Scope and Sequence Document

Section A

Term 1 / Unit of Work / Topics / Work Requirements / Criteria / Elements
1 / Unit 1: What is My Identity? /
  • Understanding self
  • Building self confidence
  • Role of interests in career and life
  • Maintaining health and wellbeing (3 weeks)
  • Planning tasks
  • Career decision making process
/ C 1 – E 2, 4 & 6
7 / Unit 2: Respectful Relationships (Part 1) /
  • Understanding respectful relationships
  • Respect, gender and power
  • Protective behaviours – Personal safety and recognising unsafe behaviours
  • Develop and share values and understandings
  • Reflective Tasks
/ C1 – E4-6
10 / Unit 3: Enterprise and the Changing World /
  • What is a career and how do I begin to create a professional digital footprint to support this?
(Note: this unit might commence beginning of Term 2 due to Easter break)
Term 2 / Unit of Work / Topics / Work Requirements
1 / Unit 3: Enterprise and the Changing World
(Continued from Term 1…) /
  • Identifying attributes and core skills for work to support future goals and aspirations
  • Being enterprising (2 weeks)
  • Career progression - taking time off, volunteering,
  • Contemporary resume preparation (3 weeks)
  • E-Portfolio
  • Work exposure
  • Transition Plan – Year 11 into Year 12
/ C 1 - E 1
C 2 – E 1, 2
C 4 - E 2, 3
C 5 – E 2, 3, 4
9 / Unit 4: Understanding the Career and Life Journey /
  • Career Case Study ( 2 weeks)
  • Work exposure
  • Reflective Tasks

Term 3 / Unit of Work / Topics / Work Requirements
1 / Unit 4: Understanding the Career and Life Journey
(Continued from Term 2…) /
  • How can I be adaptable in navigating my career?
  • How can I navigate my future in an ever-changing world?
  • Planning and Reflective tasks
  • Career decision making process
/ C 2 - E 1
C 4 - E 3
3 / Unit 5: What do I want to do with my future? /
  • How do I know I need to make a decision?
  • Identifying my goals and aspirations
  • Exploring my possibilities
  • Using labour market information to inform my options
  • Making the best choice (for now)
  • Anticipating the challenges ahead
  • The career decision making process
  • Work exposure
  • Planning and reflective tasks
  • Transition plan – Year 11 into Year 12
/ C 1 - E 2, 3
C 2 - E 3 - 5
C 3 - E 1 - 4
C 4 – E4
C 5 - E 1
Term 4 / Unit of Work / Topics / Work Requirements
1 / Unit 5: What do I want to do with my future?
(Continued from Term 3…)
3 / Unit 2: Respectful Relationships (Part 2) /
  • Sexting, relationships
  • Digital behaviours and their impact on and into the future
  • Reflective tasks
/ C1 – E4-6
C 3 - E 3


Scope and Sequence Document

Section B

Term 1 / Unit of Work / Topics / Work Requirements / Criteria / Elements
1 / Unit 1: What is My Identity? / B.1.1.3 /
  • Self-management
  • Personal branding
  • Developing resilience
  • Dealing with adversity
  • Strategies to cope
  • Planning and reflective tasks
  • E-portfolio
  • Work Exposure
/ C 1 – E4, 6
C 5 – E 4
2 / B.3.1.2
3 / B.1.3.1
6 / Unit 3: Enterprise and the Changing World / B.2.3.2 /
  • Global trends impacting on the workforce
  • Upskilling and positioning yourself for opportunities
  • Planned happenstance
  • Concern for personal and global futures
  • Legal requirements of work (2 weeks)
  • Work Exposure
  • E-Portfolio
/ C 2 –4, 5
C3 - E 4
C 4 - E 2-4, 6
7 / B.2.1.1-5
8 / B.1.3.2
9 / B.3.4.2
10 / B.2.3.3 /B.2.3.4
Term 2 / Unit of Work / Topics / Work Requirements
1 / Unit 3: Enterprise and the Changing World (Continued from Term 1…) / B.3.4.3 /
  • Role of interpersonal skills for work
/ As above.
3 / Unit 4: Understanding the Career and Life Journey / B.3.3.2 /
  • The rewards of working
  • The career decision making process
  • Planning and Reflective tasks
/ C1 - 3
C 2 - E 1, 2
C 3 - E 3
4 / B.3.4.1 /
  • How is my standard of living improved through education and work?

5 / B.3.3.1/3 B.2.3.1 /
  • How will I manage and balance my work and life?

6 / B.3.2.1-3 /
  • What decisions will I make about work and life?

7 / B.2.1.2 / 3 /
  • What is the role of formal and informal learning in work and life?

8 / Unit 5: What do I want to do with my future? / B.1.1.1 / B.1.1.2 /
  • Where do my interests fit in my future?
  • What are my opportunities for work and study?
  • How can labour market information assist me in making a decision?
  • Planning and Reflective Tasks
  • The career decision making process
  • Transition plan - Year 12+

9 / B.3.1.3 /B.3.5.2 /B.3.5.3
10 / B.2.2.1-4 /B.3.5.1
Term 3 / Unit of Work / Topics / Work Requirements
1 / Unit 5: What do I want to do with my future? (Continued from Term 2…) / B.3.3.2 /
  • What will happen if I step outside my comfort zone?
  • How will my personal commitments impact on my goals and plans for the future?
  • Preparing my applications: for work or further study (3 weeks)
  • Branding myself (2 weeks)
  • Preparing your backup plan (2 weeks)
  • The career decision making process
  • Work exposure
  • E-portfolio
  • Planning and reflective tasks
  • Transition plan – Year 12+
/ C 1 - E 1, 2
C 2 - E 3
C 3 - E 1 – 4
C 4 - E 4
C 5 - E 4
2 / B.1.1.1
3 / B.3.1.1 / B.2.1.4 / B.3.5.5 /B.3.5.2
6 / B.3.5.6
7 / B.2.1.5
10 / Unit 2: Respectful Relationships / B.1.2.2 /
  • Friendships and connectedness
  • Reflective tasks

Term 4 / Unit of Work / Topics / Work Requirements
1 / Unit 2: Respectful Relationships
(Continued from Term 3…) / B.1.2.3 /
  • Relationships can be challenging
  • How to work with others
  • Help seeking
  • Advocacy and action
/ As above / C1 – E 3, 5
C4 – E 1, 5
C 5 – E 2
2 / B.1.2.4 /B.1.2.1
3 / B.1.3.3