Speech and Hearing Science 5732

Audiologic Rehabilitation

Summer 2012

Course #3242


Julie Hazelbaker, Ph.D.


Office Hours: Email or by appointment


Raymond H. Hull (2010). Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation. Plural Publishing, Inc. San Diego, CA.


This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth introduction to audiologic rehabilitation. The course deals with the various aspects of auditory rehabilitation as it relates to children and adults with hearing loss.

Learning Objectives/Knowledge Outcomes:

By the end of the quarter each student will:

1. Be aware of the impact hearing loss can have on speech and language learning.

2. Be familiar with the basic function of modern hearing aids, auditory training systems andcochlear implants.

3. Have an increased awareness of how amplification systems benefit the hearingimpaireduser.

4. Be familiar with the basic assessments used with individuals who havea communication disordersecondary to hearing loss.


There will be five, 20-point quizzes administered on Carmen. You will have 20 minutes to complete your quizzes using your notes and textbook.Quiz due dates are listed below and in the course schedule. These dates are when quizzes must be COMPLETED in order to be counted. Two exams will be given, one focused more on children, the other focused more on adults. However, it should be noted that there is material in both sections that would apply to any age group (ie: Hearing aids and ALDs). No make-up quizzes or exams will be given.

Quiz and Exam Dates:

Quiz 1: Completed and submitted by 9am, June 28

Quiz 2: Completed and submitted by 9am, July 5

Quiz 3: Completed and submitted by 9am, July 12

Exam 1: Completed and submitted by 5pm, July19

Quiz 4: Completed and submitted by 9am, July 26

Quiz 5: Completed and submitted by 9am,August 2

Exam 2: Completed and submitted by 5pm, August 7

Breakdown of Grades:

  1. Exam 1100 points
  2. 5 quizzes100 points (20 points each)
  3. Exam 2100 points

300 points possible

Grading Scale:

A 93 – 100 % C+ 77 – 79%

A- 90 – 92% C 73 – 76%

B+ 87 – 89% C- 70 – 72%

B 83 – 86%D+ 67 – 69%

B- 80 – 82% D 60 – 66%

E < 60%


Academic Misconduct:

Students are expected to work independently on the course assignments and examinations. Academic misconduct will not be tolerated and incidents believed to constitute misconduct will be reported to the university committee on academic misconduct. Refer to the student handbook for definitions of misconduct and discipline procedures.

Students with Disabilities:

Students with disabilities that have been certified by the Office for Disability Services will be appropriately accommodated and should inform the instructor as soon as possible about their needs. The Office for Disability Services is on the web at

Course Management:

The course will be conducted using Carmen. Carmen is an integrated set of web course tools that can be used to teach classes delivered entirely online. You will be able to log into the course at If you are not familiar with Carmen, you may visit the TELR page ( TELR phone is 614-688-HELP and email is . If you experience problems, contact the TELR HELP staff first. They are far more knowledgeable about interfacing with Carmen than I am.

We will not have an organized weekly “chat session”, as others more experienced with online courses tell me these are rarely successful. However, feel free to email me at any time, at with questions. Additionally, please post any course content related questions on the discussion board in Carmen. This will allow all students to benefit from responses or discussions generated on the course material.

Course Organization:

There is A LOT of material to be read and completed in a very short amount of time. Lecture material will be available via PowerPoint presentations. Assigned readings should be completed prior to reading the posted lectures. You may work at your own pace, reading book chapters and power point lectures at your convenience and completing quizzes early, if you wish. However, exams will not be posted early. As previously stated, your grade will be based on 5 quizzes and 2 exams. The multiple choice exams will be posted one week prior to their due dates. Exams can be downloaded from Carmen and saved to your hard drive. Complete the exams (in a different color font for easy grading) and save them as a Microsoft word document. To turn in completed exams, use the “Dropbox” feature in Carmen.

  1. Click “Dropbox” in the red toolbar (upper left hand corner) of the Carmen page
  2. A folder will be set up for each exam (ie: Exam 1, Exam 2)
  3. Click the appropriate folder
  4. Browse your computer’s hard drive for the completed exam
  5. Hit “Upload”
  6. You will receive an email saying your document has successfully uploaded to Carmen

Quizzes (5 quizzes, 20 points each for a total of 100 points)

  • The course covers every chapter in the required text, Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation. Each chapter is assigned reading for specific lectures (see class schedule). Supplemental information will also be added into the power point lectures, especially for the earlier chapters. Power point lectures will more closely follow the text as we get into the second half of the course.
  • Quizzes must be completed by the date listed above. Quizzes are available in Carmen and can be accessed by clicking “quizzes” in the toolbar.
  • Quizzes must be completed on Carmen prior to the ‘end’ date and time. The ‘end’ time will always be by 9:00am EST on the specified date.
  • Quizzes are (obviously) open book, however, once you start a quiz on Carmen you will have only 20 minutes to complete it. You are welcome to complete quizzes ahead of schedule, however, quizzes submitted late will receive a zero – no exceptions!

Course Schedule


WeekLecture TopicReadingQuiz

Week 1The Nature of Aural Rehabilitation/OverviewChapter 1

June 18

Auditory Stimuli in CommunicationChapters 2 and 3

• Speech acoustics

• Speech perception

Audiologic Terms, Assessment & Audiogram Interpretation

Week 2Introduction to AmplificationChapter 4 Quiz 1

June 25 Due June 28

Week 3Children with impaired hearing

July 2• Family involvement/counselingChapter 5 Quiz 2

• Amplification StrategiesChapter 6 Due July5

• Speech and Language considerationsChs 7-8

Week 4Children with impaired hearing (cont.) Quiz 3

July 9• Cochlear implantsChapter 9 Due July12

• Educational managementChapter 10

Week 5Examination 1 due 5pm EST, Thursday, July 19

July 16

Week 6Adults with impaired hearing Quiz 4

July 23• AR and CounselingChs 11-12 Due July26

• HA orientationChapter 13

• Other assistive technologiesChapter 14

Week 7Older Adults with impaired hearingChs 15-20 Quiz 5

July 30 Due August 2

Finals WeekFinal Examination due 5pm EST, Tuesday, August 7