
Positive feedback is the acknowledgment of performance that meets or exceeds expectations. It is a method of guiding employees to continue performing at the desirable level.
Informal / Formal
Characteristics / Informal positive feedback is characterized by a brief conversation in a casual setting. It:
  • Should be given frequently throughout the performance management process
  • Is most effective when given as close to the performance event as possible
  • Should be documented in your supervisor notes.
/ Formal positive feedback is characterized by public recognition of the performance. It:
  • May include recommending the employee for an incentive award
  • Is usually officially documented
  • May occur during performance and career development discussions.

Steps /
  1. Tell the employee what behavior you liked:
Acknowledge the employee’s performance
Provide descriptive, objective comments about the employee’s performance.
  1. Tell the employee why you liked it:
Identify the importance of the behavior
Tie the behavior to the organizational goals. /
  1. Prepare to give the feedback:
Determine the most appropriate recognition method
Review the agenda and expectations for the presentation with the employee
Prepare or review any necessary documents.
  1. Deliver the feedback:
State the objectives of the discussion
Tell the employee how his or her performance exceeded expectations
Identify the importance of the behavior
Tie the behavior to the work unit goals.
  1. Follow up:
Document the circumstances and performance in writing and place the documentation in the employee’s documentation file
Forward copies of your documentation to the employee.



Constructive feedback is an explanation of how the performance did not meet expectations and steps that can be taken to correct or improve it.
Informal / Formal
Characteristics / Informal constructive feedback is characterized by a brief conversation in an informal setting. The supervisor:
  • Delivers this type of feedback for nonrecurring issues that do not significantly impact the organization
  • Usually documents this type of feedback in his or her supervisor notes.
/ Formal constructive feedback is characterized by the need to analyze the performance issue to determine its significance and impact. It:
  • Is given when the issue is of such complexity or magnitude that it seriously impacts the work products or organization, or when the performance recurs even after informal constructive feedback has been given.
  • May lead to adverse action. Therefore, the supervisor should contact the Labor and Employee Relations Section (LERS) for guidance on documenting this type of feedback.

Steps /
  1. Prepare for the discussion:
Set aside a time and place
Review the facts
Identify the impacts
Anticipate the tone
Plan followup or monitoring activities.
2. Conduct the discussion:
Set the climate
Open the discussion
Use Give, Get, Merge
Close the discussion.
3. Follow up
Document the discussion
Follow through on agreed upon responsibilities
Monitor performance. /
  1. Prepare for the discussion:
Set aside a time and place
Review the facts
Identify the impacts
Anticipate the tone
Plan followup or monitoring activities
Analyze the problem.
2. Conduct the discussion:
Set the climate
Open the discussion
Use Give, Get, Merge
Close the discussion.
3. Follow up
Document the discussion
Follow through on agreed upon responsibilities
Monitor performance.

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