Jump Drive by Tom LehmannGames In One Page by Steve Lewis

Published by Rio Grande Games, 2017 v1.0 pub2/22/17

In Jump Drive, you build developments and settlements, paying for them with other cards from your hand. The cards you've played score points and earn income every round. The first player to reach 50 victory points (VPs) wins.

To set up, set aside the Survey Team cards (with an orange back) and summary cards. For beginning players, give each player the five cards marked with a letter from A-D; for games with experienced players, each player is dealt seven cards, and discards two cards of their choice.

All players play simultaneously, doing the following four phases in each round:

  1. Place 1 or 2 cards (or explore)
  2. Reveal your cards and pay for them
  3. Score the cards in your tableau
  4. Collect income for the cards in your tableau

In the first phase, all players choose to do one of the following actions:

  • Place one development card (with a diamond in the top-left corner) face-down. If you choose this, you pay one less card in the next phase. Survey Team is a card that each player can develop once per game.
  • Place one settlement card (with a circle) face-down. If you choose this, you draw one card after paying in the next phase.
  • Place one development and one settlement face-down. If you choose this, you do not get a discount for the development, and you do not draw a card after paying for the settlement in the next phase. The development is placed before the settlement (thus a discount from the development can apply to the settlement, but not vice versa).
  • Take an Explore tile. Draw X+2 cards from the deck and discard X cards from your hand, where X is the number of Explore (eye) symbols on the cards in your tableau, including the three Explore symbols on the tile. Then, flip the tile over to its "*" side.

In the second phase, players flip over their cards and pay for them. To pay for a card's cost, discard cards equal to the number in the diamond/circle in the top-left corner of the card(s) you revealed (minus any discounts from any cards in your tableau). In the case of military settlements (whose numbers have a red outline), you must have an equal or greater number of "+1" military symbols in your tableau to conquer that settlement; you do not pay cards when conquering a military settlement. Symbols and discounts on previously-placed cards can affect your payment for cards, but those on the card you are currently paying for do not.

Then, all players score points for all the cards currently in their tableau. Cards score VPs based on the top number in the bottom box; count the number of VPs scored, and take the matching number of VP chips from the supply. At this point, check if any players have 50 or more VPs, which triggers the end of the game.

Finally, players collect income (draw cards) based on the bottom number in the bottom box. Some cards may produce a variable number of points or cards depending on the other cards in your tableau or those of another player. If a player has more than 10 cards in hand, they must discard down to 10 cards before starting the next round.

If, after scoring, a player has 50 or more VPs, the game is over and the player with the highest score wins. In the case of a tie, the player with the most cards in hand after taking income wins.

Note: Unless otherwise indicated, you may play multiple copies of the same card.

The text on this page: © 2017 Steve Lewis. The game described on this page is the property of its creator and/or publisher; no challenge to ownership is implied.

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