February 11, 2013

Dear fellow Carrabelle Boat Club Member –

In the 2012 Year-End Summary Carrabelle Boat Club sent out last week, we mentioned that we hoped to have some exciting news to share with you shortly. Within 24 hours of our sending that letter, we were notified by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection that Carrabelle Boat Club has all necessary approvals to dredge the channel. We are working with four bidders and analyzing the cost to complete the work. Although we have capital reserved for this expense, we aren’t certain of the cost until bids are complete. We’re hopeful that pricing comes in as projected so that work can commence soon.

This is one of the most significant issues we have faced since we began stabilizing and repositioning Carrabelle Boat Club. We owe our deepest appreciation to Scott Burt and his team (especially Amy and Frank) for leading the charge here. Also, Randy and Valerie at Phoenix Environmental did an outstanding job of putting together a first rate work product along with their excellent communication efforts. Most importantly, thanks to all of you who engaged in the effort and got involved. Attached you will see our initial effort at a thank you list, and we apologize in advance for missing anyone (as I sure we did!).

In 2009, RVC Outdoor Destinations ( purchased the majority of the Boat Club units and the club’s personal property, and reconfigured the Boat Club’s Board. Since that time, your Carrabelle Boat Club has accomplished the following –

  1. Stabilized and improved operations – We engaged Coastal Marina Management (let by Scott Burt) and have seen service levels increased, expenses reduced, and overall quality improved.
  2. Stabilized Association finances – When the bank owned the units and personal property, they had not reinvested capital or been proactive to improve the Association’s Balance Sheet and Operating Budget. Today, the Association has an adequate Reserve on the Balance Sheet with appropriate recurring capital expenditures - and dues have been reduced since 2009.
  1. Repaired Title – When RVC purchased the majority of units from Busey Bank, a significant amount of title issues that could have presented major challenges for all owners were addressed and corrected. Title is now clean.
  2. Transferred Personal Property – RVC purchased all of the Club’s personal property, including the forklifts, at the same time it purchased the majority of the units from the bank. It was clear that the best interest of the club was to own that equipment, and RVC transferred the assets to the COA along with favorable seller financing. The Club now owns all related equipment and no longer pays a lease payment (as it did when the bank owned the units and equipment)
  3. Proactively recovered Dues – When RVC first took ownership of the bank’s units, a large number of unit owners (mostly banks) were not paying their dues. After significant research and legal analysis, it became apparent that the Association was able to pursue non-paying banks by making demands for their assets, not just the units. Since those efforts commenced, we have recovered the vast majority of unpaid dues and our current delinquency rate is minimal.
  4. Reduced Dues – Dues are lower in 2013 than they were in 2009. We may be the only Condo Association in the state of Florida that has reduced dues so dramatically while improving service even more dramatically. In 2011, dues were reduced by over 20%. In 2012 and 2013, dues were kept flat.
  5. Liquidated recovered assets – In addition to recovering delinquent dues, we were able to take advantage of Coastal Marina Management’s market knowledge and liquidate property, including a boat that had been left on property.
  6. Provided CarrabelleBeach pool and club access – Members can now utilize RVC’s CarrabelleBeach property at no additional cost allowing you to take advantage of RVC’s pool and beach access located only one mile down the road.
  7. Upgraded and Maintained the facilities – Numerous upgrades including the fish cleaning station, new signage, and additional storm protection have been made. Also, scheduled maintenance to the facility and the personal property is in place.
  1. Filed a BP claim – We are hopeful that we will receive compensation related to the BP spill. RVC filed claims and took advantage of its broader process and legal advisors to file on behalf of the COA as well.
  2. Obtained the Dredge Permit – After roughly two years of work, and the support of many of you, we have a Dredge Permit.

We have heard from many of you and appreciate your support and kind words. The Club has great momentum, and the dredging project will further accelerate our collective efforts to constantly improve it.

Thanks and let us know if you have any questions or concerns,

Carrabelle Boat Club

Cc:Carrabelle Boat Club Renters

First Name / Last Name
Andy / Nash
Arthur / Clements
Ben / Watkins
Bill / Holland
Bill / Hutson
Bill / Jablon
Bruce / Drennan
Bruce / Schaffer
Carl and Mercedes / Updyke
Chester / Reece
Chris / Adams
David / Browning
David / Dixon
David / Messer
David / Zeigler
Don / Brotherton
Don / Massey
Douglas / Smith
Douglas / Dedrick
Ed / Atwell
Ed / Conklin
Eddie / Sholar
Ferrell / Scruggs
Frank / Mathes
Gail and Charles / Brantley
Gander's Gulf Supply Hardware
George / Bauman
George / Meros
Greg / Botwick
Greg / Winter
Hog Wild BBQ / Hog Wild BBQ
Jackson Ace Hardware
Jeanne and David / Dail
Jeff / Lovell
Jeff / Pollack
Jim / Magee
Jim / Williams
Joe / Hamm
Joe / Knapp
Jones / Phillips
Ken / Anders
Larry / Perlis
Matt / Branch
Mayor Curley / Messer
Michael / Bruce
Nick / Routa
Quinn / Griffin
Quinten / Johnson
Randy Armstrong and Valerie Weeks
Read / Wescott
Rich / Henry
Rich / Maus
Richard / Burns
Rick / Carter
Rob / Koegel
Rod J / Johnson
Ross / Smith
Sara / Shelton
Scott / Carswell
Scott / Luke
Steve / Stitt
Terry Donohue and Cholette Ramsey
Tim and Christina / Saunders
Tim / Ashton
Tim / Miles
Tim / Smucker
Tom / Holloway
Tom / Kwader
Tom / Truman
Troy / Hodges
Vance / Hiers
Victor / Sirbu
Welch / Goggins
William / Massey