Installing Elected and Appointed Officers

The office to which you have been elected is one of dignity and importance. In accepting this office, you undertake a responsibility which is not to be assumed lightly or carelessly discharged. You are charged with the duties of seriously and resolutely furthering the goals and objectives of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women.

Please raise your right hand and repeat after me:


I, (state name), do solemnly swear that I will discharge to the best of my ability the duties and responsibilities of the office to which I have been elected. I hereby pledge to uphold the standard of excellence set forth by the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc.

By the power vested in me as (state official title), I hereby declare you duly installed officers of the National Coalition of 100 BlackWomen, Inc.,______Chapter.

Installing Members

Please raise your right hand and repeat after me:


I, (state name) do solemnly pledge to uphold the goals, mission and objectives of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. I pledge to work in a collaborative effort with other members to implement the national agenda as NCBW moves toward achieving said goals and objectives. I pledge to advocate on behalf of African American women and girls in furthering leadership development and gender equity in the areas of health, education, and economic empowerment.

National/Chapter President states……

You are now declared members of the National Coalition of 100Black Women, Inc.,______Chapter. You have all the rights and privileges of Coalition members, and equally so, the responsibility of true membership.

Have the national leadership/chapter members present to stand (or step forward) and lead the audience in applause.


______, you have been elected for the ensuing two years as President of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc.,______Chapter. Much to you is entrusted, much is demanded, but great are the rewards of service to your fellow members and the community. You are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the interests and reputation of this organization, and to guide and direct it in the Founder’s image. May God’s richest blessings be with you.

I now present you with the gavel of your office and declare you duly installed as President of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., ______Chapter.

National/Chapter President passes gavel – take seat.