

The 172nd Meeting of the Hampshire Health, Safety & Environmental Group

14.00 hours 25th February 2015

Fasset, Langstone Technology Park, Langstone Road, Havant, Hampshire PO9 1SA

1. Welcome

The Chairperson, Adrian Slater, welcomed everyone to the 172nd meeting of the Hampshire Health, Safety and Environmental Group (HHSEG) and extended his thanks and gratitude to Fasset for allowing the hospitality and use of the facilities.

2. Welfare and Evacuation Procedures

Adrian Slater explained the welfare and evacuation procedures to the group.

3.  Attendees

As per the signing in book.

4. Apologies

As per the signing in book.

5. New Members and Visitors.

Paul Jeffrey from Colt International

Lynda Darnell and Russ Burns from Huhtamaki

6. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting, which took place on the January 2015, were confirmed as being a correct record.

7. Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising

8. Main Meeting

·  Charles Cole gave a description of the day when he and Cameron went to pick up the Allan Butler Award. Ben Ayers congratulated the exec on achieving the award.

·  Adrian Slater asked the group if anyone would like to host our June meeting.

·  Adrian explained the virtues of joining the Linked In group suggesting that everyone ought to be able to get 5 safety interested friends to join. He explained that you can join direct from LinkedIn or email Paula Gilfillan to request joining.

8. Correspondence and Notices

·  HSM magazine

·  HSW magazine

·  The Environmentalist

·  ROSPA Safety Express

·  ROSPA Occupational Health

9. AGM Reports

9.1 Treasurers Report

Peter Hewick spoke on behalf of Terry Palmer

9.2 Membership Report

Adrian Slater spoke on behalf of Colin Leeworthy

All invoices have been sent out. If anyone not received this then please advise.

Please note web and membership renewals will now be Jan – Jan, renewals for this have only gone out to existing sponsors so if any new sponsors out there want more information then again please advise. We now have 53 members including 5 new. Only three current members owe membership subs from last year.

We have lost six members from last year whose commitments have changed and can longer find time to attend any group activities. Any new member needs to complete an application as there are data protection waivers that need to be acknowledged, one person last year just paid in £30 all we had was a contact name of the payee, no address or contact details, hence we can’t send out joining details, renewal, minutes etc.

9.3 Web Page Report

Kevin Hickman spoke on behalf of Paula Gilfillan.

The web-site has continued to offer a good service to members over the past year and has had regular access and support.

However, the Executive Committee are currently reviewing the current one to look at developing a new version which will have a more modern feel and potentially access to different features. If there is anything you would like to see on our web-site, please contact the project leader, Peter Hewick.

Our current web site provider has unfortunately gone into receivership and so we are putting on hold any further amendments to the site until this is resolved. I am hoping that the future web-site will be in a position to take over from the old one in light of this issue.

On the plus side, HHSEG LinkedIN group and Facebook page have taken shape well over the past few years in acting as a fast pace news box for members. Even better is that both sites have the ability for you to talk to us and to each member, which is what the HHSEG is all about.

9.4 Events Committee Report

Cameron Jones requested that the next meeting will be on 13th March. Andy Collier has accepted a position on the Event Committee to replace Vince Baker.

9.5 Public Relations Report

No report given

9.6 Chairman’s Report

Chairman’s Report AGM 25 Feb 2015

It does not seem long since we were in this room having the last AGM, discussing membership, how to get more members and the pro and cons of the website format. However in the last year a lot has happened.

The year began with the production of the report by the University of Chichester student Ana Silver. A number of recommendations were presented to the group and a new logo and the new banner were quickly adopted.

Progress on website recommendations made in the report and accepted by the committee have been slower but recent weeks have seen some activity and with the website improvement now falling under the responsibility of the executive committee I envisage significant progress in this area over the coming weeks.

Paula Gilfillan has managed the website under difficult circumstances as well as looking after the groups linkedin and Facebook pages, these really are areas we can use to our advantage for advertising events etc. we need more “buy in” from members across the group.

We have had a comprehensive events calendar running throughout the year and Andy Collier has provided a program for 2015 which provides variety, will cater for some of the significant changes to legislation and also the HSE focus areas for 2015.

The events committee under the guiding hand of Cameron Jones excelled themselves with the virtually seamless delivery of the 32nd one day conference which took place in October.

The change of venue was popular, the quality of speakers was exceptional and the presentation of the Allan St John Holt Award in close cooperation with IOSH South Coast Branch as well as the other awards provided an additional high point in an excellent day.

Your feedback provided us with some constructive criticism which we will work hard to address prior future event and particularly the half day seminar planned for August.

I would also like to thank the numerous other members of the group who regularly step up to the plate to assist with usher’s duties, IT Help, and any other tasks asked of them, often behind the scenes and often unnoticed but no less important.

We ended the year on a high with the news of a Bronze award in the Allan Butler awards and my thanks go to Kevin Hickman for his work in compiling our entry.

We need to carry this momentum forward into 2015; members are encouraged and make a positive effort to get membership subscriptions cleared as early in the year as possible, if there are difficulties please let us know through Colin Leeworthy or myself. Subscriptions remain our main force of income and allow re-investment for the improvement to the group as a whole.

Equally I encourage members to support the group through attendance at meetings, I know this is difficult with many of us in full time and demanding day jobs, but also through spreading word on the group to colleagues, work and social networks to help boost membership numbers.

Finally I would like to thank the executive committee for helping me to step into Anne’s shoes and for steering me in the right direction when I needed it.

Thanks to Charles Cole for having the energy and enthusiasm to inspire all those around him and to Vince Baker who for many years been instrumental in the groups activities but has had to take a back seat recently.

I am now looking forward to 2015, to working closely with the committee and group members to ensure the HHSEG continues to be “Hampshire’s focus on Health Safety and Environment”.


10.1 Elections to the committee. A vote was passed for the proposed exe members to be elected as listed below.

Position / Nomination / Proposer / Seconder
President / Gary Medlow / Peter Hewick / Adrian Slater
Vice President / Walter Cha / John Mitchell / Terry Palmer
Chairman / Adrian Slater / Peter Hewick / Terry Palmer
Vice Chairman / Andy Collier / Terry Palmer / Adrian Slater
Honorary Secretary / Kevin Hickman / Peter Hewick / John Mitchell
Honorary Treasurer / Terry Palmer / Cameron Jones / Peter Hewick
Membership Secretary / Colin Leeworthy / Terry Palmer / Adrian Slater
Honorary Auditor / Christine / Terry Palmer / Andy Collier
Executive Committee / Cameron Jones / Andy Collier / John Mitchell
Executive Committee / Charles Cole / Cameron Jones / Kevin Hickman
Executive Committee / Peter Hewick / Terry Palmer / Andy Collier
Executive Committee / Paula Gilfillan / John Mitchell / Peter Hewick
Executive Committee / John Mitchell / Cameron Jones / Adrian Slater
Executive Committee / Anne Canning / Kevin Hickman / Peter Hewick
Executive Committee / Leslie Stewart / Terry Palmer / Kevin Hickman
Executive Committee / Steve Hobbs / Andy Collier / John Mitchell

11. Members Forum or Discussion Topic

·  Ben Ayres spoke about Taylor Woodrow requirement for having a harness for all ladder work. It was suggested that they could be referred to HSE guidance. Ben said that they had to abide by the rules in order to ensure a contract.

·  Ben Ayes also mentioned that H&S Essentials has now been updated to H&S Toolbox and is a good starting point for new businesses.

·  Ben Ayres also explained about the HSE are requiring face fit tests certificates. Chris Ward said that the HSE have changed their focus from safety to health. Cyril Campbell said that Arco will do a free Train the Trainer and a trainer kit for £100. The kit includes a hood , puffer , 7 exercise sheets and takes about 20 minutes to do , once every five years.

12. Any Other Business

There was no any other business.

The meeting ended at 15.05. A presentation entitled ‘Legal Update’ by John Mitchell of Blake Lapthorne followed the meeting.

The Chairperson extends an invitation to the 173rd HHSEG Meeting, taking place at PETA on March 25th 2015 at 14.00. A presentation by Lee Wotman on Fire Training will follow.

Standing Agenda

1.  Welcome

2.  Welfare and Evacuation Procedures

3.  Attendees

4.  Apologies

5.  New Members and Visitors

6.  Minutes of the Last Meeting

7.  Matters Arising

8.  Correspondence and Notices

9.  Members Forum or Discussion Topic

10.  AOB

172nd HHSEG Meeting 28th January 2015

Minutes confirmed by the Chair January 2015 Page 3