Rhatigan Standards for Fraternal Excellence

WSU Fraternity and Sorority Life

Panhellenic Council Application

Mission Statement: Mission Statement: The mission of Wichita State University is to be an essential educational, cultural and economic driver for Kansas and the greater public good.

Logic: Fraternities and Sororities have a strong tradition at Wichita State University. As the future of Fraternity and Sorority organizations becomes more dependent on sound decision-making, enhanced risk management, and closer advisement by local and (inter)national officials, Student Involvement has developed this series of standards for Fraternity and Sorority chapter operation.

Intent: This document serves to provide the guidelines by which Fraternity and Sorority chapters will be recognized for excellence in programing and procedures by Student Involvement. By striving to attain the Rhatigan Award for Fraternal Excellence seek to insure a positive experience at Wichita State University for current students and future generations of Fraternity and Sorority members.

Besides the requirements set here for the standards of excellence among Greek Organizations, it is understood that all Fraternity and Sorority chapter’s must follow all policies, guidelines, and bylaws set forth by its campus and (inter)national governing councils. Chapters and individual members must abide by all local, state, and federal laws, as well as all University policies and the Student Code of Conduct.

Chapters must receive a score of at least 80% of the total points in each section in order to be named a Rhatigan Chapter of Fraternal Excellence. Chapters achieving the award will be announced at the annual Order of Omega Greek Awards Program, posted on the Greek Life website and a picture of the winners will be used in Greek Life and Student Involvement publications.

Submission Procedures

·  Chapters should review this document with a staff members of Fraternity and Sorority Life during scheduled meetings to ensure all standards are completed by the required date.

·  Each chapter president must schedule an end of the year review meeting with their appropriate council advisor within Fraternity and Sorority Life. This meeting must be held between September 1st 2015 and January 31st, 2016.

·  Chapter presidents should come prepared to the end of year review meeting with the completed application and all supporting documents; the boxes for SI verification should still be blank at this time. Necessary supporting documents are noted in the verification section for each section.

·  If organizations possess a document that is required for submission to their national headquarters for accreditation, this document can be submitted and relevant sections noted.

·  Some sections require a concisely written supporting paragraph explaining how the standards were met. Each paragraph should be approximately 100 words.

·  Each chapter will be required to provide a copy of their calendar showing the dates the events and programs required for this award were accomplished.

·  No late submissions will be accepted.

Point System:

·  The points given for the standards will reflect a comprehensive picture of the fraternity or sorority chapter. The Student Involvement Staff will utilize a predetermined point system (0-1-2) that will be included in the Rhatigan Standards.

o  0: Chapter did not prove that they met the standard.

o  1: Chapter partially met the standard/proof was questionable.

o  2: Chapter fully met the standard and provided proof.

Panhellenic Council
Rhatigan Award for Fraternal Excellence

Application for: {Chapter Name}

Application Period: January 2015 – December 2015

Membership/Structure: Supporting Paragraph Required

Points Total / Verification Method / Verified by SI
Chapter applied for RSO status by following the procedures outlined by the Student Government Association and Student Involvement (SI). / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter submitted Faculty/Staff Advisor Agreement Form at time of the RSO registration process. / 0 1 2 / Form Submitted on:
Chapter’s faculty/staff advisor attended at least one chapter event per semester. / 0 1 2 / Date completed:
Chapter was affiliated with Women’s Panhellenic Association. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter had a minimum of three goals set for the semester and had a plan to achieve those goals. Goals are to be filed in SI by the first regular school day of each semester.
Points awarded each semester. / 0 1 2 / Goals Submitted on:
Describe goals and achievements in supporting paragraph
Total Points Possible: 10 points
Needed to Achieve 80%: 8 points

Greek Community: No Supporting Paragraph Required

Points Total / Verification Method / Verified by SI
Chapter delegate or replacement attended every PC meeting. / 0 1 2 / PC verification:
Chapter participated in another PC Sorority’s Philanthropy or Community Service Project. / 0 1 2 / PC verification:
Chapter participated in an IFC Fraternity’s Philanthropy or Community Service Project. / 0 1 2 / IFC verification:
Chapter partnered with an MGC Organization for an event. / 0 1 2 / MGC verification:
Chapter had members serving on PC as an officer. / 0 1 2 / PC verification:
Chapter participated in the Spring 2015 IFC All Greek Neighborhood Clean-Up or relevant neighborhood event. / 0 1 2 / Submission of Guest list by IFC
Chapter supported PC Fundraising Endeavors (if no such endeavors occurred chapter will receive automatic 2 points). / 0 1 2 / PC verification:
Chapter utilized the “All Greek Calendar” to inform other chapters of upcoming public events with most dates recorded at the beginning of each semester. / 0 1 2 / SI “All Greek Calendar” check by Sept. 15 and Feb. 1
Total Points Possible: 16 points
Needed to Achieve 80%: 13 points

Education, Membership Development & Programming: Supporting Paragraph Required

Points Total / Verification Method / Verified by SI
New member program was free of hazing. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter’s new member class attended the New Member Academy and New Member Meet & Greet held by SI. / 0 1 2 / New Member Academy Sign-In Sheets
Chapter has an advisor present at all Initiation activities. / 0 1 2 / Advisor’s Name:
Chapter held/participated educational programming or development for members on the following topics:
·  Risk management
·  Alcohol Policies
·  Hazing policies
·  Study skills/scholarship
·  Sexual harassment prevention
·  Diversity and tolerance
·  Career development
·  Leadership skill building
·  Additional topic(s) approved by SI
Each topic may only count for points once per year, minimum credit 4 trainings / 0 1 2 / Date(s) completed:
Names of Programs:
Describe programs in required supporting paragraph
Chapter actively implemented the educational program provided by their (inter)national office if one is provided. 2 points
If none is provided points will be automatically awarded / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter initiated at least 80% of those who affiliated. / 0 1 2 / Internal Verification
Chapter co-sponsored one program with another RSO.
Exclusion: social mixer with IFC Fraternity or MGC organization.
Co-Sponsor with another PC group is allowed. / 0 1 2 / Date Completed:
Name of program:
Describe program in required supporting paragraph
Chapter attended as a group:
·  WSU Athletic Event
·  WSU Fine Arts Program
·  WSU Sponsored Lecture/Guest Speaker / 0 1 2 / Date(s) completed and Event(s) attended:
Total Points Possible: 16 points
Needed to Achieve 80%: 13 points

Finance: No supporting paragraph required

Points Total / Verification Method / Verified by SI
Chapter paid dues to PC by due date specified by PC treasurer. / 0 1 2 / PC Treasurer’s Initials:
Chapter had no outstanding invoices to PC, Rhatigan Student Center or other University entities. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter paid costs associated with Formal Recruitment (t-shirt, marketing) to PC by the due date specified by PC treasurer. / 0 1 2 / PC Treasurer’s Initials:
Total Points Possible: 6 points
Needed to Achieve 80%: 5 points

Chapter Facilities: No Supporting Paragraph Required

Points Total / Verification Method / Verified by SI
Chapter implemented house duties and maintenance procedures to ensure the residence is kept in proper working order at all times. Facilities should maintain general standards of good interior and exterior upkeep, which are characteristics of the University and residential neighborhood environments. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter held an annual meeting with all live-in members immediately following move-in or the beginning of the Fall semester if open year round. The meeting should include a reading of the live-in rules and policies.
If chapter is not a live-in facility, they will automatically receive 2 points. / 0 1 2 / Date Completed:
Chapter conducted one fire drill each semester. / 0 1 2 / Date(s) Completed:
Chapter reviewed risk management policies and information on personal safety. / 0 1 2 / Date Completed:
Chapter house passed inspection by the City of Wichita Fire Department. These are not scheduled appointments so chapter facilities should be well-maintained at all times. Chapter paid any fines incurred and made any necessary repairs to fulfill the inspection evaluation. / 0 1 2 / Date of Inspection:
Fire alarms and extinguishers were in working order. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Emergency exits were clearly identified and not blocked. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Emergency contact information for all live-in residences was on file in Student Involvement by September 1 and February 1. Points awarded each semester. / 0 1 2 / Date(s) Completed:
Total Points Possible: 16 points
Needed to Achieve 80%: 13 points

Recruitment and Public Relations: No Supporting Paragraph Required

Points Total / Verification Method / Verified by SI
Chapter’s recruitment-related activities and events were alcohol-free. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter had recruitment standards on file in SI by the first day of classes (ie: GPA, activity involvement, etc.). / 0 1 2 / Date Submitted:
Chapter has recruitment brochure on file in SI by the first day of classes. / 0 1 2 / Date Submitted:
Chapter has an updated chapter website which promotes a positive image of the organization and Greek life at WSU. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter provided updated recruitment information for recruitment booklet on website by required deadline. / 0 1 2 / PC Verification:
Chapter provided financial responsibilities in written format to recruits prior to signing of bid card; form is on file in SI. / 0 1 2 / Date Submitted to SI:
Chapter did not incur any recruitment infractions during the Formal Recruitment period. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter was at or above chapter total at October 1 and March 1.
Points awarded each semester. / 0 1 2 / Number of members each semester:
Chapter had more members apply to be Rho Gamma’s than required. / 0 1 2 / Number of women applied:
Chapter provided a written thank you to individuals or groups that do a service for them (advisors, speakers, etc). / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials/list of thank you’s that were sent:
Total Points Possible: 20 points
Needed to Achieve 80%: 16 points

Scholarship: Supporting Paragraph Required, Please use Spring 2014 and Fall 2014 data

Points Total / Verification Method / Verified by SI
Chapter had a minimum of a 2.8 cumulative GPA for extending membership to new members. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter had a minimum GPA for the election of officers which must be maintained while in office. / 0 1 2 / GPA minimum:
Chapter had a scholarship plan on file in SI. Scholarship plan provides:
·  recognition for members meeting standards.
·  educational assistance for those struggling to meet scholastic requirements.
Points awarded each semester. / 0 1 2 / Describe in required supporting paragraph
Chapter met a minimum all chapter GPA of a 3.00 for each semester.
Points awarded each semester. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter exceeded the WSU women’s GPA average each semester. Points awarded each semester. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
At least one member of your organization was initiated into Order of Omega or other Honor Society. / 0 1 2 / Honor Society and Members Name and Initials:
Total Points Possible: 12 points
Needed to Achieve 80%: 10 points

Leadership: No Supporting Paragraph Required

Points Total / Verification Method / Verified by SI
60% of chapter members were involved in at least one other campus organization outside of the Fraternity and Sorority community. / 0 1 2 / Attach list of members with other organization affiliations
During the on-year of the Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Retreat, chapter sent the required number of members to the retreat as outlined by SI Chapter RSVP’d with the names of attendees by the required deadline.
Points will be awarded automatically on off-year / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter sent allowed/required number of members to (inter)national organizations leadership or training seminars / 0 1 2 / Attach supporting documentation
Total Points Possible: 6 points
Needed to Achieve 80%: 5 points

Service, Social Responsibility, and Citizenship: Supporting Paragraph Required

Points Total / Verification Method / Verified by SI
Chapter conducted at least one community service event during the semester where at least 60% of the chapter was present.
Points awarded each semester. / 0 1 2 / Date of Completion:
Chapter submitted a list of all service and fundraising projects they conducted or participated in during the year. A total list of service hours for the chapter should be included.
Points awarded each semester. / 0 1 2 / Attach list of service hours
Chapter engaged in a reflection period following a service or service fundraising activity which discussed the value gained from participation in the activity. / 0 1 2 / Date held:
Describe in required supporting paragraph
Total Points Possible: 6 points
Needed to Achieve 80%: 5 points

Risk Management and Social Events: No Supporting Paragraph Required

Points Total / Verification Method / Verified by SI
Chapter had an elected member serving as Risk Manager (or equivalent). / 0 1 2 / Member’s Name and Initials:
Chapter had their most current risk management policy on file with SI by October 1, 2015. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter had no sanctioning from WSU due to policy violations which occurred during social events. Any sanctioning received will automatically disqualify the chapter for the entire academic year. / 0 1 2 / President’s Initials:
Chapter followed all (inter)national, governing council and university risk management policies and procedures. / 0 1 2 / Date presented to chapter:
Chapter hosted at least one non-alcohol social event with another Fraternity or Sorority each semester.
Points awarded each semester. / 0 1 2 / Date(s) Complete:
Other Chapter name:
Total Points Possible: 12 points
Needed to Achieve 80%: 10 points / 0 1 2

Alumni Involvement: Supporting Paragraph Required