Karen Mason– artist resume


1000 Fresno Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94707 – 510/725-2152;

Solo Exhibitions

2014ACCI Gallery, Taking Flight, Berkeley, CA

2013Art People Gallery, Birds in Thought and Motion, San Francisco, CA

2012Art People Gallery, Dancing with Delight, San Francisco, CA

2011Art People Gallery, Brilliant Birds, San Francisco, CA

2010Art People Gallery, Soft Breeze, San Francisco, CA

2009Art People Gallery, Inspired by the Moment, San Francisco, CA

2008Art People Gallery, Tall Slice, San Francisco, CA

2006Blue Plum Gallery, Tall Slices, San Francisco, CA

2005KNA, Liquid Landscapes, Berkeley, CA

Selected Group Exhibitions

2014Klein Gallery, Spring Exhibit, Lafayette, CA

2013Klein Gallery, Debut Exhibition, Lafayette, CA

2013Women's Cancer Resource Center, Feathered Friends, Oakland, CA

2013ACCI Gallery, Haunted and Hallowed, Berkeley, CA

2003-2013Pro Arts, East Bay Open Studios, biennial, Oakland, CA

2012ACCI Gallery, Joie de Vivre, Berkeley, CA

2011ACCI Gallery, Catch and Release, Berkeley, CA

2011Tiburon Art Festival, Tiburon, CA

2009-2011Lakin & Spears, Karen Gutfreund Art Consultant office placement, Palo Alto, CA

2006-2011Resources for Community Development (RCD), annual, Berkeley, CA

2008Berkeley Chamber of Commerce, Berkeley, CA

2008ACCI Gallery, Oasis, Berkeley, CA

2007Marin Art Festival, San Rafael, CA

2006ACCI Gallery, Landscapes,Berkeley, CA

2004-2006Artist with Heart, biennial, Berkeley, CA

2003-2005Oakland Elizabeth House, annual, Oakland, CA

1999Pro Arts, EastBay Open Studios,Jack London Square, Oakland, CA

1998Levi Strauss Employee Art Show, San Francisco, CA

Teaching Assignments, Volunteer Work

2013SOAR for Youth, Visual Journalingand PowerPoint Storytellingfoster youth camp teacher

2010, 2012MLK Junior Middle School, ACCI Gallery, North Shattuck Merchants Association, Paving the Way, artist-student-merchant biennial community art program teacher/manager

2006-2008MLK Junior Middle School After School Enrichment Program, art teacher

2002-2004Emerson Elementary After School Enrichment Program, art teacher, volunteer of year award

Gallery Representation

Karen Mason - - 1000 Fresno Ave. - Berkeley, CA 94707 - 510/558-0614 page 1

ACCI Gallery

1652 Shattuck Avenue

Berkeley, CA94709

Susan Taylor, President,


Klein Gallery

50 Lafayette Circle

Lafayette, CA

Carrie Klein, Director,


Art People Gallery

50 Post Street, #41, Crocker Galleria

San Francisco, CA94104

Ali Meamar, Gallery Director,


Karen Mason - - 1000 Fresno Ave. - Berkeley, CA 94707 - 510/558-0614 page 1

Publications and Reproductions

2013National Women’s Caucus for Art, Stories We Tell, Yarn to Spin, juried competition of new work

2013American Art Collector, Peacocks Among Bristling Aspen, juried competition of new work

2012, 2013Art People, Karen Mason’s Brilliant Birds & Botanicals, original and updated versions

2007-2013Studio Voltaire, birch and bird painting reproductions, greeting cards

2011Studio Voltaire,Red Crested Crane Tango canvas reproduction

2009American Art Collector, Red Crested Crane Tango, juried competition of new work

2006 New York Graphic Society, spring catalog cover

2006 New York Graphic Society, Melodious Woods, Bristling Birch poster prints


Redwood Trust, Marin, CA

Private collections across the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Italy, France


Painting Courses:

2007CaliforniaCollege of Arts,Oakland, CA

1999-2003University of California Berkeley Extension, Berkeley, CA

1994-1995Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA

1981-1982Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Private Study / Workshops:

2007-2010Jamie Brunson, oil and acrylic, technique and materials

2006, 2008Tom Soltesz, oil, plein aire landscapes

2000-2006Susan Cornelis, watercolor

2000-2006California Watercolor Association with Catherine Anderson, Karen Frey, Dale Laitinen, watercolor

2006Randall Sexton, portfolio review

2003-2004Ryl Brock Wilson, objective and portfolio focus


California Watercolor Association

Berkeley Art Center

Karen Mason – – 1000 Fresno Ave., Berkeley, CA 94707 –510/725-2152; 510/558-0614 page 1