Why Should We Start An Awana Club At Our Church?

The Gospel. Awana is Bible based and Gospel centered. Your children will learn about God’s love and be grounded in Bible doctrine as they memorize His Word.

Discipleship. Boys and girls grow up to become men and women. Awana will help your church bring them to Christ and train them to serve Him at an early age.

Outreach to children and youth. Awana is fun! Our club is attractive to young people so that they will come back, plus bring their friends to your club and your church. We also provide outreach events such as Bible quizzing, Awana Games, and Grand Prix.

Outreach to adults. An effective ministry to children (like Awana) provides outreach to families and an open door to unsaved parents. Your church will grow as Awana helps you obey the great commission.

Expert assistance. Local full-time missionaries are available to train your workers, consult about children’s ministry, visit your church, and help with your ministry to the community. We will come to your church and help you have a successful club ministry.

Service. Awana provides service opportunities for adults whose gift might not be teaching. Each week one person prepares a group lesson; other Awana workers can be new Christians who are eager to serve as listeners, game leaders, secretaries, and helpers. Awana will be a tool for leadership development in your church.

Proven materials. We provide excellent materials, including handbooks, worker references, and equipment. Awana materials are developed by Christian education professionals based upon proven ideas from children’s workers around the country.

Great value for any size church. We offer reasonable costs; about $400 to start, and about $12 per child per year. Awana can be used for any size group and in any facility.

Awana has over 57 years of demonstrated success with over 14,000 clubs around the world. God is blessing this ministry because we follow Biblical principles: spread the gospel, learn the Scriptures, reach the unsaved, disciple believers.

We would welcome the opportunity to help you reach out to your community through Awana. Contact us anytime; we are here in Ohio to serve your church.

Steve & Pam Schenk, Awana Missionaries