Chapter 10 Study Guide

1.  ______is the policy in which a stronger nation extends control over a weaker territory politically, economically, and/or militarily.

2.  Name some arguments in favor of American imperialism

3.  In his book Admiral Alfred Mahan argued that throughout history all powerful countries, such as Spain and Great Britain had what?

4.  Name of the belief that Americans should help “inferior” people become civilized like us.

5.  Name some arguments against American imperialism:

6.  Why would it be hypocritical if the United States did imperialism?

7.  Why did American sugar planters in Hawaii want the United States to annex the


8.  United States government was involved in the successful revolution that overthrew ______in Hawaii.

9.  Who was the first and only president of the Republic of Hawaii?

10.  Which U.S. president favored the annexation of Hawaii and therefore Hawaii

became an American territory during his administration?

11.  Hawaii is an example of ______because the United States annexed Hawaii without the Hawaiians’ voting on the issue.

12.  When did the Spanish-American War take place?

13.  The Spanish-American War is nicknamed the “Splendid Little War” because:

14.  Name some causes of the Spanish-American War?

15.  During Cuba’s second war for independence against Spain, what did the Cuban

rebels, led by Jose Marti, do to try to get the United States involved?

16.  Why was General Valeriano Weyler nicknamed “the Butcher” ?

17.  Yellow journalism is best described as:

18.  Why did William Randolph Hearst practice yellow journalism?

19.  Give an example of a yellow journalistic headline?

20. The de Lome letter was a cause of the Spanish American War because Americans

were mad that Spanish Ambassador Enrique de Lome had criticized:

21. Immediately after it was destroyed, most Americans blamed Spain and wanted to go

to war:

22. When the United States declared war on Spain, Congress passed the Teller

Amendment which promised:

23. Which were the three main areas of fighting in the Spanish-American War?

24. In the Spanish-American War, who defeated the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay in

the Philippines?

25. Why did Emilio Aguinaldo, the leader of the Filipino rebels, help U.S. forces in

the Philippines fight against Spain?

26. What did the U.S. Navy, led by Admiral William Sampson, do to the Spanish

fleet in Santiago, Cuba at the beginning of the war?

27. The soldiers in the U.S. Army in Cuba were ______and ______for battle.

28. Name some of the hardships American soldiers faced in Cuba:

29. This voluntary cavalry unit, led by Leonard Wood and founded by Teddy Roosevelt,

fought in the famous charges of Kettle Hill and San Juan Hill in Cuba during the

Spanish-American War.

30. In the Battle of San Juan Hill, why did Teddy Roosevelt say that he was angry with

his troops at first?

31. What group originally did not get enough credit for their efforts in the battle of

San Juan Hill?

32. The nickname of the 9th and 10th Negro Cavalries, given to them as a sign of respect

by Native Americans, was the:

33. Which Spanish colony offered little resistance when American troops invaded it

during the Spanish-American war?

34. Most American deaths in the Spanish-American War were from:

35. Name an agreement in the Treaty of Paris of 1898?

36. Why is Cuba an example of U.S. imperialism?

37. What happened in the Philippines after the Treaty of Paris was signed?

38. After winning the Spanish-American War, the United States was for the first

time in history considered to be a ______.

39. Which countries still belong to the United States today because of

America's victory in the Spanish-American War?

40. How did President Teddy Roosevelt demonstrate America’s power to the rest of the


41. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine warned Europeans to keep their

“hands-off” the ______or the United States would intervene to protect its

economic interests.

42. The Roosevelt Corollary is an example of imperialism because the United States said

it would:

43. What is the main reason that the construction of the Panama Canal was so important

to the United States in the early 1900s?

44. Who owns and operates the Panama Canal today in 2015.

45. Why is the Panama Canal not as important today in 2015.