CPR+ Version 9.2b10/31/2014

Training videos, documentation, and
Enhancement Logs for all previous updates can be found at

Category: Billing

(47005) Title XIX, ICD-10: The extra text has been removed from Section B--printing has been aligned to accommodate the new form.

(47657/47647) Non line Item Only, Statusing: When creating a claim from recurring rentals, the claims statused as 'on hold for CMN' even when there was an unexpired CMN on file for that rental. This issue has been addressed. Diag holds for converted rental templates have also been addressed.


Category: Clinical

(38072) SPRx, Select Lots at Print Labels / Documentation: Under 8/4/Enterprise options, #15, "Fill Rx in Print Labels/Documentation", the user can now choose from multiple options: Fill Both lot-tracked and non-lot tracked drugs, Fill only non-lot-tracked drugs, or Neither. If "Both.." is selected, lot-tracked drugs will prompt for lots and fill in the Print Labels/Documentation list. It is still possible to select lots but not fill in Print Labels Documentation by having Enterprise option 1 "Select Lots when Printing Labels" set to Y and option 15 set to fill non-lot tracked only or neither.

(45843) Batch Process RX, Lots: The Prescriptions Dispensed Log was not displaying the Lot number when Batch Processing an Rx from IV List 6 'Process Rx / Print Labels'. This issue has been resolved.

(46310) Supporting Documentation: Resolved the following reported issue: If you create a new SMN, "accidentally" print it and cancel out of the print job, then try and work on another tab, you get an error.

(46312) Assessments, Copying: When creating a new assessment by copying a previous one, the link to the order was also copied forward to the new assessment. This has been addressed and the link will not be copied.

(46519) SPRx, Expired Rxs: If you enter a fill date that is later than the expiration date of the Rx, the Make Ready to Fill checkbox will be disabled on the screen so that you cannot schedule expired prescriptions in patients to contact lists.

(46672) Schedule Entry: You can now change the user assigned to multiple users on an already created Schedule Entry.

(46735) Prescriptions, INJs: When re-selecting from inventory for an INJ prescription, in some circumstances, you could not re-select inventory set up as INJ format in inventory setup. This has been resolved.

(46889) Discontinuation Reasons: Reasons for discharging a prescription are derived from a popup. When discharging a patient, we copy the reason to the all prescriptions also discontinued at that time.

(46890) Enterprise (SPRx): Added a payor column to the Order Entry/Completion list and changed the label on the main button to read "View/Edit Order".

(47017) Billing Review, Tickets: In some cases, the confirmed date on a delivery ticket was being changed after passing billing review.

(47196) Order Verification: Added the lot number to the grid for order verification in SPRx.

(47232) Tickets, Frequency Warning: The item limit check should always run when opening the delivery ticket items tab after opening the delivery instructions tab.

(47234) Supporting Documentation (XIX): Resolved an issue where the taxonomy code value wasn't always being printed on the output correctly.

(47247) Authorized Refills: When processing an authorized refill, we will always create a new order and discontinue the old one.

(47248) SPRx, Refills: Resolved an issue that would blank out the number of refills authorized if a specific set of actions took place. This would only happen if the Rx was viewed and saved outside of the claims to adjudicate list prior to the claim information being viewed with the claims to adjudicate list.

(47318) Additions to TPN Rx Form: Changed the TPN Prescription Ingredient form to be more compliant with Medicare regulations.

Category: Billing

(39821) Medicare, Secondary Claims: When sending a secondary claim to Medicare, the MSP Type code is required. We have added a field to the patient's Insurance setup screen where you can enter a default value for MSP Type Code. The value populated in this field will automatically copy up to secondary Medicare claims.

(41028) ERN, Reconciliation Report Totals: Revised the Reconciliation report to include totals for unapplied cash and remaining unposted payments:

o  Total payments received = Check amount (all totals below this must balance back to this figure)

o  Total payments posted = Total of payment amount for all lines that will be/have been posted and are not unapplied cash

o  Total unapplied cash = Total of payment amount for all lines that will be/have been posted as unapplied cash

o  Total provider adjustments = The part of the check total that represents amounts in the PLB segment

o  Remaining unposted payments = Total of unposted payments (including unmatched/excluded invoices).

(42686) Pharmacy Claims, NCPDP Universal Claim Form: We have added the ability to print an NCPDP Universal Claim Form. There are two ways to perform the print: (1) Edit the claim and select print; (2) From the Patient Account, right-click the claim and select reprint.

(44023) Invoices (Line Items): You can now enter decimal quantities when manually adding line items for drugs.

(44325) Bill for Denial (Non-LIF): Resolved an issue where changes to the NDC units/qualifiers weren't being copied to denial lines. Also added NDC unit and qualifier columns to the denial lines so that the values would be visible/changeable.

(44381) PECOS, Uncheck Pecos-Enrolled: When checking against downloaded PECOS data, the PECOS enrolled checkbox is unchecked when the doctor is no longer on the list and is not marked to "Exclude from PECOS". The user is then prompted and given the opportunity to run a report of physicians who were previously enrolled--and just had their status changed.

(45021) Electronic Claims, Claim Office ID: Resolved an issue where Claim Office ID in 2010BB*REF was not being transmitted in 837P claim file. Note: The "Exclude 2010BB REF FY" and "Send Payor ID in REF" boxes must both be unchecked in the insurance company's Electronic Setup.

(45150) Billing Review Manager: If a ticket's status is changed to a user-defined status, performing Review Complete will no longer re-status the ticket, even if the ticket was split.

(45187) Pharmacy Claims: Resolved an issue where the HCPC wasn't displaying on the claim when the product ID qualifier was set/changed to 09.

(45453) Billing, Invoices from patient Account: Resolved an issue where pricing wasn't always correct on invoices created from Patient Account for a Medicare payor--when no modifiers were pulled.

(45621) Clinical - Electronic Pharmacy: Added codes 10 through 15 to the Place of Residence dropdown.

(45639) Billing, Pharmacy Claims: We have implemented a new URL for processing pharmacy claims with Emdeon.

(45681) ERNs and Bill for Denial: An ERN issue with new Bill for Denial functionality in LIF, where the second bill was not creating the correct line items on the new claim, caused it to post COB information multiple times. This no longer occurs.

(45830) Billing Review, Payor Column: In the billing review queue, there is a new column that contains the payor on the ticket.

(45945) Transfer, Post to Claim: Resolved an issue where choosing to split/collapse, then selecting a different inventory item to be on the secondary, then transferring to patient, was not pulling the correct amounts.

(46083) Billing, UB04s: Updated the Box 15 'Source of Referral for Admission or Visit' popup on UB04 claims to include new values.

(46253) Medi-Cal 30-1 (Non-LIF): Resolved an issue where information was not being displayed correctly when the invoice was double-clicked to display line item information.

(46338) Electronic Claims, Batch History: Resolved an issue with view batch history not being visible for a claim when the company assigned to the claim is different than the company assigned in patient demographics.

(46482) Supporting Documents, Auto-renewal: Resolved an issue where documents may not renew if the patient had another document with the same HCPC that had "Do not renew" checked on it.

(46489) Patient Account (LIF): Resolved an issue where editing an invoice to change the Therapy Type was causing an error.

(46491) Authorizations: Resolved an issue where the auto-renewal of authorizations was not generating a renewal for a newer authorization when an older authorization for the same HCPC was flagged as Do Not Renew. Note: The auth with a do not renew status must contain a lapse date in order for the newer auth to have a renewal generated.

(46508) Billing Review: Changed the Notes icon to go to Billing Notes instead of Progress Notes so that end-users may add a new Billing Note. Progress Note History is still visible when this icon is accessed.

(46614) Electronic Pharmacy, COBs: Electronic payor setup has been modified for Secondary/COB settings. Option #3 - Send Primary Payor Amount Paid (HC/DV) - will prevent the transmission of this data when not checked even if the data exists on the claim. Option #10 - Other Payor Coverage / ID (5C, 6C, 7C, E8) will also prevent transmission when not checked.

(46615) Eligibility Check: The 270/271 now sends the Service Type Code as specified on the Create 270 Eligibility Check form rather than the default specified in the insurance company setup.

(46622) Bill for Denial (LIF): Added the ability to flag an order containing an NCPDP or patient payor as Bill for Denial.

(46791) Pharmacy Claims (SPRx): When a payor is changed on a claim, if the Fill Date is in the future, the DOS no longer changes to match the fill date.

(46928) Void and Claim Delete: If you void a fill without a payable response and a copay has been posted, the system will no longer delete the claim.

(46950) Bill for Denial (LIF): Resolved an issue where the revenue/secondary payer claim wasn't showing up in the paper/electronic queue after the denial was posted.

(46965) Bill for Denial (LIF): Resolved an issue where an extra (blank) line was being generated in the Denial Lines section.

(47008) Recurring Rentals, Billing: Fixed an issue where some recurring rentals would generate duplicate line items on invoices when going into a maintenance status.

(47033) Billing Review, Recurring Rental Items: Added an "RR" checkbox to the Billing summary screen. If the item is a rental and not an exchange, the user may elect to change whether we create or do not create a recurring rental record.

(47056) Supporting Documentation (SC Medicaid): Resolved an issue where the Medicaid # wasn't being prepopulated if the patient didn't have an insurance that had exactly "Medicaid" as the payor type.

(47090) Bill for Denial (LIF): Resolved an issue where the entry of a narrative on a denial line was incorrectly being reported on other denial lines.

(47093) Medical Claims (Non-LIF): Resolved an issue where, under certain circumstances, the incorrect physician NPI was appearing in box 17b on the claim.

(47116) NCPDP Claims: Resolved an issue where the Patient Account was incorrectly reflecting NCPDP claims as being on hold for missing diagnosis.

(47133) Claims, DIAG status: Resolved an issue where the "Missing Diagnosis Codes" claim status for rentals generated prior to the update.

(47158) Pharmacy Claims, ER: Added field for (ER) Procedure Modifier Code to the claim line item information, which will be transmitted in the claim segment.

(47183) Delivery Ticket Confirmation: Resolved an issue where continuous tagging/untagging sometimes caused an error that would result in a CPR+ shutdown.

(47211) Patient Invoice, Tax: Resolved an issue with Tax + Charges being combined instead of separated out in the generic invoices.

(47216) Recurring Rentals, Changing Payor Ranking (Non Line Item): Resolved an error when updating recurring rentals as a result of a payor rank change from the patient's insurance.

(47224) Invoices, Diagnosis: Resolved an issue where billing diagnosis records were not always being generated for NCPDP invoice/claim and the push to update from the order was not creating them.

(47227) Electronic Institutional Claim: Resolved an issue where an extra asterisks was inadvertently being included in the HI*BF segment.

(47249) Medicare Fees, 2014 July: The Medicare Fee Schedule update has been added.

(47258) Pharmacy Claims: Changed setup option #37 to "Send prescriber first name/address". When selected, the NCPDP claim's AM03 segment will include the prescriber's first name as well as their address.

(47274) ERN Manager: Added search function to ERNs to be able to search for data already populated in the grid. Note: The check amount field is only searchable if the full amount is keyed in. The check date column is not searchable.

Category: Inventory

(44445) Purchase Orders, Locations: Resolved an issue during replenishment where when attempting to replenish, and a location already existed, you were still prompted to enter the location again.

(46124) Physical Inventory, None checkbox: When there are lot-tracked drugs or serialized pieces of equipment that currently have no lots or SNs to display on the count sheet, we display a "None" checkbox on the form. When checked, it will count zero as the New Qty for the item.

(46251) Purchase Orders, Reorder Numbers: In the edit inventory main tab, the reorder number will be read only. Changes to the reorder # should be made from the supplier popup or the Site Info tab.

(46580) Inventory, Setup: An issue where you were unable to clear the MCR Required CMN field in inventory by pressing F11 has been resolved.

(46764) Purchase Orders: An issue with Committed Qty not pulling correctly for Rx's entered with Zero Refills has been resolved.

(46878) Physical Inventory Reports: Updated physical inventory count sheets for supplies to reflect the container unit description and purchase unit description used in inventory setup instead of defaulting it to "each" for the values.

(47069) Purchase Orders: Resolved an issue where discontinued Rx's were not being excluded from the calculation of the committed quantity

(47223) Inventory - On Hand Quantity: The on-hand quantity will now be reset to 0 if all the lots are deleted.

Category: Miscellaneous

(44303) Document Category: Fixed an error that occurred when adding a new document category immediately after a new one was deleted.

(44746) SPRx, Reverse/Move to Refills: From Patients to Contact-New, the user may now right-click and select "Reverse/Move to Refills". This will automatically reverse one or multiple claims, prompt the user for a new refill date, prompt/make a progress note, and move the order to Patient to Contact-Refills. If the invoice is not revenue, the billed and expected are zeroed out and accepted; if the invoice is already revenue, the claims are adjusted off with a code of "Reversal". Should the reversal fail, the user is prompted to move to Claims-Exceptions.