CP Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry

Mr. Kurt Kleinberg

Room 31


Remind: Text @fstkk2016 to 81010

In this course we will:

  • displayand study univariate and bivariate data.
  • understand the probability of events.
  • construct, analyze, and apply functions of all types.
  • analyzeand apply properties of sequences and series.
  • use technology throughout the course as an instructional tool.

Texts: Algebra & Trigonometry, Coburn, et al, 2nd Edition 2010

The Practice of Statistics, Starnes, et al, 5th Edition 2014

A+ / [99, ∞) / B- / [80, 82) / D / [62, 68)
A / [92, 99) / C+ / [78, 80) / D- / [60, 62)
A- / [90, 92) / C / [72, 78) / F / (-, 60)
B+ / [88, 90) / C- / [70, 72) / F- / Grade < -
B / [82, 88) / D+ / [68, 70)

Grade Scale:

Plan for homework every day! Designate time to complete it. Portions of the assignment may be discussed in class the following day, but not always. Attempt to have all work completed before class begins. If you have any questions, please be proactive.Daily homework completion credit is based upon what is attempted and does not indicate that the work is done correctly. Answers with insufficient supporting work will not necesarily earn credit.A full credit score may not indicate that you fully understand the material...only you know this for sure. Plan to participate in class every day! Classwork and/or homework may be collected to assess the accuracy of the assigned tasks. Accuracy credit will be based on what is correct, not just what is attempted. No credit will be given for late or missing work.Progress Checks will always cover current work. These may be announced, hinted at, or a complete surprise. Quizzes/test will be announced. There will be a cumulative final exam at the end of each semester. The grade breakdown for your semester grades is as follows: 40% for each quarter and 20% for the final exam.

Materialsneeded: binder with sections, graph paper, white line paper, pencils of varying color, calculator, ruler.

Calculators: For this course we will use the TI-Nspire CXgraphing calculator. Please see me if you need help acquiring this technology.

Absences: For an excused absence, please see me to make a plan for getting missed work submitted in a timely manner. Please try to make arrangements to get the work before your absence. For an unexcused absence, students will receive no credit for work turned in or worked on that day.

Electronic Devices:

All cell phones, iPods, etc. must be turned OFF during class. Electronic devices are a distraction for you, me, and your classmates. If you are observed using your electronic device in class the penalty will be as follows.

1st observation: Phone taken until end of class and/or detention assigned.

2nd observation: Phone taken until end of day, parent contacted and/or detention


3rd observation: Phone taken until collected by parent and/or detentionassigned.

Tardies: The school policy will be followed. Upon a third tardy in any given quarter, a student will be assigned a detention. Any subsequent tardieswill result in additional detentions.

Come get help: I am happy to discuss class activities, homework, and test preparation. I have planning hours 2nd, 3rd, and 5thhours every day and can meet with you during those times. I am also available before school after 7:15 AM.I am looking forward to working with you this year!

Kurt Kleinberg