
Morning Worship* Today / Next Week
Announcements Anthony / Kowa
Song Leader Clubb / Jamison
Prayer Merritt / Dukes
Preside @ Table Wedge / Caples
Assisting Marbury / Kent
Assisting Cottoner / Carr
Assisting Urban / Porter
Prayer Davison / Medina
Evening Worship*
Announcements Anthony / Kowa
Song Leader Clubb / Jamison
Prayer Merritt / Dukes
Communion/Prayer Wedge / Caples
Evening Worship*
Announcements Anthony / Kowa
Song Leader Dykman / Jamison
Invitation Wertz / George
Prayer Caples / Wertz
*** Brothers: If you are serving, please meet in the foyer
five minutes prior to services. If you are not
able to serve at a particular service contact Tim
Wertz at 703-878-7695 or
December / January / February
Prepare Communion / Medina / TBA / TBA
Lockup / Neal / TBA / TBA
Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation.
Men’s Breakfast / 12/8 / 8:00am / OCB
Elders/Deacons/Prch’r Mtg / 12/8 / 9:30am / Building
Helpful Email Addresses:

a Crow
Special Days
Happy Birthday, December!
Brian Kent / 2 / Joshua Dennis / 3
Ashley Crisp / 4 / Betty Caples / 10
Tammy Clubb / 17 / Tom White / 18
Shelby Neal / 22 / Tammy Elliott / 23
Melissa Davidson / 23 / Suzette Roberson / 23
Jill Davidson / 24 / Tim Wertz / 28
Paul White / 29 / Gayle Swabb / 31
Happy Anniversary, December!
Roger and Tammy Elliott / 23
Alonzo and Michelle Carr / 30

The Box of Chocolates

I remember as a child that my grandmother would always purchase a huge box of chocolates from See’s Candies for Christmas time. Oh how exciting it was we were all ready to open the big box and dive in. However, I can also remember that when the box was open and it was my turn to choose I would spend a few moments looking into the box with my lips pressed together, concentrating fully upon the decision at hand. The rule was “Only one, no more than one, but any one you want.” Should it be the biggest one, or would the small round one be the caramel one that I so loved? Then again, the long one might last longer. Which to choose? How to decide? I only get one for now I have to make the right choice which one will it be? It has to be a good one not the gross one with the nut in it. It seemed like time was standing still as I was deciding. Then it happen I reached down into the box and made my choice. Now brethren, perhaps a child’s decisions seem trivial to us as adults especially over a piece of chocolate. Oh, we recognize that they are important to the child, but we have a broader perspective. That is the question in making choices, isn’t it? To have an eternal perspective on life and its decisions is to know how to choose. This is exactly what Joshua did, think on these words “…choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). Who will you choose this day? Ernie

For our Prayers-Nov. 25, 2012

v  Update;

v  Gayle Swabb still at Burke but cannot have visitors at this time.

v  has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Eric Anthony’s mother.

v  Bereaved;

We express love and care for Tammy Clubb, whose grandfather passed away.


v  George Moore, Michelle Lake’s father (cancer)

v  Piet, Katie Wedge’s uncle (lung cancer)

Charles Nichols , Ernie Maiwald’s Grandfather

v  Ray Webb, Melissa Davidson’s father (Parkinson)

v  Lenny Skutnik, (Crohn’s Disease)

v  Sharon Ragan, Bobbie Girard’s daughter (Crohn’s)

v  OT Martin (Ernie’s dad)

v  Harry Sweet, (Parkinson’s) friend of the Porters

Our young adults who are in college, home/away:

Mandie Neal (Doctorate program with US Army)

Catie Wordham (JMU)

Continued prayers for our members:

Marjorie Kowa Bobbie Girard Alwilda Merritt Colleen Wertz Sue Bilbrey James Roberson

Christine Liddell Joe Bilbrey Will Davis

Katherine Wertz Ed Wiggins Deb Neal

Patty Wiggins Betty Perez Gayle Swabb

Remember also to pray for:

v  …the safety of all serving in the armed services.