth groups
o SNU College Days - Presents an opportunity to experience college life for a weekend at Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, Oklahoma
o SNU Extravaganza – This event brings students from across Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana for competition in talent, sports and Bible quizzing to the campus of Southern Nazarene University. While students compete, they are spiritually challenged each night through a special speaker and band. This event takes place over Memorial Day Weekend.
o Graduation Sunday - Celebrates the accomplishments of our graduating seniors with a special service and reception
o Canoe Trip - An trip down the Buffalo river
o Mission Trip - Provides an encounter with the needs of others, poverty and compassion through service and ministry
o Summer Camp - North Arkansas District summer camp provides an opportunity to encounter God and grow a deeper faith in Christ
o Nazarene Youth Conference - This once in a lifetime opportunity is for students in grades 7-12, and happens once every four (4) years. NYC 2015 will take place in Louisville, Kentucky.
A. Sunday School
Our Sunday School is currently divided into 4 classes: 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th-10th grade and 11th-12th grade. We have specifically developed a curriculum with the spiritual growth of your teens in mind. This 6 year curriculum allows each student the opportunity to embrace the fullness of the Bible, various figures from church history, the Articles of Faith of the Church of the Nazarene and spiritual disciplines. Our desire is to see teens interact with the Word of God on a weekly basis with teachers who love and care for each student. Portions of our curriculum are taken from and are also written by the youth pastor.
B. Wednesday Services
Wednesday nights are focused on building the community through fellowship, worship and the Word of God. Our goal is to challenge our students to build genuine relationships with God and each other.
C. Bible Quizzing
Learning and memorizing the Word of God is important to helping students both develop and grow in their relationship with Christ. Students spend time both individually and corporately to learn the specified book(s) for that quiz season. In 2013-2014, we will be studying Romans and James. Students are challenged to memorize portions of Scripture and remember details of the text for district quiz competitions as well as regional invitational quizzes held across the South Central Region which includes Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas.
It is the purpose and intent of this document to establish uniform policies and procedures for volunteer guidelines within all departments / programs (children, teens, and adults) at Rogers First Church of the Nazarene.
As the body of Christ and the local family of believers operating under the auspices of the First Church of the Nazarene it is our desire and intent that everyone regardless of age, sex, color, or circumstances be included as part of the family. It is a matter of fact that some, at every age level, have greater talents and abilities than others in that same category. However, in the ongoing work of the church it is imperative that we incorporate and use the abilities of everyone.
It is not the desire of the Church, nor of those working in the Church, that the feelings of anyone be hurt in the establishment of the varied programs and procedures. As workers together we must take special precaution for those that may be extra sensitive and see that every person is made to feel wanted and needed and find a place of spiritual growth and development as well as a way in which to use their talents in the Kingdom of God. Meanwhile, the safety of your child is of the utmost importance. For this reason, Rogers First maintains several policies which are used in volunteer selection, approval, and service.
A. Volunteerism Statement:
Rogers First Church of the Nazarene seeks to minister the love and grace of Jesus Christ to everyone, regardless of age, sex, race, or circumstances; to include them as part of the church family; to help them experience spiritual growth, development and find a place of ministry where their talents can be utilized to advance the Kingdom of God.
B. Standards of Service
Each volunteer holding a leadership position, or working with children or teens, will willingly submit to a criminal background check (CBC). No one will be permitted to work with children or teens without previously having the CBC completed.
Should a volunteer’s CBC return with obvious areas of concern (i.e., violent crimes, sexual assault or misconduct convictions, registered sex offender), the person will not be permitted to volunteer with our children or teens (i.e., attend, sit in or assist in classes with children or teens), nor will they be permitted to work alone with minors, nor be permitted to be in areas of the building set aside as youth or children’s areas (i.e., Pre-school wing, Children’s wing, Youth Wing) without supervision.
C. Inclusiveness
It is the desire of the church when a program is held, whether it be an individual Sunday School class or church sponsored program, everyone appropriate to the activity be invited and encouraged to participate.
There cannot be an expression of favoritism given to one child or teen over another as all are an equal part of the Kingdom of God.
D. Core principles of all Youth Ministries of RFCN:
● Every child is a gift of God
● Teachers / leaders have the responsibility for the guidance, care and safety of every child in their class
● Every child can ask questions and enjoy learning in the class
● One child will not be allowed to keep others from learning
● Every child will be respected and treated and fairly
● Teachers / leaders will not intentionally embarrass a child
● Teachers / leaders will not physically lay a hand on a child that could be construed discipline
● Teachers / leaders will abide by the volunteer guidelines of the church
● Treat each child with respect
● Teachers / leaders will not excessively raise their voices in their class
E. Teacher Requirements
1. To be eligible to serve as a teacher at RFCN, a person must attend Rogers First Church of the Nazarene for six (6) months consecutively, attend and complete First Class, become a member of RFCN, meet with the Youth Pastor, complete a Criminal Background Check and receive approval from the Sunday School and Disciple Ministries Board and our Senior Pastor.
2. All teachers and age group ministry leaders are to read and be familiar with the policies, procedures, and guidelines in this Ministry Handbook and complete all required forms.
F. Teacher and Volunteer Guidelines
1. When only one adult is present with a student, the door must remain open for clear site into the room. Windows in classroom doors are to be left uncovered as well. Two approved adults must be outdoors with children at all times. If two adults are not available, children must stay indoors.
2. Teachers and Volunteers shall not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while at Church, traveling, or working with children. All Teachers and Volunteers must abstain from the use or possession of tobacco products, and/or alcohol.
3. Teachers and Volunteers are to attend all Training Sessions and Teacher Meetings at Rogers First Church of the Nazarene.
G. Facility Stewardship
1. Leave the room clean and in order
2. If you get something out, put it back, including all equipment and supplies
3. Discard outdated materials and supplies
4. Empty the trash can by tying up the liner and placing it the receptacle in the custodian closet
A. General Discipline Guidelines
1. Discipline is an important part of education, and community. However, due to the liability restraints that are placed upon every organization, including the church, the discipline policies of our Children’s and Youth ministries must be clearly defined. There are many things we will and will not do.
2. Those things that we must instill are important in the spiritual, physical, social, and mental development of children and teens so that they may become incorporated not only into the work of the church, but into the society of which they are a part. Some of those things that we must instill include:
· Recognition that they are part of a greater community
· Reverence and respect for Church property
· Respect for the things that belong to other people
· An ability to treat others as we desire to be treated
3. The boundaries of discipline within our ministries are as follows:
· We will not seek to publicly ridicule an individual or group
· Physical contact is reserved for appropriate restraint in situations that could bring harm to an individual or those nearby
· Normal tones of voice will be used with individuals. Yelling is unacceptable
· Each person is to be treated with respect
· Consequences must maintain a child’s dignity
4. Our basis for discipline is based on Matthew 18:15-17: “If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses’. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or tax collector.”
5. The Manual of the Church of the Nazarene states “The object of church discipline is not the punishment of offenders, but vindication of the truth, purification of the church, warning of the careless, and reformation and salvation of the guilty.” (Part IV: Judicial Administration; Section I. Church Discipline)
B. Means of Discipline
What follows are considered appropriate means of discipline that may be administered by teachers and Church Staff within the realm of youth ministry:
· 1st Offence: Verbal Warning.
· 2nd Offence: Removal from event, or activity at hand.
· Repeat Violations: If a teenager repeatedly proves unable to obey rules, they will be excluded from Youth Ministry activities, and a conference with parents will be requested by the Youth Staff. The length of this exclusion will be at the discretion of the Church Staff.