Summative Evaluation

Determine Level of Performance for Supportive (other) Evidence

Teacher reviews/analyzes all of the supportive evidence provided for each of the components. Teacher determines a level of performance for each component based on the PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE. This is recorded in the “other” column of Summative Worksheet 1.

DOCUMENT(S) NEEDED: Evidence Gathering Document and Summative Worksheet 1

Summative Student Growth Score

The teacher completes the Summative Student Growth Score rubric at the end of the instructional period or in preparation for the summative evaluation conference. The teacher will determine a level of performance for each student growth criterion based on data from at least two points in time. This is recorded in the gray boxes for the corresponding criterion on Summative Worksheet 1.

Once Summative Worksheet 2 is completed, it should be sent to the evaluator.

DOCUMENT(S) NEEDED: Student Growth Summative Worksheet, Goal Setting pg. 1 and Summative Worksheet 2

Criterion Scoring

Using Summative Worksheet 2, the teacher reviews/analyzes all the evidence for each Criterion and determines the FINAL score based on the PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE. This is recorded in the FINAL column of Summative Worksheet 2. Guidance for determining a Criterion Score is provided below:

  1. Make a determination for each indicator based upon the preponderance of evidence
  2. Enter the score for each indicator in the matrix.
  3. If the criterion score is not clear, use the guiding questions below to reflect on the evidence in order to determine an informed professional judgment about what the criterion level score should be.

Sample Guiding Questions

What else do I need to see or consider to make a final decision – what is available to me?

  • What is the distribution of evidence over time?
  • Has there been demonstrated and consistent improvement? If there was growth, was the growth sustained?
  • What would be the tipping point? If I consistently saw “X”, I would feel confidant that the performance is Basic. If I consistently saw “Y”, I would feel confidant that performance is Proficient.
  • • What is the essence of the indicator? The criterion? Go back and find the key words in the framework/rubric. What does the evidence tell you about the evaluatee’s performance and growth with regards to this essential aspect of the indicators / criterion?
  • What is the essence of the indicator? The criterion? Go back and find the key words in the framework/rubric. What does the evidence tell you about the evaluatee’s performance and growth with regards to this essential aspect of the indicators / criterion?
  • Is this evaluatee more Basic than s/he is Proficient, or more Proficient than s/he is Basic in this indicator? What is the evidence based in the framework/rubric to support your decision?

DOCUMENT(S) NEEDED: Summative Worksheet 2

Collaborative Evaluation Conference

Teacher and principal discuss, briefly, each of the criterions where they agree on the final level of performance. Teacher and principal have a collaborative discussion on each of the criterion where there was a difference of thinking on the final level of performance. The rubric language for the levels of performance and the evidence provides the foundation for this discussion. A final level of performance should be documented in Summative Worksheet 2.

Once Summative Worksheet 2 is completed, the teacher and evaluator discuss areas of strength, growth, and next steps, and record this on the Summative Worksheet 3. The principal should lead a discussion regarding the final summative score and evaluation placement for the next year (i.e., focused or comprehensive).

DOCUMENT(S) NEEDED: Evidence Gathering Documents,Summative Worksheet 2 and Summative Worksheet 3

Final Note: In the event that the teacher and principal cannot come to agreement on the final summative document, the administrator’s assessment will be recorded. The teacher will then have the opportunity to follow whatever due process agreements are contractually in place.