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6495 Caroline Street; Milton, Florida

June 10, 2015

Members Attending:

Councilman Charles Bare, Chairman Pensacola City Council

Commissioner Jayer Williamson, Vice Chairman Santa Rosa County Commission

Commissioner Lane Lynchard Santa Rosa County Commission

Commissioner Rob Williamson Santa Rosa County Commission

Councilman Brian Spencer Pensacola City Council

Commissioner Grover C. Robinson Escambia County Commission

Commissioner Steven Barry Escambia County Commission

Mr. Mike Crittenden Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT)

Commissioner Charles F. Gruber Baldwin County Board of County Commission

Mayor Matt Dannheisser City of Gulf Breeze

Councilman Jimmy Messick City of Milton

Councilman Jerry Johnson City of Orange Beach

Others Attending:

Michael Lowery Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395

David Haight Atkins

Wiley Page Atkins

Sherri Myers Center for Independent Living

Ben Faust DRMP, Inc.

Tonya Ellis ECAT

Bryant Paulk Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)

Christy Johnson FDOT

Carl Mikyska Federal Highway Administration

W. Dale Allen Florida Greenways & Trails Foundation

John Wimberly HDR

Andrea Kvech Pensacola International Airport

Sheri Coven Marlin Engineering

Mae Dean Perdido Key Association

Alan Dennis Perdido Key Association

Paul Frechette Perdido Key Association

Carolyn Krupnick Perdido Key Association

Charles Krupnick Perdido Key Association

Karl Moody Perdido Key Association

Carol Moody Perdido Key Association

Frank Trent Perdido Key Association

Tim Milstead City of Milton

Wesley Meiss, Mayor City of Milton

Ryan Novota City of Pensacola

Colby Brown Escambia County

Tommy Brown Escambia County

Jim DeVries Escambia County

David Forte Escambia County

Jonathan Owens Escambia County

Shawn Ward Santa Rosa County

Tim Bustos City of Gulf Breeze

Randy Jorgenson City of Milton

Orvind Johnson Molino Citizen

Rene Lenoir Pensacola Citizen

Barbara Mayall Pensacola Citizen/CAC

Jim Hunt Pensacola Citizen/CAC

Mary Schibline Pensacola Citizen

Pat Schibline Pensacola Citizen

Kate Daniel TPO Staff

Vikki Garrett TPO Staff

Gary Kramer TPO Staff

Jill Lavender TPO Staff

Dorothy McKenzie TPO Staff

Mary Robinson TPO Staff

Howard Vanselow TPO Staff

Mary Beth Washnock TPO Staff

Gina Watson TPO Staff

Brandi Whitehurst TPO Staff

A.  CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Bare called the meeting to order. Chairman Bare led the pledge.

B.  PUBLIC FORUM - Chairman Bare called for speakers.

Sherri Myers

Pensacola FL

Ms. Myers represented the Center for Independent Living. She expressed that she is disappointed that there is no longer a Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). She said it is difficult to be a pedestrian in this area. She said streets such as Davis Highway cannot be crossed safely.

Ms. Myers next expressed that night time illumination is poor. She mentioned the intersection of Tippin Avenue and Creighton Road and said it is very dark. She said every major intersection with heavy traffic and pedestrians crossing should have street lights. She also stated that she thought there should not be right turns on red lights. Ms. Myers asked that the BPAC be reinstated in order to allow focus on bicycle and pedestrian issues.

Chairman Bare said crosswalks on Cervantes Street are in poor condition. He said the CAC and TCC do consider bicycle and pedestrian issues. He stated the TPO is equally concerned with the issues.

Orvind Johnson

Molino FL

Mr. Johnson said Gulf Breeze was having problems with the Pensacola Bay Bridge plans. He also said there were problems with the Highway 87 extension. Next, he mentioned problems with Highway 29 to Nine Mile Road. He presented his plan for Pensacola Bay Bridge which included two four-lane bridges. On Highway 29 and Nine Mile Road he said FDOT wanted to remove trees. He felt there was not a need to remove trees.


1.  Approval of April 8, 2015 Meeting Minutes

2.  Consideration of Membership Certifications for the Escambia County and Santa Rosa County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Boards. – Enclosure A

Chairman Bare called for a motion.

Commissioner Lynchard moved to approve the consent agenda items. Commissioner Barry seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.


1.  Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-19 to Adopt the Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2016-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Authorize the TPO to Administratively Amend the FY 2016-2020 TIP to Include the Projects in FDOT’s Variance Report - Enclosure B

Commissioner Lynchard moved to authorize the TPO chairman sign Resolution FL-AL 15-19 to adopt the Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2016-2020 TIP and authorize the TPO to administratively amend the FY 2016-2020 TIP to include the projects in FDOT’s Variance Report. Commissioner Barry seconded the motion.

Mr. Kramer briefly explained the TIP development. He said comments were received since the draft was presented and have all been addressed, been noted, and/or incorporated. He asked that the TPO adopt the TIP as presented with those changes and with the addition of FDOT's Variance Report.

Mr. Orvind Johnson addressed the TPO. He had a concern about sidewalks. He said the developers make all the rules. He stated sidewalks are not in developments. He said the county and state cannot pay for all the sidewalks after developments are built. He thought the developers should pay for sidewalks.

Ms. Sherri Myers addressed the TPO. She had concerns about the Project Priority Plan with regards to Burgess Road. She did not see a need to create speedways in residential neighborhoods. Also she did not see any benefit in addition to buying real estate and right-of-way to build connector roads that wrap around the county. She stated that there is a need to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian needs. She said she no longer supported some of the projects in the Plan.

Roll Call Vote:

Councilman Bare Yes

Commissioner Gruber Yes

Mayor Dannheisser Yes

Councilman Messick Yes

Councilman Johnson Yes

Councilman Spencer Yes

Commissioner Lynchard Yes

Commissioner Jayer Williamson Yes

Commissioner Rob Williamson Yes

Mr. Crittenden Yes

Commissioner Barry Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

2.  Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-20 to Adopt the 2040 Florida-Alabama TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Needs Plan - Enclosure C

Commissioner Lynchard moved to authorize the TPO chairman to sign Resolution FL-AL 15-20 to adopt the 2040 Florida Alabama TPO LRTP Needs Plan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rob Williamson.

Commissioner Rob Williamson made a recommendation on the list for the Needs Plan. He wanted to add Item #81 for Panhandle Trail in Navarre.

Mr. Kramer said work began on the LRTP in February of 2014. He said the Goals and Objectives and the Financial Resources have been approved. He then introduced Mr. Page with Atkins to present the Needs Plan.

Mr. Page provided a PowerPoint presentation which highlighted a future of more mobility choices, such as driverless cars, more public transportation and more walkable communities. He reviewed the results of surveys taken during public outreach that support a desire for more transportation options. He reviewed forecasted growth of the TPO area and provided map displays of current levels of congestion and how that congestion could be alleviated if funding were available to meet all of the needs. He also explained changes to the needs plan that have occurred due to input received.

Mr. Page advised of three changes made at the TCC meeting:

1.  Page C-4 Needs Plan Projects – Project #4 Bell Lane Extension moved to east, and should be called Santa Villa Drive extension.

2.  TCC recommended adding a project in the Navarre area – Panhandle Trail from US 98 North up to East River Drive to enhance two lane facilities. This was part of the south Santa Rosa bicycle pedestrian plan recommendations.

3.  Adding major intersection at Bayfront Parkway and 17th Avenue as part of the Bay Bridge project - include roundabout/flyover.

Commissioner Rob Williamson made a motion to amend to include three additional projects recommended by the TCC and CAC. The motion was seconded by Councilman Messick. The motion passed unanimously.

3.  Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-21 to Update the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization and Advisory Committee Bylaws, Policies and Procedures - Enclosure D

Ms. Washnock explained that the bylaws have been under review by staff and the TPO chairman for some time. She reviewed the recommendations made by staff and the chairman and those comments received from others by the May 8 deadline.

Ms. Washnock said the TCC had several questions regarding the changes. It was suggested that the TCC have additional time to review the bylaws and perhaps have a workshop. The CAC also asked to have a workshop. Ms. Washnock asked for suggestions regarding how to have workshops.

Chairman Bare said he spent considerable time on the project. He said there were some changes as to what the two subordinate committees could do. It was decided to change the name of the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) to the Technical Advisory Committee because the committee actually advises, and does not coordinate. There were changes regarding how TCC members should be appointed. Chairman Bare said he recommended that the governmental entity that has put a member to the TCC should nominate that person, and the TPO should vote on it to approve it. He said CAC members send in an application and the TPO votes on the membership, as well as the CAC makes a recommendation. He said some people don’t know they sit on the TCC. He said if there are to be workshops he would like the participants to suggest some type of structure as to how people should be added to the committees.

Mayor Dannheisser expressed he had concerns regarding the bylaws. He said one of the changes precludes any membership on the TCC unless they are a full time employee. He said this would work for larger entities but for smaller entities such as the City of Gulf Breeze it may not work. He said the City of Gulf Breeze has outside consultants to assist them.

Mayor Dannheisser said he was concerned that committees are not allowed to have issues considered.

Mayor Dannheisser moved to table action on this item and allow staff to schedule a workshop of the TPO and advisory committees to determine recommended changes to the current bylaws.

There was general discussion in favor of the workshop.

Ms. Washnock said a workshop could be held in August or September. In October the item could be presented at the meetings. The completion deadline would then be November 2015.

The motion passed with one opposing vote by Chairman Bare.

4.  Consideration of Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) Membership Applications for Two (2) New CAC Members - Enclosure E

Chairman Bare stated that Mr. Larry Newsom withdrew his application.

Commissioner Gruber moved to approve the CAC membership application for Ms. Tina Morrison, Councilman Spencer seconded the motion.

Ms. Whitehurst recommended the CAC approval of Ms. Tina Morrison as a CAC member.

The motion passed unanimously.

5.  Election of Chairs and Vice Chairs for FY 2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) - Enclosure F

Ms. Washnock advised that Commissioner Rob Williamson and Commissioner Gruber met and developed a recommendation for a new chair and vice chair.

Commissioner Rob Williamson thanked Chairman Bare for serving as the chair. He said Mr. Shawn Ward was retained as the TCC chairman. He said Commissioner Underhill was a nominating member that served on the committee. Also, Commissioner Gruber and Councilman Wingate served on the committee.

Commissioner Rob Williamson said Commissioner Robinson was nominated to serve as vice chair, and Commissioner Jayer Williamson was nominated to serve as chairman.

A motion to close nominations was made by Commissioner Lynchard and seconded by Councilman Messick. Nominations were closed by a unanimous vote.

A vote was taken to approve Commissioner Jayer Williamson as chairman and Commissioner Grover Robinson as vice chairman for FY 2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) and it passed unanimously.

Ms. Washnock informed members that the new TCC chair will be Mr. Shawn Ward and the vice chair will be Mr. Tommy Brown. The CAC did not have a nominating committee in April due to there not being a quorum. Ms. Washnock informed the TPO that the CAC could take nominations for chair and vice chair from the floor. The CAC chairman chose to form a nominating committee and vote on a new chair and vice chair in July 2015.

Chairman Bare said the bylaws state that the CAC shall elect a chair and vice chair in June. He said the nominating committee should be appointed at the meeting prior to the June meeting or elections should take place at the next CAC meeting. He said action should have been taken at the June CAC meeting. He said nominations can also be made from the floor. He said he was concerned about the CAC chairman being in violation of the bylaws. Chairman Bare said he attended the April meeting and observed the chairman of the CAC speaking in a negative way regarding members not in attendance. Chairman Bare felt the CAC chairman was unfit to serve on the CAC.

Chairman Bare moved to remove the CAC chairman, Mr. Jim Hunt, from the CAC. The motion was not seconded.

Commissioner Robinson said it was regrettable that the CAC had not made decisions, and it was his understanding that the May meeting did not occur. He felt the CAC members should take the action they deem appropriate.

Ms. Mayall stated she is the vice chair of the CAC. She said the CAC decided at their meeting that day to have a nominating committee and vote later on the chair and vice chair positions. She asked that the CAC be allowed to make the decision regarding chair and vice chair.

Commissioner Barry said he appreciated Mr. Hunt’s involvement over a ten-year period. He said he was always well prepared. He felt Ms. Mayall’s request to allow the CAC to decide and rule over itself was appropriate.


Mr. Paulk said regarding the Vision Pensacola option for the Pensacola side of the Bay Bridge, in order for the PD&E phase for the Vision Pensacola concept to be completed it needed to be incorporated into appropriate documents. He said Secretary Barfield has met with the Mayor of Pensacola about it and FDOT will open up the production schedule for this to be completed in a separate fiscal year. Mr. Paulk said he was bringing two issues to the TPO. One issue was to move forward with a PD&E study for an interchange/flyover. Secondly, Mr. Paulk asked the TPO to pass a resolution or letter of support for the concept of a PD&E study. Secretary Barfield wanted to see the project in the Needs Plan and in the Cost Feasible Plan.