Our Ref: C/Excursions/Art/DW/LS

11 September 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

Re: Excursion ‘WAR HORSE’ Monday 26 February 2018

We are pleased to offer an excursion to our Students. The purpose of the visit is to expand your child’s knowledge and appreciation of the Arts and give them the opportunity to see a world class theatrical production.

War Horse

Following 8 record breaking years in London’s West End and having played in 11 countries around the world to over 7 million people, the National Theatre’s acclaimed play WAR HORSE is embarking on a UK tour. We will see the production at the historic Alhambra theatre, Bradford.

At its heart are astonishing life-sized horses by South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Company, who bring breathing, galloping, charging horses to thrilling life on stage.

War Horse is an unforgettable theatrical event which takes audiences on an extraordinary journey from the fields of rural Devon to the trenches of First World War France.

The cost of the excursion is £27. This pays for the ticket and coach. We have enough places for all of our GCSE Art and Visual Communication students who would like to go. Please return the reply slip below, together with your payment of £27 before 22 September. After this time any spare places will be offered to other students in the school. If this time scale causes you an issue, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Under the terms of the 1988 Education Act we are not permitted to levy a charge for this visit. However, no School funds exist to cover the cost and we are therefore seeking a voluntary contribution per student. However, the visit cannot take place unless each parent/carer makes the full contribution. You should also be aware that, should you cancel your child’s place after payment of the initial deposit, cancellation charges will apply. I can provide details of these upon request.

We will be travelling by coach and intend to leave school at 5.00pm on Monday 26 February. We aim to return to school around Midnight (Traffic permitting)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Art Department.

Yours sincerely

D Wilkinson

Head of Art

Please return to Mrs D Wilkinson, Art DepartmentExcursion to War Horse, 26 February 2018

Student Name: ...... Mentor Group: ...... Year: ......

(Please print)

(Please tick as appropriate)

 I give permission for my son/daughter to go on the Art trip.

 I enclose a £27 (to be taken to Mrs Wilkinson in the Art Office in the Humanities block on any break time. (Cheques payable to Scalby Learning Trust).

 I have completed a medical form for my son/daughter for the school.

Signed: ...... (Parent/Carer)Date: ......