COUNTY OF GENEVASeptember 26, 2016
The Geneva County Commission met in regular session on Monday, September 26,2016at 9:30 a.m. at the GenevaCounty Courthouse in Geneva, Alabama.
Commission Chairman Fred Hamic called the meeting to order and welcome guests and media present. Commissioner Seayopened the meeting with prayer. Chairman Hamic led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no citizens requesting to make public comment.
There were no elected officials requesting to make public comment.
Chairman Hamic called the roll and the following members were present: Commissioners Bryan Hatton, Toby Seay, Gary Shields and Johnny Windham. The County Attorney, Phil Eldridge; County Engineer, Justin Barfield; Chief Administrative Officer, Marietta Webster and EMA Director, Misty Wise were also present. The following business was transacted:
- Approve Minutes of September 12, 2016. CommissionerSeay made a motion to approve the minutes September 12, 2016. Commissioner Hatton seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0.
- Merchant Capital-Bond Jail: Ken Funderburk, Merchant Capital, updated the commission on concerns with the amendment that affects the proceeding with the bond for the new jail. Mr. Funderburk stated that the interest rates are down at this time and hopefully after the amendment is voted on they can proceed.
- Proclamations: N/A
- Bids: Chip Seal Bids were opened by the County Attorney.
Charles E. Watts Inc.–Gadsden, AL 1.83 per square yard unit price
S & C Materials –Troy, Al 1.60 per square yard unit price
Commission Seay made a motion to accept the bid from S & C Material at low bid of $1.60 per square yard. Commission Shields seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0.
- Work Release: Sheriff met with the Geneva County Community Corrections Board and discussed the issues in doing work release. He had spoken with other Sheriffs and they are doing this with minor problems. County Attorney had researched the work release code to see how the funds were to be distributed explaining the County would get 25% and balance to inmate for medical, dental, clothing, dependent support and his or her use. Commissioner Seay explained that the Community Corrections Program already has a system in place to handle the distribution of funds so they will not have to be handled through the commission. Chairman asked if the Judge would have to order the inmate to work release. The law states a county employee may designate the work or it could be ordered by the Judge. Commissioner Seay made a motion to allow the County Community Corrections Board to handle the work release program for the County and State inmates. Commissioner Hatton seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0.
- Jail Construction: Chairman updated to the commission that maintenance hadcut back the bushes and trees on the lots purchased and cut the grass.
- Courthouse:Chairman reported that the lights have been installed in the courtroom and ceiling tiles are to be picked up this week. The work can only be done when courtroom is not in use.
- Board Appointments: Commissioner Windham made a motion to appoint Doretha Jay to Geneva County Healthcare Authority Board to serve out Neal Griswold’s term to 6/27/17. Commissioner Shields seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0. Commissioner Windham made a motion to reappoint Justin Barfield to the R C & D Council Board. Commissioner Seay seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0. Commissioner Seay made a motion to appoint Commissioner Hatton to the R C & D Council Board. Vote was 3-1 abstain from Commissioner Hatton.
- Bids: County Engineer presented the pipe bids after recapping and reviewing. Commissioner Hatton made a motion to accept the low bids of the companies as stated on the spreadsheets which has various sizes and types of pipe. Spreadsheets attached tominutes. Commissioner Windham seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0.
- Budget: The Commission discussed the budget before making a final decision to go with the budget as stated with no cost of living raise. Commissioner Windham made a motion to accept the Budget for 2017 which reflects NO COLA increase and the county absorbing increase on Health Insurance cost. Commissioner Seay seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0.
Sheriff: Sheriff Helms stated that he had ordered trackers for his vehicles in order to keep up with his deputies for personal safety. Commissioner Seay asked the cost of the device and he stated that it would be about $58 per vehicle for installation. The E 911 department has the tracking system and have several cities who have the devices which are attached to the two way radio.
County Administrator: Commissioner Windham made a motion to allow the Chairman to sign the agreement for Probate to enter into an agreement with Foxhill Systems for computer maintenance at $500 per month. Commissioner Hatton seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0. Commissioner Windham made a motion to allow Chairman to sign the Elections Systems and Software two year service agreement. Commissioner Seay seconded. Vote was 4-0.
The Commission was given a six month evaluation form for the EMA Director which presented questions due to the fact that she is required to obtain a two year degree within the first two years of employment to meet the requirements of the job. Commission Windham discussed the issue further that the schooling must be completed within the two year time limit to meet all requirement of the position.
County Engineer: Engineer stated that the EMA vehicle had sold for $3675 on Gov Deals.
Spring Creek Bridge work is starting and should take around two months.
County Road 79 should let Friday and should start sometime in November. Nellie Dunn pipe project is being worked on by a crew Thursday and Friday so they can have the equipment available.
Bush hog contractor is moving into the county to start the mowing.
Engineer stated that he has one right of way for a bridge that he has not been able to get the paperwork back from the owners who live out of State and the project cannot move forward unless action is taken Commissioner Shields made a motion for the County Attorney to send a letter possible condemnation proceedings due to the right a way purchase that has not been completed and holding up the project. Commissioner Windham seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0.
New long arm cutters are being installed to replace the old ones at this time. Engineer stated that his dura patch machine has over 11000 hours on the machine and really needs to be replaced. Information was passed out concerning the financing cost of a new dura patch machine at $54,127.77 which will be paid in two payments. Commissioner Windham made a motion to allow Engineer to purchase with Coblenz and financed through Bancorp Southwith Chairman signing the agreement. Commissioner Shields seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0. The old patch machine will be sold with an offer being made to cities.
Engineer has been looking at a used spare grader to have as a back-up and also used when grading work is behind. The department has anemployee that is was a grader that has requested to drop back to his prior position therefore a grader operator is needed. The commission discussed issues evolving from the fuel specialist appointment and letter sent by personnel.
County Attorney: Nothing to report.
Chairman Hamic: Chairman stated that he had been contacted by Joe Howell concerning the Solid Waste contracts that are being prepared. Chairman will be bringing the contract to the commission for approval which will not show any increase in cost.
EMA Director: Out of town at Flood Plains training. The Sheriff passed out information he was given by the EMA Director concerning the purchase of the new EMA vehicle. County Administrator also gave the commissioner list of approved on State bid for review.
Personnel Director: Nothing to report.
Revenue Commissioner: Mary Ann Ellison, Revenue Commissioner, spoke to the commission concerning her eliminating Revenue Administrator and Clerk III position and creating a Business Personal Property Tech and Chief Clerk which will result in a reduction of salaries and savings to her departments. Commissioner Windham made a motion to eliminate Revenue Administrator position and Clerk III position and allow the creation of a Business Personal Property Tech and Chief Clerk. Commissioner Hatton seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0.
Solid Waste Director: Nothing to report.
E-911 Director: Nothing to report.
Auburn Extension: Nothing to report.
Commissioner Seay: Nothing to report.
Commissioner Shields: Nothing to report.
Commissioner Hatton: Nothing to report.
Commissioner Windham: Nothing to report.
Commissioner Shields made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Seay seconded the motion. Vote was 4-0.
The above constitutes the minutes of the meeting of the Geneva County Commission held on Monday, September 26, 2016.
Chairman, Fred Hamic Marietta Webster
Chief Administrative Clerk
Commissioner Bryan Hatton Commissioner Gary Shields
Commissioner Toby SeayCommissioner Johnny Windham