Trainee Name: …………………………………………………………………Year of training: ………………………………………….Hospital: ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………

Training Supervisor: …………………………………………………………………..Procedure being assessed: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Assessment Criteria / Assessment Descriptors
(please circle one rating per criterion)
1 2 3 4 5
Pre operative consent and counselling / Failed to obtain appropriate
pre operative consent and undertake patient counselling / Obtained appropriate
pre operative consent and undertook patient counselling with a major omission / Obtained appropriate
pre operative consent and undertook patient counselling with a minor omission / Obtained appropriate
pre operative consent and undertook patient counselling / Excellent approach and appropriately obtained
pre operative consent and undertook patient counselling
Preparation for theatre including where appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis, antibiotic DVT/prophylaxis and patient positioning / Failed to appropriately prepare patient for theatre / Prepared the patient appropriately for theatre but with a major omission / Prepared the patient appropriately for theatre but with a minor omission / Prepared the patient appropriately for theatre / Excellent approach and appropriately prepared patient for theatre
Respect of tissue / Frequently used unnecessary force / caused damage to tissue by inappropriate use of instruments / Occasionally used unnecessary force / caused damage to tissue by inappropriate use of instruments / Sometimes handled tissue appropriately / occasional damage to tissue by inappropriate use of instruments / Nearly always handled tissue appropriately with minimal damage / Consistently handled tissue appropriately with minimal damage
Time and motion / Inefficient use of time and many unnecessary moves / Occasional inefficient use of time with some unnecessary moves / Sometimes efficient time/motion but some unnecessary moves / Nearly always efficient time/motion with minimal unnecessary moves / Consistent clear economy of movement and maximum efficiency
Instrument handling/knowledge of instruments & sutures / Inappropriate use of instruments (including tentative or awkward moves) and/or frequently requested wrong instrument / Occasional inappropriate use of instruments (including tentative or awkward moves) and/or occasionally requested wrong instrument / Sometimes used fluid moves with instruments, sometimes tentative, familiar with some instruments and their names / Nearly always used fluid moves with instruments, minimal awkwardness, familiar with most instruments and their names / Consistently fluid moves with instruments, no awkwardness; familiar with all the instruments and their names

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Assessment Criteria / Assessment Descriptors
(please circle one rating per criterion)
1 2 3 4 5
Flow of operation / Frequently stopped procedure and seemed unsure of next move / Occasionally stopped procedure and hesitant about next move, requests for instruments rarely timely / Some planning with reasonable progression of procedure, some timely request for instruments / Nearly always planned course of procedure with reasonable progression, nearly always timely requests for instruments / Consistently planned course of procedure, effortless flow from one move to the next, timely request for instruments
Professional behaviour with theatre staff / Underutilised assistants, consistently inappropriate professional interactions / Occasionally underutilised assistants, some inappropriate professional interactions / Sometimes used assistants to best advantage, some appropriate and professional interactions with staff / Nearly always used assistants to best advantage, nearly always appropriate and professional interactions with staff / Comprehensive and strategic use of assistants, effective and appropriate professional interactions
Surgical anatomy / Deficient knowledge. Unable to identify or name critical anatomical landmarks relevant to the procedure / Occasionally able to identify and name surgical anatomy for procedure and occasional critical anatomical landmarks / Sometimes able to identify and name surgical anatomy for procedure including some critical anatomical landmarks / Nearly always able to identify and name surgical anatomy for procedure including nearly all common anatomical anomalies / Comprehensive ability to identify and name all surgical anatomy for the procedure, including common anatomical anomalies
Knowledge of specific procedure, including positioning of the patient and setting up equipment / Deficient knowledge, Needed specific instruction at most steps / Basic knowledge. Required specific instruction for some of the steps / Basic knowledge. Familiar only with important steps of procedure with minimal instruction / Good familiarity with nearly all aspects of procedure with only minimal instruction / Comprehensive familiarity with all aspects of operation
Wound closure / Deficient knowledge of appropriate suture materials and techniques, high levelinstruction required / Basic knowledge of appropriate suture materials and techniques, high levelinstruction required / Basic knowledge of appropriate suture materials and techniques, minimal instruction required / Good knowledge of suture material and techniques, minimal instruction required / Comprehensive knowledge of suture materials and techniques
Post-operative management / Deficient knowledge of post operative management and prevention of complications / Basic knowledge of post operative management and prevention of complications, high level instruction required / Basic knowledge of post operative management and preventing complications, minimal instruction required / Good knowledge of post-operative management and prevention of complications, minimal instruction required / Comprehensive knowledge of post operative management and prevention of complications

Global rating scale developed from Moorthy et al, BMJ 2003; 327:1032-7; originally from Reznick et al, Am J Surg 1997; 173: 226-30

To be assessed as competent to perform the procedure independently, the trainee must score a 4 or 5 assessment descriptor rating in each of the assessment criteria.

Trainee is (please tick):

□ Competent to perform the procedure independently

□Not yet Competent to perform the procedure independently

Each procedure must be assessed on a separate form. The assessor MUST discuss this assessment with the trainee following the procedure and upon completion of the form to this point.


Assessor name: ………………………………………………………………………………………Assessor signature: ………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………………………………………….

Trainee has passed this Summative Surgical Skills Assessment and can perform this procedure independently.

Trainee Supervisor Signature: …………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………………………………………

Trainee Signature:…………………………………………………………………………………..Date: ……………………………………………………………

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