Pilot Project Funding for Patient Centered Outcomes Research


The PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating the effectiveNess of TreatmentS (PATIENTS)program is now accepting three (3) special applications for pilot awardsfor up to $10,000. This opportunity is designed for researchers to meaningfully engage patients and PATIENTS partners prior to beginning research activities. The goal is to bring together multiple UM researchers to participate in a PCOR project or activity that would expand the PCOR capacity of the University of Maryland.

All activities proposed for this program must be aligned with the goals and aims of the AHRQ-funded R24 award. These aims are:

Aim 1: Foster sustainable partnerships with local, regional, and national communities of diverse patients and healthcare systems to improve PCOR, investigators’ cultural competency and, ultimately, health outcomes;

Aim 2: Conduct and expand PCOR in partnership with patients and healthcare delivery systems that will better inform patient-centered health care decision making and healthcare systems design; and

Aim 3: Advance dissemination and implementation strategies for PCOR findings for patients, health care providers, and healthcare systems to utilize evidence-based interventions.


RFA Released / September30, 2016
Application Deadline / September 29, 2017
Reviews by Award Committee / Within six (6) weeks of application
Review by AHRQ / Within ten (10) weeks of application
Notification of Award / Within one(1) week of approval by AHRQ
Interim Progress Report / Within six (6) months of receiving funds
Final Progress Report / Within three (3) months of project completion.
Poster Presentationat PATIENTS Day / 2017 Date TBD


This pilot project will provide one (1) non-renewable award of up to $10,000 per application over a period of no more than twelve(12) months.

Examples of acceptable uses of funding include: compensation for participants,salary support for non-faculty participants to support activities,and appropriate payment to partners to compensate for personnel or use of space to perform activities (e.g. to conduct a focus group or transcription services).

Examples of uses that are not allowed include: indirect costs, faculty salary support, payments to contractors on the PATIENTS program, and catering.


Applicants must be University of Maryland (UM) faculty. If an individual from a partner organization wishes to apply, a faculty member from UM will need to be designated as the primary investigator.If trainees are involved on the project, or the proposal includes a career development component, recipients are required to submit an Individual Development Plan(IDP) within the first quarter after the release of funds.

In addition, award recipients are required to provide status updates within six months of their release of funds and a final report to the PATIENTS Program within three months of the conclusion of the award. Award recipients are also required to present a poster about their work at the Annual PATIENTS Day.


A full application consists of two documents:



For an example of a Specific Aims page, please visit:

(2) AN NIH-FORMATTED BIOSKETCH (Principal Investigator Only)

Please use to develop your NIH biosketch or


Submit PDF files of your completed application and NIH biosketch to: .

This form is best filled out using Adobe software on a Windows-based system.


We expect to fund up to three (3) pilot projects for this targeted award through September 30, 2017. Selection criteria will focus on the strength and potential of the candidate to successfully conduct PCOR/CER research. The research will first proceed through administrative review based upon four responsiveness criteria:

(1)Does the topic address patient engagement and/or PCOR infrastructure development?

(2)Does the investigator meet the eligibility criteria?

(3)Are all three components of the submission (Application, Specific Aims, NIH Biosketch) completed?

(4)Are partners external and specifically identified?

A selection committee will conduct the subsequent merit review process. This committee will consist of three members: (1) Dr. Eleanor Perfetto, Director of the University of Maryland CER/PCOR Working group, (2) a rotating representative from a PATIENTS partner organization, and (3) a UM researcher with context expertise related to the proposal who is not a co-investigator on the proposal. The five merit criteria the grant will be judged upon are:

(1)Experience of the investigator

(2)Feasibility of project

(3)Potential for future funding

(4)Appropriateness of partners

(5)Appropriateness of methods

As required for all PATIENTS projects, all pilot projects must engage patients and, when appropriate, other stakeholders in accordance with the 10-Step Framework.


PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating the effectiveNess of TreatmentS

Application Title:
Principal Investigator:
Principal Investigator Qualifications: Please limit to no more than 3 sentences
Co-investigator(s) Qualifications:Please limit to no more than 3 sentences.
Relevance and Future Goals:Using no more than three sentences, describe the relevance of this pilot project to the PATIENTS infrastructure building and/or training activities. In this section, include information on your methods but be succinct and use plain language that can be understood by a general, lay audience.
Estimated Budget: Using the space below, please detail proposed expenses.
Item / Amount / Brief Justification
Specific Aims: Using the space below, please insert your specific aims page. This section should include information on the proposed study methods and partnering organization. Make sure to briefly clarify the alignment of this proposed pilot study with the aims of the parent PATIENTS program.

Does This Project Qualify as Human Subjects Research? _____YES _____NO

IRB Review: All submissions for PATIENTS Pilot Funds must receive IRB approval. Using the space below, please include information on your IRB status. A Determination Letter by the IRB is not required for your proposal submission, however an outline of the steps to date to receive IRB approval with the assurance that your proposal will be supplemented with the Determination Letter. No funds will be released prior to the processing of your IRB approval. If already approved, please include a copy of your Determination Letter with your application.

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