

Student’s Name: ______

Parent’s Name: ______

Date: ______

1) What do you see as your child’s strengths?______


2) What makes you proud of your child?______


3) What does your child do that causes you the most concern?______


4) What has been the most successful way to deal with your child’s behavior? ______


5) How can the school assist you with the concerns you have for your child or the

concerns that have been identified by the school? ______


6) In the past school year, has your child been seen by a doctor for anything other than a

common illness? If so, what caused you to take your child to the doctor? ______


7) Has your child been seen by a health professional for any physical or emotional

problem that interfered with your child’s success in school? ______


8) What other information about your child or your family situation would be helpful for

the school to know?______


9) Does anyone in the family have a history of similar concerns? ______


Please use the following rating scale to answer the questions below:

Always (4) Most of the Time (3) Hardly Ever (2) Never (1)

______1) Finishes what she/he begins.

______2) Does the things I ask her/him to do.

______3) Appears content.

______4) Gets along with her/his friends.

______5) Takes good care of her/his things.

______6) Helps at home.

______7) Makes me proud.

______8) Shares.

______9) Cries easily.

______10) Talks back.

______11) Hits.

______12) Lies

______13) Appears afraid.

______14) Must be reminded to do things.

______15) Gets hurt often.

______16) Feels sick often.

______17) Fights.

______18) Ruins things.

______19) Teases others frequently.

______20) Threatens others.

______21) Has trouble remembering things.

______22) Accepts criticism.

______23) I trust my child

______24) I know what to expect from my child.

Please return the completed questionnaire to the following address:

Eleanor Van Gelder School

251 Undercliff Avenue

Edgewater, NJ 07020

Attn: Marissa Fleming