Information for Interview Participants

You are being asked to give your opinions about how people perceive power in their work and personal lives. Everything you say will be confidential. Your name will not be used. The information you give will be used for a class project only. It will not be used outside of the class. The class this is part of is Labor and Industrial Relations 891: Women at Work.

Your participation in this project is completely voluntary. By participating, you will be helping students learn about how people define and use power.

In this interview, I will be asking for your opinions. There are no incorrect answers, just your opinions. If you do not want to answer a particular question, let me know and we’ll move on to the next question.

Do you have any questions before we begin?


Interview Questions

Perceptions about Power

First I’d like to ask you some questions about your workplace.

  1. What do you do?
  1. Where do you work? (i.e., for what employer)
  1. Do you belong to a union?
  • If yes, which one
  • If no, is there a union representing other people in your workplace?

Now, I’d like to start asking some questions about power in both your work and personal life.

  1. Do you think of yourself as powerful?

Possible Probes

  • In what way(s)?
  • Where does that power come from?
  • (if no) Can you explain why that is?
Let’s focus specifically on the workplace
  1. In what ways do you have control over your own work life?

(Let the respondent think about it for a bit, only suggest examples if they are really struggling)

  • Do you have control over your schedule?
  • Do you get to decide what work you do?
  • Can you give an example?
  • Do you get to decide how to do your work?
  • Can your give an example?
  • What is the source (or basis) of your power at work? (Where does your power come from?)
  1. In what ways do you have power over the work lives of others in your organization?

(Let the respondent think about it for a bit and only suggest examples if they are really struggling)

  • Do you have control over the schedule of others, including when they take breaks, when they can take vacation, their hours of work?

Can you give an example?

  • Do you decide what tasks they need to do?

Can you give an example?

  • Do you have the power to reward others for good performance or penalize them for poor performance?

Can you give an example?

  • Do you have the power to fire others?
  1. What is the source (or basis) of your power at work? (Where does your power come from?)
  1. Are there some things you don’t have power over at work?
  • What are some examples?
  • Are there things you don’t have power over at work that you really wish you did? If so, what are they?
  1. In your opinion, do men or women have more power in your workplace, or is it about the same?
  • Can you give some examples from your workplace?
  1. Do men and women use power differently – either at work or outside of work?
  • If yes, how? Can you give some examples?

Now, let’s focus on your life outside work.

  1. What kinds of things do you have power or control over outside of work? (Let the respondent think about it for a bit, only suggest examples if they are really struggling)
  • How much control do you see yourself as having over your non-work time?
  • In what ways do you see yourself as having control and in what ways do you see yourself as not having control?
  • Do you have power or influence over your children/family/spouse/significant other?
  • In what ways or areas do you see yourself as exerting power or influence over these family members?
  • Do you have power or influence in any community or religious groups?
  • Are you financial resources under your personal control?
  1. Are there some things you don’t have power over in your life outside work?
  • What are some examples?
  • Are there things you don’t have power over in your personal life that you really wish you did? If so, what are they?
  1. In your opinion, do men or women have more power in their personal lives, or is it about the same?
  • Can you give some examples?
  1. Are there any other comments you would like to make about the issues we discussed?

Demographic information: This information will be used to see if different groups of people have different experiences related to power. It will not be used to identify you personally.

Gender: Male or Female


African American

Hispanic/Latino/Latina (may be of any race)

Asian American

American Indian/Native American



Year of birth______

Marital Status______

Household Income< $20,000 per year

$20,000 to 39,999 per year

$40,000 to 59,999 per year

$60,000 to 79,000 per year

$80,000 to 99,999 per year

> $100,000 per year

Education:Some high school

high school graduate

some college

college graduate

some graduate work

graduate degree

LIR 891 Survey Questionnaire, page 1